
Defined in include/PxConstraintDesc.h

typedef void (*PxConstraintVisualize)(PxConstraintVisualizer &visualizer, const void *constantBlock, const PxTransform &body0Transform, const PxTransform &body1Transform, PxU32 flags)

Solver constraint visualization function.

This function is called by the constraint post-solver framework to visualize the constraint

See also


Param visualizer

[out] The render buffer to render to

Param constantBlock

[in] The constant data block

Param body0Transform

[in] The center of mass frame of the first constrained body (the identity if the actor is static, or a NULL pointer was provided for it)

Param body1Transform

[in] The center of mass frame of the second constrained body (the identity if the actor is static, or a NULL pointer was provided for it)

Param flags

[in] The visualization flags (PxConstraintVisualizationFlag)