Custom Geometry#
This section describes how to use PhysX’s Custom Geometry feature.
The purpose of the Custom Geometry feature is to allow the creation of application specific collision
geometries (e.g. a voxel map) that can seamlessly interact with the PhysX’s built-in geometry types.
Any custom geometry is represented by the PxCustomGeometry
class in the PhysX SDK. The constructor of
the class expects a reference to an object implementing the PxCustomGeometry::Callbacks
virtual interface.
This is how an example of a custom geometry usage could look like:
gVoxelMap = gPhysics->createRigidStatic(PxTransform(PxIdentity));
gVoxelMapCallbacks = new VoxelMapCallbacks();
gVoxelMapGeometry = PxCustomGeometry(*gVoxelMapCallbacks);
PxRigidActorExt::createExclusiveShape(*gVoxelMap, gVoxelMapGeometry, *gDefaultMaterial);
Every custom geometry type needs to implement all or some functions of the callbacks interface in order to enable the functionality required for the application.
Note: Custom geometry only stores a reference to the callback object; multiple custom geometries can maintain a reference to the same callback object; managing a callback object’s lifetime is the user’s responsibility.
Custom Geometry Callbacks#
A custom callbacks class inherited from the PxCustomGeometry::Callbacks
interface will need to
implement 9 virtual functions, serving to provide following functionality:
Custom Type#
PhysX doesn’t use Custom Geometry’s Custom Type, but it may be useful for users to identify a custom
geometry object if they have more than one type of custom geometry in their application. The function
returns a custom type unique to each implementation.
// VoxelMap.h
struct VoxelMapCallbacks : PxCustomGeometry::Callbacks
// VoxelMap.cpp
#include "VoxelMap.h"
// Test if custom geometry is a voxel map
if (gCustomGeometry.getCustomType() != VoxelMapCallbacks::TYPE())
return false;
Collision Detection#
To enable collision detection for a custom geometry, the following virtual functions need to be implemented:
PxBounds3 PxCustomGeometry::Callbacks::getLocalBounds(const PxGeometry& geometry) const;
is used to determine overlapping bounds in BroadPhase.
bool PxCustomGeometry::Callbacks::generateContacts(const PxGeometry& geom0, const PxGeometry& geom1,
const PxTransform& pose0, const PxTransform& pose1,
const PxReal contactDistance, const PxReal meshContactMargin, const PxReal toleranceLength,
PxContactBuffer& contactBuffer) const;
is used for exact contact points computation in NarrowPhase.
bool PxCustomGeometry::Callbacks::usePersistentContactManifold(const PxGeometry& geometry,
PxReal& breakingThreshold) const;
should return true if the geometry has complex
structure and may generate many (more than 32) contact points.
Note: Cutom Geometry is CPU-only yet, and thus can not interact with the GPU-only features like deformable bodies or particles.
Scene Queries#
These 4 functions will allow the geometry to participate in scene queries:
PxBounds3 PxCustomGeometry::Callbacks::getLocalBounds(const PxGeometry& geometry) const;
is used for preliminary testing.
PxU32 PxCustomGeometry::Callbacks::raycast(const PxVec3& origin, const PxVec3& unitDir,
const PxGeometry& geom, const PxTransform& pose, PxReal maxDist, PxHitFlags hitFlags,
PxU32 maxHits, PxGeomRaycastHit* rayHits, PxU32 stride,
PxRaycastThreadContext* threadContext) const;
is used for raycast queries against the geometry.
bool PxCustomGeometry::Callbacks::overlap(const PxGeometry& geom0, const PxTransform& pose0,
const PxGeometry& geom1, const PxTransform& pose1,
PxOverlapThreadContext* threadContext) const;
is used for overlap queries against the geometry.
bool PxCustomGeometry::Callbacks::sweep(const PxVec3& unitDir, const PxReal maxDist,
const PxGeometry& geom0, const PxTransform& pose0, const PxGeometry& geom1,
const PxTransform& pose1, PxGeomSweepHit& sweepHit, PxHitFlags hitFlags,
const PxReal inflation, PxSweepThreadContext* threadContext) const;
is used for sweep queries against the geometry.
Debug Visualization#
Users can implement this function to have their custom geometry drawn in PhysX’s debug visualization.
void PxCustomGeometry::Callbacks::visualize(const PxGeometry& geometry, PxRenderOutput& out,
const PxTransform& absPose, const PxBounds3& cullbox) const;
is used for debug visualization of the geometry.
Mass Properties Computation#
To enable automatic dynamic rigid body mass computation.
void PxCustomGeometry::Callbacks::computeMassProperties(const PxGeometry& geometry,
PxMassProperties& massProperties) const;
for the geometry that can be used with dynamic rigid bodies.
PhysXExtensions module’s PxCustomGeometryExt API provides two pre-made custom geometry callbacks classes.
Pre-made callbacks classes#
for cylinder collision geometryPxCustomGeometryExt::ConeCallbacks
for cone collision geometry