Deprecated List

Class ExtGpu::PxParticleAttachmentBuffer

Particle-cloth, -rigids, -attachments and -volumes have been deprecated.

Class ExtGpu::PxParticleClothBufferHelper

Particle-cloth, -rigids, -attachments and -volumes have been deprecated.

Class ExtGpu::PxParticleClothConstraint

Particle-cloth, -rigids, -attachments and -volumes have been deprecated.

Class ExtGpu::PxParticleRigidBufferHelper

Particle-cloth, -rigids, -attachments and -volumes have been deprecated.

Class ExtGpu::PxParticleVolumeBufferHelper

Particle-cloth, -rigids, -attachments and -volumes have been deprecated.

Class ExtGpu::PxParticleVolumeMesh

Particle-cloth, -rigids, -attachments and -volumes have been deprecated.

Member Px1DConstraintFlag::eDEPRECATED_DRIVE_ROW

this member will be removed in a future version with no substitute

Class PxActorCacheFlag

Only used in the deprecated function PxScene::applyActorData(). Use PxDirectGPUAPI::setRigidDynamicData() instead.

Member PxArticulationCache::coefficientMatrix

The API related to loop joints will be removed in a future version once a replacement is made available.

Member PxArticulationCache::lambda

The API related to loop joints will be removed in a future version once a replacement is made available.

Member PxArticulationDriveType::eTARGET

Will be removed in a future version; use stiffness = 1e+25f and damping = 0.f to obtain identical behavior. Sets the drive gains internally to track a target position almost kinematically (i.e. with very high drive gains).

Member PxArticulationDriveType::eVELOCITY

Will be removed in a future version; use stiffness = 0.f and damping = 1e+25f to obtain identical behavior. Sets the drive gains internally to track a target velocity almost kinematically (i.e. with very high drive gains).

Class PxArticulationGpuDataType

The replacements are PxArticulationGPUAPIReadType and PxArticulationGPUAPIWriteType in combination with PxDirectGPUAPI::getArticulationData and PxDirectGPUAPI::setArticulationData.

Member PxArticulationReducedCoordinate::addLoopJoint  (PxConstraint *joint)=0

The API related to loop joints will be removed in a future version once a replacement is made available.

Member PxArticulationReducedCoordinate::computeCoefficientMatrix  (PxArticulationCache &cache) const =0

The API related to loop joints will be removed in a future version once a replacement is made available.

Member PxArticulationReducedCoordinate::computeLambda  (PxArticulationCache &cache, PxArticulationCache &initialState, const PxReal *const jointTorque, const PxU32 maxIter) const =0

The API related to loop joints will be removed in a future version once a replacement is made available.

Member PxArticulationReducedCoordinate::getCoefficientMatrixSize  () const =0

The API related to loop joints will be removed in a future version once a replacement is made available.

Member PxArticulationReducedCoordinate::getGpuArticulationIndex  ()=0

use getGpuIndex() instead.

Member PxArticulationReducedCoordinate::getLoopJoints  (PxConstraint **userBuffer, PxU32 bufferSize, PxU32 startIndex=0) const =0

The API related to loop joints will be removed in a future version once a replacement is made available.

Member PxArticulationReducedCoordinate::getMaxCOMAngularVelocity  () const =0

The COM velocity limits will be removed in a future version without replacement.

Member PxArticulationReducedCoordinate::getMaxCOMLinearVelocity  () const =0

The COM velocity limits will be removed in a future version without replacement.

Member PxArticulationReducedCoordinate::getNbLoopJoints  () const =0

The API related to loop joints will be removed in a future version once a replacement is made available.

Member PxArticulationReducedCoordinate::removeLoopJoint  (PxConstraint *joint)=0

The API related to loop joints will be removed in a future version once a replacement is made available.

Member PxArticulationReducedCoordinate::setMaxCOMAngularVelocity  (const PxReal maxAngularVelocity)=0

The COM velocity limits will be removed in a future version without replacement.

Member PxArticulationReducedCoordinate::setMaxCOMLinearVelocity  (const PxReal maxLinearVelocity)=0

The COM velocity limits will be removed in a future version without replacement.

Class PxBinaryConverter

Binary conversion and binary meta data will be removed in a future version without replacement.

Class PxBVH33MidphaseDesc

BVH33 is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Use BVH34 instead.

Class PxBVH33TriangleMesh

Use PxBVH34TriangleMesh instead.

