
Defined in include/PxIsosurfaceExtraction.h

struct PxIsosurfaceParams

Parameters to define the isosurface extraction settings like isosurface level, filtering etc.

Public Functions

inline PxIsosurfaceParams()

Default constructor.

inline void clearFilteringPasses()

Clears the filtering operations.

inline PxU64 addGridFilteringPass(PxIsosurfaceGridFilteringType::Enum operation)

Adds a smoothing pass after the existing ones.

At most 32 smoothing passes can be defined. Every pass can repeat itself up to 4 times.


operation[in] The smoothing operation to add


The index of the smoothing pass that was added

inline void setGridFilteringPass(PxU32 passIndex, PxIsosurfaceGridFilteringType::Enum operation)

Sets the operation of a smoothing pass.

  • passIndex[in] The index of the smoothing pass whose operation should be set Range: [0, 31]

  • operation[in] The operation the modified smoothing will perform

inline bool getGridFilteringPass(PxU32 passIndex, PxIsosurfaceGridFilteringType::Enum &operation) const

Returns the operation of a smoothing pass.

  • passIndex[in] The index of the smoothing pass whose operation is requested Range: [0, 31]

  • operation[out] The operation the requested smoothing pass will perform


true if the requested pass performs an operation

Public Members

PxReal particleCenterToIsosurfaceDistance

Distance form a particle center to the isosurface.

PxU32 numMeshSmoothingPasses

Number of Taubin mesh postprocessing smoothing passes. Using an even number of passes lead to less shrinking.

PxU32 numMeshNormalSmoothingPasses

Number of mesh normal postprocessing smoothing passes.

PxU64 gridFilteringFlags

Encodes the smoothing steps to apply on the sparse grid. Use setGridSmoothingPass method to set up.

PxReal gridSmoothingRadius

Gaussian blur smoothing kernel radius used for smoothing operations on the grid.