Defined in include/vehicle2/tire/PxVehicleTireFunctions.h
- void PxVehicleTireForcesUpdate(
- const PxVehicleWheelParams &wheelParams,
- const PxVehicleSuspensionParams &suspensionParams,
- const PxVehicleTireForceParams &tireForceParams,
- const PxVehicleSuspensionComplianceState &complianceState,
- const PxVehicleTireGripState &tireGripState,
- const PxVehicleTireDirectionState &tireDirectionState,
- const PxVehicleTireSlipState &tireSlipState,
- const PxVehicleTireCamberAngleState &tireCamberAngleState,
- const PxVehicleRigidBodyState &rigidBodyState,
- PxVehicleTireForce &tireForce,
Compute the longitudinal and lateral forces in the world frame that develop on the tire as a consequence of the tire’s slip angles, friction and load.
- Parameters:
wheelParams – [in] describes the radius and half-width of the wheel.
suspensionParams – [in] describes the frame of the suspension and wheel.
tireForceParams – [in] describes the conversion of slip angle, friction and load to a force along the longitudinal and lateral directions of the tire.
complianceState – [in] is a description of the camber and toe angle that arise from suspension compliance.
tireGripState – [out] is the load and friction experienced by the tire.
tireDirectionState – [in] is the tire’s longitudinal and lateral directions in the ground plane.
tireSlipState – [in] is the longitudinal and lateral slip angles.
tireCamberAngleState – [in] is the camber angle of the tire expressed in radians.
rigidBodyState – [in] describes the current pose of the vehicle’s rigid body in the world frame.
tireForce – [out] is the computed tire forces in the world frame.