
Defined in include/PxConstraintDesc.h

typedef void (*PxConstraintProject)(const void *constantBlock, PxTransform &bodyAToWorld, PxTransform &bodyBToWorld, bool projectToA)

Solver constraint projection shader.

This function is called by the constraint post-solver framework. The function must be reentrant, since it may be called simultaneously from multiple threads and should access only the arguments passed into it.


Param constantBlock

[in] The constant data block

Param bodyAToWorld

[out] The center of mass frame of the first constrained body (the identity if the actor is static or a NULL pointer was provided for it)

Param bodyBToWorld

[out] The center of mass frame of the second constrained body (the identity if the actor is static or a NULL pointer was provided for it)

Param projectToA

[in] True if the constraint should be projected by moving the second body towards the first, false if the converse