
Defined in include/PxSceneDesc.h

struct PxgDynamicsMemoryConfig

Sizes of pre-allocated buffers use for GPU dynamics.

Public Functions

inline PxgDynamicsMemoryConfig()
inline bool isValid() const

Public Members

PxU32 tempBufferCapacity

Initial capacity of temp solver buffer allocated in pinned host memory. This buffer will grow if more memory is needed than specified here.

PxU32 maxRigidContactCount

Size of contact stream buffer allocated in pinned host memory. This is double-buffered so total allocation size = 2* contactStreamCapacity * sizeof(PxContact).

PxU32 maxRigidPatchCount

Size of the contact patch stream buffer allocated in pinned host memory. This is double-buffered so total allocation size = 2 * patchStreamCapacity * sizeof(PxContactPatch).

PxU32 heapCapacity

Initial capacity of the GPU and pinned host memory heaps. Additional memory will be allocated if more memory is required.

PxU32 foundLostPairsCapacity

Capacity of found and lost buffers allocated in GPU global memory. This is used for the found/lost pair reports in the BP.

PxU32 foundLostAggregatePairsCapacity

Capacity of found and lost buffers in aggregate system allocated in GPU global memory. This is used for the found/lost pair reports in AABB manager.

PxU32 totalAggregatePairsCapacity

Capacity of total number of aggregate pairs allocated in GPU global memory.

PxU32 maxSoftBodyContacts
PxU32 maxFemClothContacts
PxU32 maxParticleContacts
PxU32 collisionStackSize
PxU32 maxHairContacts