Member PxConcreteType::eTRIANGLE_MESH_BVH33

Will be removed together with deprecated BVH33.


This value will be removed in a future version together with the deprecated vehicle API.


This value will be removed in a future version together with the deprecated vehicle API.

Class PxContactJoint

Will be removed in a future version when a replacement for loop-closure articulation inverse dynamics is made available.

Class PxConverterReportMode

Binary conversion and binary meta data will be removed in a future version without replacement.

Member PxConvexFlag::eGPU_COMPATIBLE

since PhysX 5.2. Setting PxCookingParams::buildGPUData to true always cooks GPU-compatible meshes.

Member PxCudaContextManager::allocDeviceBuffer  (T *&deviceBuffer, PxU32 numElements, const char *filename=__FILE__, PxI32 line=__LINE__)

- use PxCudaHelpersExt::allocDeviceBuffer instead.

Member PxCudaContextManager::allocDeviceBuffer  (PxU32 numElements, const char *filename=__FILE__, PxI32 line=__LINE__)

- use PxCudaHelpersExt::allocDeviceBuffer instead.

Member PxCudaContextManager::allocPinnedHostBuffer  (T *&pinnedHostBuffer, PxU32 numElements, const char *filename=__FILE__, PxI32 line=__LINE__)

- use PxCudaHelpersExt::allocPinnedHostBuffer instead.

Member PxCudaContextManager::allocPinnedHostBuffer  (PxU32 numElements, const char *filename=__FILE__, PxI32 line=__LINE__)

- use PxCudaHelpersExt::allocPinnedHostBuffer instead.

Member PxCudaContextManager::clearDeviceBufferAsync  (T *deviceBuffer, PxU32 numElements, CUstream stream, PxI32 value=0)

The replacement is PxCudaHelpersExt::memsetAsync.

Member PxCudaContextManager::copyDToDAsync  (T *dstDeviceBuffer, const T *srcDeviceBuffer, PxU32 numElements, CUstream stream)

Use PxCudaHelpersExt::copyDToDAsync instead.

Member PxCudaContextManager::copyDToH  (T *hostBuffer, const T *deviceBuffer, PxU32 numElements)

The replacement is PxCudaHelpersExt::copyDToH.

Member PxCudaContextManager::copyDToHAsync  (T *hostBuffer, const T *deviceBuffer, PxU32 numElements, CUstream stream)

Use PxCudaHelpersExt::copyDToHAsync instead.

Member PxCudaContextManager::copyHToD  (T *deviceBuffer, const T *hostBuffer, PxU32 numElements)

The replacement is PxCudaHelpersExt::copyHtoD

Member PxCudaContextManager::copyHToDAsync  (T *deviceBuffer, const T *hostBuffer, PxU32 numElements, CUstream stream)

Use PxCudaHelpersExt::copyHToDAsync instead.

Member PxCudaContextManager::freeDeviceBuffer  (T *&deviceBuffer)

- use PxCudaHelpersExt::freeDeviceBuffer instead.

Member PxCudaContextManager::freePinnedHostBuffer  (T *&pinnedHostBuffer)

- use PxCudaHelpersExt::freePinnedHostBuffer instead.

Member PxCudaContextManager::memsetAsync  (T *dstDeviceBuffer, const T &value, PxU32 numElements, CUstream stream)

Use PxCudaHelpersExt::memsetAsync instead.

Member PxD6Joint::getLinearLimit  () const

Use getDistanceLimit instead. Deprecated since PhysX version 4.0

Member PxD6Joint::getTwist  () const

Use getTwistAngle instead. Deprecated since PhysX version 4.0

Member PxD6Joint::setLinearLimit  (const PxJointLinearLimit &limit)

Use setDistanceLimit instead. Deprecated since PhysX version 4.0

Member PxFrictionType::eONE_DIRECTIONAL

Will be removed in a future version without replacement. Please do not use.

Member PxFrictionType::eTWO_DIRECTIONAL

Will be removed in a future version without replacement. Please do not use.

Class PxGpuActorPair

Only used in the deprecated functions PxScene::copyBodyData() and PxScene::applyActorData(). Use PxDirectGPUAPI::getRigidDynamicData() and PxDirectGPUAPI::setRigidDynamicData() instead.

Class PxGpuBodyData

Only used in the deprecated function PxScene::copyBodyData(). Use PxDirectGPUAPI::getRigidDynamicData() instead.

