
Defined in include/PxImmediateMode.h

void PxIntegrateSolverBodies(
PxSolverBodyData *solverBodyData,
PxSolverBody *solverBody,
PxVec3 *linearMotionVelocity,
PxVec3 *angularMotionState,
PxU32 nbBodiesToIntegrate,
PxReal dt,

Integrates a rigid body, returning the new velocities and transforms.

After this function has been called, solverBodyData stores all the body’s velocity data.

  • solverBodyData[inout] The array of solver body data to be integrated

  • solverBody[inout] The bodies’ linear and angular velocities

  • linearMotionVelocity[inout] The bodies’ linear motion velocity array

  • angularMotionState[inout] The bodies’ angular motion velocity array

  • nbBodiesToIntegrate[in] The total number of bodies to integrate

  • dt[in] The timestep