
Defined in include/vehicle2/rigidBody/PxVehicleRigidBodyStates.h

struct PxVehicleRigidBodyState

Public Functions

inline void setToDefault()
inline PxReal getVerticalSpeed(const PxVehicleFrame &frame) const

Compute the vertical speed of the rigid body transformed to the world frame.


frame[in] describes the axes of the vehicle

inline PxReal getLateralSpeed(const PxVehicleFrame &frame) const

Compute the lateral speed of the rigid body transformed to the world frame.


frame[in] describes the axes of the vehicle

inline PxReal getLongitudinalSpeed(const PxVehicleFrame &frame) const

Compute the longitudinal speed of the rigid body transformed to the world frame.


frame[in] describes the axes of the vehicle

Public Members

PxTransform pose

the body’s pose (in world space)

PxVec3 linearVelocity

the body’s linear velocity (in world space)

PxVec3 angularVelocity

the body’s angular velocity (in world space)

PxVec3 previousLinearVelocity

the previous linear velocity of the body (in world space)

PxVec3 previousAngularVelocity

the previous angular velocity of the body (in world space)

PxVec3 externalForce

external force (in world space) affecting the rigid body (usually excluding gravitational force)

PxVec3 externalTorque

external torque (in world space) affecting the rigid body