
Defined in include/cudamanager/PxCudaContextManager.h

class PxCudaContextManager

Manages thread locks, and task scheduling for a CUDA context.

A PxCudaContextManager manages access to a single CUDA context, allowing it to be shared between multiple scenes. The context must be acquired from the manager before using any CUDA APIs unless stated differently.

The PxCudaContextManager is based on the CUDA driver API and explicitly does not support the CUDA runtime API (aka, CUDART).

Public Functions

template<typename T>
inline void clearDeviceBufferAsync(T *deviceBuffer, PxU32 numElements, CUstream stream, PxI32 value = 0)

Schedules clear operation for a device memory buffer on the specified stream.

The cuda context will get acquired automatically

template<typename T>
inline void copyDToH(T *hostBuffer, const T *deviceBuffer, PxU32 numElements)

Copies a device buffer to the host.

The cuda context will get acquired automatically

template<typename T>
inline void copyHToD(T *deviceBuffer, const T *hostBuffer, PxU32 numElements)

Copies a host buffer to the device.

The cuda context will get acquired automatically

template<typename T>
inline void copyDToHAsync(T *hostBuffer, const T *deviceBuffer, PxU32 numElements, CUstream stream)

Schedules device to host copy operation on the specified stream.

The cuda context will get acquired automatically

template<typename T>
inline void copyHToDAsync(T *deviceBuffer, const T *hostBuffer, PxU32 numElements, CUstream stream)

Schedules host to device copy operation on the specified stream.

The cuda context will get acquired automatically

template<typename T>
inline void copyDToDAsync(T *dstDeviceBuffer, const T *srcDeviceBuffer, PxU32 numElements, CUstream stream)

Schedules device to device copy operation on the specified stream.

The cuda context will get acquired automatically

template<typename T>
inline void allocDeviceBuffer(T *&deviceBuffer, PxU32 numElements, const char *filename = __FILE__, PxI32 line = __LINE__)

Allocates a device buffer.

The cuda context will get acquired automatically

template<typename T>
inline T *allocDeviceBuffer(PxU32 numElements, const char *filename = __FILE__, PxI32 line = __LINE__)

Allocates a device buffer and returns the pointer to the memory.

The cuda context will get acquired automatically

template<typename T>
inline void freeDeviceBuffer(T *&deviceBuffer)

Frees a device buffer.

The cuda context will get acquired automatically

template<typename T>
inline void allocPinnedHostBuffer(T *&pinnedHostBuffer, PxU32 numElements, const char *filename = __FILE__, PxI32 line = __LINE__)

Allocates a pinned host buffer.

A pinned host buffer can be used on the gpu after getting a mapped device pointer from the pinned host buffer pointer, see getMappedDevicePtr The cuda context will get acquired automatically

template<typename T>
inline T *allocPinnedHostBuffer(PxU32 numElements, const char *filename = __FILE__, PxI32 line = __LINE__)

Allocates a pinned host buffer and returns the pointer to the memory.

A pinned host buffer can be used on the gpu after getting a mapped device pointer from the pinned host buffer pointer, see getMappedDevicePtr The cuda context will get acquired automatically

template<typename T>
inline void freePinnedHostBuffer(T *&pinnedHostBuffer)

Frees a pinned host buffer.

The cuda context will get acquired automatically

virtual CUdeviceptr getMappedDevicePtr(void *pinnedHostBuffer) = 0

Gets a mapped pointer from a pinned host buffer that can be used in cuda kernels directly.

Data access performance with a mapped pinned host pointer will be slower than using a device pointer directly but the changes done in the kernel will be available on the host immediately. The cuda context will get acquired automatically

virtual void acquireContext() = 0

Acquire the CUDA context for the current thread.

Acquisitions are allowed to be recursive within a single thread. You can acquire the context multiple times so long as you release it the same count.

The context must be acquired before using most CUDA functions.

virtual void releaseContext() = 0

Release the CUDA context from the current thread.

The CUDA context should be released as soon as practically possible, to allow other CPU threads to work efficiently.

virtual CUcontext getContext() = 0

Return the CUcontext.

virtual PxCudaContext *getCudaContext() = 0

Return the CudaContext.

virtual bool contextIsValid() const = 0

Context manager has a valid CUDA context.

This method should be called after creating a PxCudaContextManager, especially if the manager was responsible for allocating its own CUDA context (desc.ctx == NULL).

