
Defined in include/vehicle2/pvd/PxVehiclePvdFunctions.h

void PxVehiclePvdEngineDrivetrainWrite(
const PxVehicleCommandState *commandState,
const PxVehicleEngineDriveTransmissionCommandState *engineDriveTransmissionCommandState,
const PxVehicleTankDriveTransmissionCommandState *tankDriveTransmissionCommandState,
const PxVehicleClutchCommandResponseParams *clutchResponseParams,
const PxVehicleClutchParams *clutchParams,
const PxVehicleEngineParams *engineParams,
const PxVehicleGearboxParams *gearboxParams,
const PxVehicleAutoboxParams *autoboxParams,
const PxVehicleMultiWheelDriveDifferentialParams *multiWheelDiffParams,
const PxVehicleFourWheelDriveDifferentialParams *fourWheelDiffParams,
const PxVehicleTankDriveDifferentialParams *tankDiffParams,
const PxVehicleClutchCommandResponseState *clutchResponseState,
const PxVehicleEngineDriveThrottleCommandResponseState *throttleResponseState,
const PxVehicleEngineState *engineState,
const PxVehicleGearboxState *gearboxState,
const PxVehicleAutoboxState *autoboxState,
const PxVehicleDifferentialState *diffState,
const PxVehicleClutchSlipState *clutchSlipState,
const PxVehiclePvdAttributeHandles &attributeHandles,
const PxVehiclePvdObjectHandles &objectHandles,
OmniPvdWriter &omniWriter,

Write engine drivetrain data of a vehicle instance to omnipvd.

See also


See also


See also



If any pointer is NULL and the corresponding argument in PxVehiclePvdEngineDrivetrainRegister() was not NULL, the corresponding data will not be reflected in omnipvd.


At most one of engineDriveTransmissionCommandState and tankDriveTransmissionCommandState is expected to be non-NULL.


At most one of multiWheelDiffParams, fourWheelDiffParams and tankDiffParams is expected to be non-NULL.

  • commandState[in] describes the control values applied to the vehicle.

  • engineDriveTransmissionCommandState[in] describes the state of the engine drive transmission.

  • tankDriveTransmissionCommandState[in] describes the state of the tank drive transmission.

  • clutchResponseParams[in] describes the vehicle’s response to a clutch command.

  • clutchParams[in] describes the vehicle’s clutch.

  • engineParams[in] describes the engine.

  • gearboxParams[in] describes the gearbox.

  • autoboxParams[in] describes the automatic gearbox.

  • multiWheelDiffParams[in] describes a multiwheel differential without limited slip compensation.

  • fourWheelDiffParams[in] describes a differential that delivers torque to four drive wheels with limited slip compensation.

  • tankDiffParams[in] describes the operation of the tank differential.

  • clutchResponseState[in] is the instantaneous reponse of the clutch to a clutch command.

  • throttleResponseState[in] is the instantaneous response to a throttle command.

  • engineState[in] is the instantaneous state of the engine.

  • gearboxState[in] is the instantaneous state of the gearbox.

  • autoboxState[in] is the instantaneous state of the automatic gearbox.

  • diffState[in] is the instantaneous state of the differential.

  • clutchSlipState[in] is the instantaneous slip recorded at the clutch.

  • attributeHandles[in] contains a general description of vehicle parameters and states that will be reflected in omnipvd.

  • objectHandles[in] contains unique handles for the parameters and states of each vehicle instance.

  • omniWriter[in] is an OmniPvdWriter instance used to communicate state and parameter data to omnipvd.