Defined in include/vehicle2/physxConstraints/PxVehiclePhysXConstraintFunctions.h
- void PxVehiclePhysXConstraintStatesUpdate(
- const PxVehicleSuspensionParams &suspensionParams,
- const PxVehiclePhysXSuspensionLimitConstraintParams &suspensionLimitParams,
- const PxVehicleSuspensionState &suspensionState,
- const PxVehicleSuspensionComplianceState &suspensionComplianceState,
- const PxVec3 &groundPlaneNormal,
- const PxReal tireStickyDampingLong,
- const PxReal tireStickyDampingLat,
- const PxVehicleTireDirectionState &tireDirectionState,
- const PxVehicleTireStickyState &tireStickyState,
- const PxVehicleRigidBodyState &rigidBodyState,
- PxVehiclePhysXConstraintState &constraintState,
Read constraint data from the vehicle’s internal state for a single wheel and write it to a structure that will be read by the associated PxScene and used to impose the constraints during the next PxScene::simulate() step.
Constraints include suspension constraints to account for suspension travel limit and sticky tire constraints that bring the vehicle to rest at low longitudinal and lateral speed.
- Parameters:
suspensionParams – [in] describes the suspension frame.
suspensionLimitParams – [in] describes the restitution value applied to any constraint triggered by the suspension travel limit.
suspensionState – [in] describes the excess suspension compression beyond the suspension travel limit that will be resolved with a constraint.
suspensionComplianceState – [in] describes the effect of suspension compliance on the effective application point of the suspension force.
groundPlaneNormal – [in] The normal direction of the ground plane the wheel is driving on. A normalized vector is expected.
tireStickyDampingLong – [in] The damping coefficient to use in the constraint to approach a zero target velocity along the longitudinal tire axis.
tireStickyDampingLat – [in] Same concept as tireStickyDampingLong but for the lateral tire axis.
tireDirectionState – [in] describes the longitudinal and lateral directions of the tire in the world frame.
tireStickyState – [in] describes the low speed state of the tire in the longitudinal and lateral directions.
rigidBodyState – [in] describes the pose of the rigid body.
constraintState – [out] is the data structure that will be read by the associated PxScene in the next call to PxScene::simulate().