Defined in include/vehicle2/suspension/PxVehicleSuspensionFunctions.h
- void PxVehicleAntiRollForceUpdate(
- const PxVehicleArrayData<const PxVehicleSuspensionParams> &suspensionParams,
- const PxVehicleSizedArrayData<const PxVehicleAntiRollForceParams> &antiRollParams,
- const PxVehicleArrayData<const PxVehicleSuspensionState> &suspensionStates,
- const PxVehicleArrayData<const PxVehicleSuspensionComplianceState> &complianceStates,
- const PxVehicleRigidBodyState &rigidBodyState,
- PxVehicleAntiRollTorque &antiRollTorque,
Compute the accumulated anti-roll torque to apply to the vehicle’s rigid body.
suspensionParams must contain an entry for each wheel index referenced by antiRollParams.
suspensionStates must contain an entry for each wheel index referenced by antiRollParams.
complianceStates must contain an entry for each wheel index referenced by antiRollParams.
antiRollTorque is expressed in the world frame.
- Parameters:
suspensionParams – [in] The suspension parameters for each wheel.
antiRollParams – [in] describes the wheel pairs connected by anti-roll bars and the strength of each anti-roll bar.
suspensionStates – [in] The suspension states for each wheel.
complianceStates – [in] The suspension compliance states for each wheel.
rigidBodyState – [in] describes the pose and momentum of the vehicle’s rigid body in the world frame.
antiRollTorque – [in] is the accumulated anti-roll torque that is computed by iterating over all anti-roll bars describes in antiRollParams.