
Defined in include/PxParticleGpu.h

struct PxGpuParticleData

Structure that holds simulation parameters of a PxGpuParticleSystem.

Public Members

PxReal mGridCellWidth

Grid cell width, derived from particle contact offset * neighborhood scale.

PxU32 mGridSizeX

Size of the x-dimension of the background simulation grid. Translates to an absolute size of mGridSizeX * mGridCellWidth.

PxU32 mGridSizeY

Size of the y-dimension of the background simulation grid. Translates to an absolute size of mGridSizeY * mGridCellWidth.

PxU32 mGridSizeZ

Size of the z-dimension of the background simulation grid. Translates to an absolute size of mGridSizeZ * mGridCellWidth.

PxReal mParticleContactDistance

Two particles start interacting if their distance is lower than mParticleContactDistance.

PxReal mParticleContactDistanceInv

1.f / mParticleContactDistance.

PxReal mParticleContactDistanceSq

mParticleContactDistance * mParticleContactDistance.

PxU32 mNumParticles

The number of particles in this particle system.

PxU32 mMaxParticles

The maximum number of particles that can be simulated in this particle system.

PxU32 mMaxNeighborhood

The maximum number of particles considered when computing neighborhood based particle interactions.

PxU32 mMaxDiffuseParticles

The maximum number of diffuse particles that can be simulated using this particle system.

PxU32 mNumParticleBuffers

The number of particle buffers that are simulated in this particle system.