Defined in include/PxImmediateMode.h
- void PxConstructSolverBodiesTGS(
- const PxRigidBodyData *inRigidData,
- PxTGSSolverBodyVel *outSolverBodyVel,
- PxTGSSolverBodyTxInertia *outSolverBodyTxInertia,
- PxTGSSolverBodyData *outSolverBodyData,
- PxU32 nbBodies,
- const PxVec3 &gravity,
- PxReal dt,
- bool gyroscopicForces = false,
Constructs a PxSolverBodyData structure based on rigid body properties.
Applies gravity, damping and clamps maximum velocity.
- Parameters:
inRigidData – [in] The array rigid body properties
outSolverBodyVel – [out] The array of PxTGSSolverBodyVel structures produced to represent these bodies
outSolverBodyTxInertia – [out] The array of PxTGSSolverBodyTxInertia produced to represent these bodies
outSolverBodyData – [out] The array of PxTGSolverBodyData produced to represent these bodies
nbBodies – [in] The total number of solver bodies to create
gravity – [in] The gravity vector
dt – [in] The timestep
gyroscopicForces – [in] Indicates whether gyroscopic forces should be integrated