- CUcontext
- CUdevice
- CUdeviceptr
- CUevent
- CUfunction
- CUgraphicsResource
- CUmodule
- CUstream
- OmniPvdAttributeHandle
- OmniPvdClassHandle
- OmniPvdContextHandle
- OmniPvdEnumValueType
- OmniPvdLogFunction
- OmniPvdObjectHandle
- OmniPvdVersionType
- Px1DConstraintFlags
- PxActorCacheFlags
Collection of set bits defined in PxActorCacheFlag .
- PxActorFlags
collection of set bits defined in PxActorFlag .
- PxActorTypeFlags
Collection of set bits defined in PxActorTypeFlag .
- PxAgain
Describes query behavior after returning a partial query result via a callback.
- PxAggregateFilterHint
- PxArticulationCacheFlags
- PxArticulationCookie
- PxArticulationFlags
- PxArticulationGPUIndex
- PxArticulationHandle
- PxArticulationKinematicFlags
- PxArticulationMotions
- PxArticulationResidual
- PxBaseFlags
- PxBinaryMetaDataCallback
Callback type for exporting binary meta data for a serializable type.
- PxBitAndByte
- PxBitAndDword
- PxBitAndWord
- PxBitMap
- PxBitMapPinned
- PxBoundsArrayPinned
- PxBoundsArrayPinnedSafe
- PxBpFilterGroup
Broadphase filter group.
- PxBpIndex
Broadphase index. Indexes bounds, groups and distance arrays.
- PxCUjit_option
- PxCUresult
- PxCachedTransformArrayPinned
- PxCachedTransformArrayPinnedSafe
- PxClientID
An ID to identify different clients for multiclient support.
- PxConstraintFlags
constraint flags
- PxConstraintSolverPrep
Solver constraint generation shader.
- PxConstraintVisualize
Solver constraint visualization function.
- PxContactPairFlags
Bitfield that contains a set of raised flags defined in PxContactPairFlag .
- PxContactPairHeaderFlags
Bitfield that contains a set of raised flags defined in PxContactPairHeaderFlag .
- PxControllerBehaviorFlags
Bitfield that contains a set of raised flags defined in PxControllerBehaviorFlag .
- PxControllerCollisionFlags
Bitfield that contains a set of raised flags defined in PxControllerCollisionFlag .
- PxControllerDebugRenderFlags
Bitfield that contains a set of raised flags defined in PxControllerDebugRenderFlag .
- PxConvexFlags
collection of set bits defined in PxConvexFlag .
- PxConvexMeshGeometryFlags
collection of set bits defined in PxConvexMeshGeometryFlag .
- PxCudaInteropRegisterFlags
collection of set bits defined in NxCudaInteropRegisterFlag.
- PxD6JointDriveFlags
- PxDataAccessFlags
collection of set bits defined in PxDataAccessFlag .
- PxDeformableBodyFlags
- PxDeformableMaterialTableIndex
- PxDeformableSurfaceDataFlags
- PxDeformableSurfaceFlags
- PxDeformableVolumeDataFlags
- PxDeformableVolumeFlags
- PxDeletionEventFlags
Collection of set bits defined in PxDeletionEventFlag .
- PxDistanceJointFlags
- PxDominanceGroup
Group index which allows to specify 1- or 2-way interaction.
- PxExtended
- PxExtendedVec3
- PxF32
- PxF64
- PxFEMMaterial
- PxFEMMaterialTableIndex
- PxFEMSoftBodyMaterial
- PxFEMSoftBodyMaterialModel
- PxFileHandle
- PxFilterFlags
Bitfield that contains a set of raised flags defined in PxFilterFlag .
- PxFilterObjectAttributes
Structure which gets passed into the collision filtering shader and/or callback providing additional information on objects of a collision pair.
- PxFloatArrayPinned
- PxFloatArrayPinnedSafe
- PxHeightFieldFlags
collection of set bits defined in PxHeightFieldFlag .
- PxI16
- PxI32
- PxI64
- PxI8
- PxInt16ArrayPinned
- PxInt16ArrayPinnedSafe
- PxInt32ArrayPinned
- PxInt32ArrayPinnedSafe
- PxInt8ArrayPinned
- PxInt8ArrayPinnedSafe
- PxIntBool
- PxMat33
- PxMat33d
- PxMat34
- PxMat34d
- PxMat44
- PxMat44d
- PxMaterialFlags
collection of set bits defined in PxMaterialFlag .