virtual bool supportsArchSM10() const = 0


virtual bool supportsArchSM11() const = 0


virtual bool supportsArchSM12() const = 0


virtual bool supportsArchSM13() const = 0


virtual bool supportsArchSM20() const = 0


virtual bool supportsArchSM30() const = 0


virtual bool supportsArchSM35() const = 0


virtual bool supportsArchSM50() const = 0


virtual bool supportsArchSM52() const = 0


virtual bool supportsArchSM60() const = 0


virtual bool isIntegrated() const = 0

true if GPU is an integrated (MCP) part

virtual bool canMapHostMemory() const = 0

true if GPU map host memory to GPU (0-copy)

virtual int getDriverVersion() const = 0

returns cached value of cuGetDriverVersion()

virtual size_t getDeviceTotalMemBytes() const = 0

returns cached value of device memory size

virtual int getMultiprocessorCount() const = 0

returns cache value of SM unit count

virtual unsigned int getClockRate() const = 0

returns cached value of SM clock frequency

virtual int getSharedMemPerBlock() const = 0

returns total amount of shared memory available per block in bytes

virtual int getSharedMemPerMultiprocessor() const = 0

returns total amount of shared memory available per multiprocessor in bytes

virtual unsigned int getMaxThreadsPerBlock() const = 0

returns the maximum number of threads per block

virtual const char *getDeviceName() const = 0

returns device name retrieved from driver

virtual CUdevice getDevice() const = 0

returns device handle retrieved from driver

virtual PxCudaInteropMode::Enum getInteropMode() const = 0

interop mode the context was created with

virtual void setUsingConcurrentStreams(bool) = 0

turn on/off using concurrent streams for GPU work

virtual bool getUsingConcurrentStreams() const = 0

true if GPU work can run in concurrent streams

virtual bool registerResourceInCudaGL(CUgraphicsResource &resource, uint32_t buffer, PxCudaInteropRegisterFlags flags = PxCudaInteropRegisterFlags()) = 0

Register a rendering resource with CUDA.

This function is called to register render resources (allocated from OpenGL) with CUDA so that the memory may be shared between the two systems. This is only required for render resources that are designed for interop use. In APEX, each render resource descriptor that could support interop has a ‘registerInCUDA’ boolean variable.

The function must be called again any time your graphics device is reset, to re-register the resource.

Returns true if the registration succeeded. A registered resource must be unregistered before it can be released.

  • resource – [OUT] the handle to the resource that can be used with CUDA

  • buffer – [IN] GLuint buffer index to be mapped to cuda

  • flags – [IN] cuda interop registration flags

virtual bool registerResourceInCudaD3D(CUgraphicsResource &resource, void *resourcePointer, PxCudaInteropRegisterFlags flags = PxCudaInteropRegisterFlags()) = 0

Register a rendering resource with CUDA.

This function is called to register render resources (allocated from Direct3D) with CUDA so that the memory may be shared between the two systems. This is only required for render resources that are designed for interop use. In APEX, each render resource descriptor that could support interop has a ‘registerInCUDA’ boolean variable.

The function must be called again any time your graphics device is reset, to re-register the resource.

Returns true if the registration succeeded. A registered resource must be unregistered before it can be released.

  • resource – [OUT] the handle to the resource that can be used with CUDA

  • resourcePointer – [IN] A pointer to either IDirect3DResource9, or ID3D10Device, or ID3D11Resource to be registered.

  • flags – [IN] cuda interop registration flags

virtual bool unregisterResourceInCuda(CUgraphicsResource resource) = 0

Unregister a rendering resource with CUDA.

If a render resource was successfully registered with CUDA using the registerResourceInCuda***() methods, this function must be called to unregister the resource before the it can be released.

virtual int usingDedicatedGPU() const = 0

Determine if the user has configured a dedicated PhysX GPU in the NV Control Panel.


If using CUDA Interop, this will always return false


1 if there is a dedicated GPU 0 if there is NOT a dedicated GPU -1 if the routine is not implemented

virtual CUmodule *getCuModules() = 0

Get the cuda modules that have been loaded into this context on construction.


Pointer to the cuda modules

virtual void release() = 0

Release the PxCudaContextManager.

If the PxCudaContextManager created the CUDA context it was responsible for, it also frees that context.

Do not release the PxCudaContextManager if there are any scenes using it. Those scenes must be released first.

Protected Functions

inline virtual ~PxCudaContextManager()

protected destructor, use release() method

virtual void *allocDeviceBufferInternal(PxU32 numBytes, const char *filename = NULL, PxI32 line = -1) = 0
virtual void *allocPinnedHostBufferInternal(PxU32 numBytes, const char *filename = NULL, PxI32 line = -1) = 0
virtual void freeDeviceBufferInternal(void *deviceBuffer) = 0
virtual void freePinnedHostBufferInternal(void *pinnedHostBuffer) = 0
virtual void clearDeviceBufferAsyncInternal(void *deviceBuffer, PxU32 numBytes, CUstream stream, PxI32 value) = 0
virtual void copyDToHAsyncInternal(void *hostBuffer, const void *deviceBuffer, PxU32 numBytes, CUstream stream) = 0
virtual void copyHToDAsyncInternal(void *deviceBuffer, const void *hostBuffer, PxU32 numBytes, CUstream stream) = 0
virtual void copyDToDAsyncInternal(void *dstDeviceBuffer, const void *srcDeviceBuffer, PxU32 numBytes, CUstream stream) = 0
virtual void copyDToHInternal(void *hostBuffer, const void *deviceBuffer, PxU32 numBytes) = 0
virtual void copyHToDInternal(void *deviceBuffer, const void *hostBuffer, PxU32 numBytes) = 0