
Defined in include/cooking/PxConvexMeshDesc.h

class PxConvexMeshDesc

Descriptor class for PxConvexMesh.


The number of vertices and the number of convex polygons in a cooked convex mesh is limited to 256.


The number of vertices and the number of convex polygons in a GPU compatible convex mesh is limited to 64, and the number of faces per vertex is limited to 32.

Public Functions

inline PxConvexMeshDesc()

constructor sets to default.

inline void setToDefault()

(re)sets the structure to the default.

inline bool isValid() const

Returns true if the descriptor is valid.


True if the current settings are valid

Public Members

PxBoundedData points

Vertex positions data in PxBoundedData format.

Default: NULL

PxBoundedData polygons

Polygons data in PxBoundedData format.

Pointer to first polygon.

Default: NULL

See also


PxBoundedData indices

Polygon indices data in PxBoundedData format.

Pointer to first index.

Default: NULL

This is declared as a void pointer because it is actually either an PxU16 or a PxU32 pointer.

PxConvexFlags flags

Flags bits, combined from values of the enum PxConvexFlag.

Default: 0

PxU16 vertexLimit

Limits the number of vertices of the result convex mesh.

Hard maximum limit is 255 and minimum limit is 4 if PxConvexFlag::ePLANE_SHIFTING is used, otherwise the minimum limit is 8.

Range: [4, 255]Default: 255


Vertex limit is only used when PxConvexFlag::eCOMPUTE_CONVEX is specified.


The please see PxConvexFlag::ePLANE_SHIFTING for algorithm explanation


The maximum limit for GPU compatible convex meshes is 64.

PxU16 polygonLimit

Limits the number of polygons of the result convex mesh.

Hard maximum limit is 255 and minimum limit is 4.

Range: [4, 255]Default: 255


The maximum limit for GPU compatible convex meshes is 64.

PxU16 quantizedCount

Maximum number of vertices after quantization.

The quantization is done during the vertex cleaning phase. The quantization is applied when PxConvexFlag::eQUANTIZE_INPUT is specified.

Range: [4, 65535]Default: 255

PxSDFDesc *sdfDesc

SDF descriptor.

When this descriptor is set, signed distance field is calculated for this convex mesh.

Default: NULL