Class PxGpuParticleBufferIndexPair

There is no replacement.

Member PxHitFlag::eMESH_ANY

Deprecated, please use eANY_HIT instead.

Class PxIndexDataPair

Only used in the deprecated functions PxScene::computeDenseJacobians(), PxScene::computeGeneralizedMassMatrices(), PxScene::computeGeneralizedGravityForces(), PxScene::computeCoriolisAndCentrifugalForces(). Use PxDirectGPUAPI::computeArticulationData() instead.

Class PxJacobianRow

Will be removed in a future version once a suitable replacement for loop-closure articulation inverse dynamics is made available.

Member PxMaterialFlag::eCOMPLIANT_CONTACT

This flag has no longer any effect, and will be removed in a future version. Do not use. Compliant contact behavior is now active whenever a negative restitution value is set.

Class PxMeshCookingHint

This is only used for BVH33 which is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Use BVH34 instead.

Member PxMeshMidPhase::eBVH33

Use eBVH34 instead. Used to be default midphase mesh structure up to PhysX 3.3

Member PxParticleBuffer::bufferUniqueId

Will be removed in a future version, use getUniqueId() instead.

Member PxParticleBuffer::getMaxParticleVolumes  () const =0

Particle-cloth, -rigids, -attachments and -volumes have been deprecated.

Member PxParticleBuffer::getNbParticleVolumes  () const =0

Particle-cloth, -rigids, -attachments and -volumes have been deprecated.

Member PxParticleBuffer::getParticleVolumes  () const =0

Particle-cloth, -rigids, -attachments and -volumes have been deprecated. See PxParticleVolume

Member PxParticleBuffer::setNbParticleVolumes  (PxU32 nbParticleVolumes)=0

Particle-cloth, -rigids, -attachments and -volumes have been deprecated.

Member PxParticleBuffer::setRigidAttachments  (PxParticleRigidAttachment *attachments, PxU32 nbAttachments)=0

Particle-cloth, -rigids, -attachments and -volumes have been deprecated.

Member PxParticleBuffer::setRigidFilters  (PxParticleRigidFilterPair *filters, PxU32 nbFilters)=0

Particle-cloth, -rigids, -attachments and -volumes have been deprecated. See PxParticleRigidFilterPair

Class PxParticleCloth

Particle-cloth, -rigids, -attachments and -volumes have been deprecated.

Class PxParticleClothBuffer

Particle-cloth, -rigids, -attachments and -volumes have been deprecated.

Class PxParticleClothDesc

Particle-cloth, -rigids, -attachments and -volumes have been deprecated.

Class PxParticleClothPreProcessor

Particle-cloth, -rigids, -attachments and -volumes have been deprecated.

Class PxParticleRigidAttachment

Particle-cloth, -rigids, -attachments and -volumes have been deprecated.

Class PxParticleRigidBuffer

Particle-cloth, -rigids, -attachments and -volumes have been deprecated.

Class PxParticleRigidFilterPair

Particle-cloth, -rigids, -attachments and -volumes have been deprecated.

Class PxParticleSolverType

The solver type will be removed in a future version without replacement.

Class PxParticleSpring

Particle-cloth, -rigids, -attachments and -volumes have been deprecated.

Class PxParticleVolume

Particle-cloth, -rigids, -attachments and -volumes have been deprecated.

Class PxPartitionedParticleCloth

Particle-cloth, -rigids, -attachments and -volumes have been deprecated.

Member PxPBDMaterial::getDrag  () const =0

Particle-cloth, -rigids, -attachments and -volumes have been deprecated.

Member PxPBDMaterial::getLift  () const =0

Particle-cloth, -rigids, -attachments and -volumes have been deprecated.

Member PxPBDMaterial::setDrag  (PxReal drag)=0

Particle-cloth, -rigids, -attachments and -volumes have been deprecated.

Member PxPBDMaterial::setLift  (PxReal lift)=0

Particle-cloth, -rigids, -attachments and -volumes have been deprecated.

Member PxPBDParticleSystem::addRigidAttachment  (PxRigidActor *actor)=0

Particle-cloth, -rigids, -attachments and -volumes have been deprecated.

Member PxPBDParticleSystem::enableCCD  (bool enable)=0

Replaced by particle flag,

Member PxPBDParticleSystem::removeRigidAttachment  (PxRigidActor *actor)=0

Particle-cloth, -rigids, -attachments and -volumes have been deprecated.

