
Defined in include/vehicle2/physxActor/PxVehiclePhysXActorFunctions.h

void PxVehicleWriteRigidBodyStateToPhysXActor(
const PxVehiclePhysXActorUpdateMode::Enum physxActorUpdateMode,
const PxVehicleRigidBodyState &rigidBodyState,
const PxReal dt,
PxRigidBody &physXActor,

Write the rigid body state to a PhysX actor.

  • physxActorUpdateMode[in] controls whether the PhysX actor is to be updated with instantaneous velocity changes or with accumulated accelerations to be applied in the next simulation step of the associated PxScene.

  • rigidBodyState[in] is the state of the rigid body.

  • dt[in] is the simulation time that has elapsed since the last call to PxVehicleWriteRigidBodyStateToPhysXActor().

  • physXActor[out] is a reference to the PhysX actor.