
Defined in include/extensions/PxSceneQueryExt.h

PxBatchQueryExt *PxCreateBatchQueryExt(const PxScene &scene, PxQueryFilterCallback *queryFilterCallback, PxRaycastBuffer *raycastBuffers, const PxU32 maxNbRaycasts, PxRaycastHit *raycastTouches, const PxU32 maxNbRaycastTouches, PxSweepBuffer *sweepBuffers, const PxU32 maxNbSweeps, PxSweepHit *sweepTouches, const PxU32 maxNbSweepTouches, PxOverlapBuffer *overlapBuffers, const PxU32 maxNbOverlaps, PxOverlapHit *overlapTouches, const PxU32 maxNbOverlapTouches)

Create a PxBatchQueryExt with user-supplied result and touch buffers.

  • scene[in] Queries will be performed against objects in the specified PxScene

  • queryFilterCallback[in] Filtering for all queries is performed using queryFilterCallback. A null pointer results in all shapes being considered.

  • raycastBuffers[in] This is the array that will be used to store the results of each raycast in a batch.

  • maxNbRaycasts[in] This is the length of the raycastBuffers array.

  • raycastTouches[in] This is the array that will be used to store the touches generated by all raycasts in a batch.

  • maxNbRaycastTouches[in] This is the length of the raycastTouches array.

  • sweepBuffers[in] This is the array that will be used to store the results of each sweep in a batch.

  • maxNbSweeps[in] This is the length of the sweepBuffers array.

  • sweepTouches[in] This is the array that will be used to store the touches generated by all sweeps in a batch.

  • maxNbSweepTouches[in] This is the length of the sweepTouches array.

  • overlapBuffers[in] This is the array that will be used to store the results of each overlap in a batch.

  • maxNbOverlaps[in] This is the length of the overlapBuffers array.

  • overlapTouches[in] This is the array that will be used to store the touches generated by all overlaps in a batch.

  • maxNbOverlapTouches[in] This is the length of the overlapTouches array.


Returns a PxBatchQueryExt instance. A NULL pointer will be returned if the subsequent allocations fail or if any of the arguments are illegal. In the event that a NULL pointer is returned a corresponding error will be issued to the error stream.