
Defined in include/PxImmediateMode.h

void PxSolveConstraints(
const PxConstraintBatchHeader *batchHeaders,
PxU32 nbBatchHeaders,
const PxSolverConstraintDesc *solverConstraintDescs,
const PxSolverBody *solverBodies,
PxVec3 *linearMotionVelocity,
PxVec3 *angularMotionVelocity,
PxU32 nbSolverBodies,
PxU32 nbPositionIterations,
PxU32 nbVelocityIterations,
float dt = 0.0f,
float invDt = 0.0f,
PxU32 nbSolverArticulations = 0,
PxArticulationHandle *solverArticulations = NULL,
PxSpatialVector *Z = NULL,
PxSpatialVector *deltaV = NULL,

Iteratively solves the set of constraints defined by the provided PxConstraintBatchHeader and PxSolverConstraintDesc structures.

Updates deltaVelocities inside the PxSolverBody structures. Produces resulting linear and angular motion velocities.

  • batchHeaders[in] The set of batch headers to be solved

  • nbBatchHeaders[in] The total number of batch headers to be solved

  • solverConstraintDescs[in] The reordererd set of solver constraint descs referenced by the batch headers

  • solverBodies[inout] The set of solver bodies the bodies reference

  • linearMotionVelocity[out] The resulting linear motion velocity

  • angularMotionVelocity[out] The resulting angular motion velocity.

  • nbSolverBodies[in] The total number of solver bodies

  • nbPositionIterations[in] The number of position iterations to run

  • nbVelocityIterations[in] The number of velocity iterations to run

  • dt[in] Timestep. Only needed if articulations are sent to the function.

  • invDt[in] Inverse timestep. Only needed if articulations are sent to the function.

  • nbSolverArticulations[in] Number of articulations to solve constraints for.

  • solverArticulations[in] Array of articulations to solve constraints for.

  • Z[out] Deprecated, no longer used. Any value (including NULL) can be passed.

  • deltaV[out] Temporary buffer for velocity change