- PxMaterialTableIndex
- PxMeshFlags
collection of set bits defined in PxMeshFlag .
- PxMeshGeometryFlags
collection of set bits defined in PxMeshGeometryFlag .
- PxMeshPreprocessingFlags
- PxMutex
- PxObstacleHandle
- PxOverlapBuffer
Overlap query buffer.
- PxOverlapCallback
Overlap query callback.
- PxOverlapThreadContext
A per-thread context passed to low-level overlap functions.
- PxPairFlags
Bitfield that contains a set of raised flags defined in PxPairFlag .
- PxParticleBufferFlags
- PxParticleFlags
- PxParticleLockFlags
- PxParticlePhaseFlags
- PxPinnedArray
- PxPinnedArraySafe
- PxPrismaticJointFlags
- PxPvdInstrumentationFlags
Bitfield that contains a set of raised flags defined in PxPvdInstrumentationFlag .
- PxPvdSceneFlags
Bitfield that contains a set of raised flags defined in PxPvdSceneFlag .
- PxQuat
- PxQuatd
- PxQueryFlags
Flags typedef for the set of bits defined in PxQueryFlag .
- PxRaycastBuffer
Raycast query buffer.
- PxRaycastCallback
Raycast query callback.
- PxRaycastThreadContext
A per-thread context passed to low-level raycast functions.
- PxReal
- PxRevoluteJointFlags
- PxRigidBodyFlags
collection of set bits defined in PxRigidBodyFlag .
- PxRigidDynamicGPUIndex
- PxRigidDynamicLockFlags
- PxSList
- PxSQBuildStepHandle
- PxSQCompoundHandle
- PxSQPrunerHandle
- PxSceneFlags
collection of set bits defined in PxSceneFlag .
- PxSceneQueryCache
- PxSceneQueryFilterCallback
- PxSceneQueryFilterData
- PxSceneQueryFlag
- PxSceneQueryFlags
- PxSceneQueryHit
- PxSceneResidual
- PxSerialObjectId
ID type for PxBase objects in a PxCollection .
- PxShapeFlags
collection of set bits defined in PxShapeFlag .
- PxShapeGPUIndex
- PxSimulationFilterShader
Filter method to specify how a pair of potentially colliding objects should be processed.
- PxSoftBody
- PxSoftBodyAuxData
- PxSoftBodyCollisionData
- PxSoftBodyDataFlag
- PxSoftBodyDataFlags
- PxSoftBodyExt
- PxSoftBodyFlag
- PxSoftBodyFlags
- PxSoftBodyMesh
- PxSoftBodySimulationData
- PxSoftBodySimulationDataDesc
- PxSphericalJointFlags
- PxSweepBuffer
Sweep query buffer.
- PxSweepCallback
Sweep query callback.
- PxSweepThreadContext
A per-thread context passed to low-level sweep functions.
- PxSync
- PxTaskID
- PxTetrahedronMeshAnalysisResults
- PxTetrahedronMeshFlags
collection of set bits defined in PxTetrahedronMeshFlag .
- PxThread
- PxTransform
- PxTransform32
- PxTransformd
- PxTriangleID
- PxTriangleMeshAnalysisResults
- PxTriangleMeshFlags
collection of set bits defined in PxTriangleMeshFlag .
- PxTriggerPairFlags
Bitfield that contains a set of raised flags defined in PxTriggerPairFlag .
- PxType
- PxU16
- PxU32
- PxU64
- PxU8
- PxVec2
- PxVec2d
- PxVec3
- PxVec3d
- PxVec3p
- PxVec4
- PxVec4d
- createOmniPvdFileReadStreamFp
- createOmniPvdFileWriteStreamFp
- createOmniPvdMemoryStreamFp
- createOmniPvdReaderFp
- createOmniPvdWriterFp
- destroyOmniPvdFileReadStreamFp
- destroyOmniPvdFileWriteStreamFp
- destroyOmniPvdMemoryStreamFp
- destroyOmniPvdReaderFp
- destroyOmniPvdWriterFp