Defined in include/PxImmediateMode.h
bool PxCreateJointConstraintsWithShaders(PxConstraintBatchHeader *batchHeaders, PxU32 nbBatchHeaders, PxConstraint **constraints, PxSolverConstraintPrepDesc *jointDescs, PxConstraintAllocator &allocator, PxReal dt, PxReal invDt, PxSpatialVector *Z = NULL)
Creates a set of joint constraint blocks.
This function runs joint shaders defined inside PxConstraint** param, fills in joint row information in jointDescs and then calls PxCreateJointConstraints.
See also
- Parameters
batchHeaders – [in] The set of batchHeaders to be processed.
nbBatchHeaders – [in] The number of batch headers to process.
constraints – [in] The set of constraints to be used to produce constraint rows.
jointDescs – [inout] An array of constraint prep descs defining the properties of the constraints being created.
allocator – [in] An allocator callback to allocate constraint data.
dt – [in] The timestep.
invDt – [in] The inverse timestep.
Z – [out] Temporary buffer for impulse propagation.
- Returns
a boolean indicating if this method was successful or not.