
Defined in include/geometry/PxCapsuleGeometry.h

class PxCapsuleGeometry : public PxGeometry

Class representing the geometry of a capsule.

Capsules are shaped as the union of a cylinder of length 2 * halfHeight and with the given radius centered at the origin and extending along the x axis, and two hemispherical ends.

The function PxTransformFromSegment is a helper for generating an appropriate transform for the capsule from the capsule’s interior line segment.

See also



The scaling of the capsule is expected to be baked into these values, there is no additional scaling parameter.

Public Functions

inline PxCapsuleGeometry(PxReal radius_ = 0.0f, PxReal halfHeight_ = 0.0f)

Constructor, initializes to a capsule with passed radius and half height.

inline PxCapsuleGeometry(const PxCapsuleGeometry &that)

Copy constructor.


that[in] Other object

inline void operator=(const PxCapsuleGeometry &that)

Assignment operator.

inline bool isValid() const

Returns true if the geometry is valid.

See also

PxRigidActor::createShape, PxPhysics::createShape


A valid capsule has radius > 0, halfHeight >= 0. It is illegal to call PxRigidActor::createShape and PxPhysics::createShape with a capsule that has zero radius or height.


True if the current settings are valid.

inline PxGeometryType::Enum getType() const

Returns the type of the geometry.


The type of the object.

Public Members

PxReal radius

The radius of the capsule.

PxReal halfHeight

half of the capsule’s height, measured between the centers of the hemispherical ends.

float mTypePadding

Protected Attributes

PxGeometryType::Enum mType