Member PxPhysicsGpu::estimateSceneCreationGpuMemoryRequirements  (const PxSceneDesc &sceneDesc)=0

This function is deprecated, creating a PxPhyics::createScene will return a null pointer if scene creation fails due to low GPU memory availability.

Class PxRepXInstantiationArgs

Xml serialization is deprecated. An alternative serialization system is provided through USD Physics.

Class PxRepXObject

Xml serialization is deprecated. An alternative serialization system is provided through USD Physics.

Class PxRepXSerializer

Xml serialization is deprecated. An alternative serialization system is provided through USD Physics.

Member PxScene::applyActorData  (void *data, PxGpuActorPair *index, PxActorCacheFlag::Enum flag, const PxU32 nbUpdatedActors, CUevent waitEvent=NULL, CUevent signalEvent=NULL)=0

Use PxDirectGPUAPI::setRigidDynamicData() instead.

Member PxScene::applyArticulationData  (void *data, void *index, PxArticulationGpuDataType::Enum dataType, const PxU32 nbUpdatedArticulations, CUevent waitEvent=NULL, CUevent signalEvent=NULL)=0

Use PxDirectGPUAPI::setArticulationData() instead.

Member PxScene::applyParticleBufferData  (const PxU32 *indices, const PxGpuParticleBufferIndexPair *bufferIndexPair, const PxParticleBufferFlags *flags, PxU32 nbUpdatedBuffers, CUevent waitEvent=NULL, CUevent signalEvent=NULL)=0

There is no direct replacement. The data is exposed in the PxParticleBuffer/PxParticleSystem interface.

Member PxScene::applySoftBodyData  (void **data, void *dataSizes, void *softBodyIndices, PxSoftBodyGpuDataFlag::Enum flag, const PxU32 nbUpdatedSoftBodies, const PxU32 maxSize, CUevent applyEvent=NULL, CUevent signalEvent=NULL)=0

There is no direct replacement. Most of the data is exposed in the PxSoftBody interface.

Member PxScene::computeCoriolisAndCentrifugalForces  (const PxIndexDataPair *indices, PxU32 nbIndices, CUevent computeEvent=NULL)=0

Use PxDirectGPUAPI::computeArticulationData() instead.

Member PxScene::computeDenseJacobians  (const PxIndexDataPair *indices, PxU32 nbIndices, CUevent computeEvent=NULL)=0

Use PxDirectGPUAPI::computeArticulationData() instead.

Member PxScene::computeGeneralizedGravityForces  (const PxIndexDataPair *indices, PxU32 nbIndices, CUevent computeEvent=NULL)=0

Use PxDirectGPUAPI::computeArticulationData() instead.

Member PxScene::computeGeneralizedMassMatrices  (const PxIndexDataPair *indices, PxU32 nbIndices, CUevent computeEvent=NULL)=0

Use PxDirectGPUAPI::computeArticulationData() instead.

Member PxScene::copyArticulationData  (void *data, void *index, PxArticulationGpuDataType::Enum dataType, const PxU32 nbCopyArticulations, CUevent copyEvent=NULL)=0

Use PxDirectGPUAPI::getArticulationData() instead.

Member PxScene::copyBodyData  (PxGpuBodyData *data, PxGpuActorPair *index, const PxU32 nbCopyActors, CUevent copyEvent=NULL)=0

Use PxDirectGPUAPI::getRigidDynamicData() instead.

Member PxScene::copyContactData  (void *data, const PxU32 maxContactPairs, void *numContactPairs, CUevent copyEvent=NULL)=0

Use PxDirectGPUAPI::copyContactData() instead.

Member PxScene::copySoftBodyData  (void **data, void *dataSizes, void *softBodyIndices, PxSoftBodyGpuDataFlag::Enum flag, const PxU32 nbCopySoftBodies, const PxU32 maxSize, CUevent copyEvent=NULL)=0

There is no direct replacement. Most of the data is exposed in the PxSoftBody interface.

Member PxScene::evaluateSDFDistances  (const PxU32 *sdfShapeIds, const PxU32 nbShapes, const PxVec4 *localSamplePointsConcatenated, const PxU32 *samplePointCountPerShape, const PxU32 maxPointCount, PxVec4 *localGradientAndSDFConcatenated, CUevent event=NULL)=0

Use PxDirectGPUAPI::evaluateSDFDistances() instead.

