Defined in include/vehicle2/tire/PxVehicleTireHelpers.h
- void PxVehicleTireStickyStateReset(
- const bool poweredVehicleIntentionToAccelerate,
- const PxVehicleAxleDescription &unpoweredVehicleAxleDesc,
- PxVehicleArrayData<PxVehicleTireStickyState> &unpoweredVehicleStickyState,
Reset the sticky tire states of an unpowered vehicle if it is in a jointed ensemble of vehicles with at least one powered vehicle.
See also
If any wheel on the powered vehicle is to receive a drive torque, the sticky tire states of the towed vehicle will be reset to the deactivated state.
poweredVehicleIntentionToAccelerate may be computed using PxVehicleAccelerationIntentCompute().
- Parameters:
poweredVehicleIntentionToAccelerate – [in] describes the state of the powered vehicle in an ensemble of jointed vehicles.
unpoweredVehicleAxleDesc – [in] describes the axles and wheels of an unpowered vehicle towed by a powered vehicle.
unpoweredVehicleStickyState – [out] is the sticky state of the wheels of an unpowered vehicle towed by a powered vehicle.