Member PxScene::getNbParticleSystems  (PxParticleSolverType::Enum type) const =0

Use getNbPBDParticleSystems() instead.

Member PxScene::getParticleSystems  (PxParticleSolverType::Enum type, class PxPBDParticleSystem **userBuffer, PxU32 bufferSize, PxU32 startIndex=0) const =0

Use getPBDParticleSystems() instead.

Member PxScene::updateArticulationsKinematic  (CUevent signalEvent=NULL)=0

Use PxDirectGPUAPI::computeArticulationData() instead.

Member PxSerialization::createBinaryConverter  ()

Binary conversion and binary meta data are deprecated.

Member PxSerialization::createCollectionFromXml  (PxInputData &inputData, const PxCookingParams &params, PxSerializationRegistry &sr, const PxCollection *externalRefs=NULL, PxStringTable *stringTable=NULL, PxXmlMiscParameter *outArgs=NULL)

Xml serialization is deprecated. An alternative serialization system is provided through USD Physics.

Member PxSerialization::dumpBinaryMetaData  (PxOutputStream &outputStream, PxSerializationRegistry &sr)

Binary conversion and binary meta data are deprecated.

Class PxSerialization::PxXmlMiscParameter

Xml serialization is deprecated. An alternative serialization system is provided through USD Physics.

Member PxSerialization::serializeCollectionToBinaryDeterministic  (PxOutputStream &outputStream, PxCollection &collection, PxSerializationRegistry &sr, const PxCollection *externalRefs=NULL, bool exportNames=false)

Deterministic binary serialization is deprecated. PxSerialization::serializeCollectionToBinary might become deterministic in the future.

Member PxSerialization::serializeCollectionToXml  (PxOutputStream &outputStream, PxCollection &collection, PxSerializationRegistry &sr, const PxCookingParams *params=NULL, const PxCollection *externalRefs=NULL, PxXmlMiscParameter *inArgs=NULL)

Xml serialization is deprecated. An alternative serialization system is provided through USD Physics.

Member PxSerializationRegistry::getRepXSerializer  (const char *typeName) const =0

Xml serialization is deprecated. An alternative serialization system is provided through USD Physics.

Member PxSerializationRegistry::registerBinaryMetaDataCallback  (PxBinaryMetaDataCallback callback)=0

Binary conversion and binary meta data are deprecated.

Member PxSerializationRegistry::registerRepXSerializer  (PxType type, PxRepXSerializer &serializer)=0

Xml serialization is deprecated. An alternative serialization system is provided through USD Physics.

Member PxSerializationRegistry::unregisterRepXSerializer  (PxType type)=0

Xml serialization is deprecated. An alternative serialization system is provided through USD Physics.

Member PxShape::getInternalShapeIndex  () const =0

, use getGPUIndex() instead.

Member PxSoftBodyExt::commit  (PxSoftBody &softBody, PxSoftBodyDataFlags flags, PxVec4 *simPositionsPinned, PxVec4 *simVelocitiesPinned, PxVec4 *collPositionsPinned, PxVec4 *restPositionsPinned, CUstream stream=CUstream(0))

Use copyToDevice() instead.

Class PxSoftBodyGpuDataFlag

There is no direct replacement. The data is exposed in the PxSoftBody interface, accessible directly from GPU. There is no replacement for eTET_REST_POSES, as the data is constant and can be derived from the input collision mesh.

Member PxTriggerPair::otherShape

(see PxSimulationEventCallback::onTrigger()) If collision between trigger shapes is enabled, then this member might point to a trigger shape as well.

Class PxVehicleFourWheelDriveDifferentialLegacyParams

This API was introduced with the new Vehicle API for transition purposes but will be removed in a future version.

Class PxVehicleLegacyFourWheelDriveDifferentialStateComponent

This API was introduced with the new Vehicle API for transition purposes but will be removed in a future version.

Class PxVehicleLegacySuspensionComponent

This API was introduced with the new Vehicle API for transition purposes but will be removed in a future version.

Class PxVehicleLegacyTireComponent

This API was introduced with the new Vehicle API for transition purposes but will be removed in a future version.

Class PxVehicleSuspensionForceLegacyParams

This API was introduced with the new Vehicle API for transition purposes but will be removed in a future version.