ExtGpu::PxCreateAndPopulateParticleAndDiffuseBuffer(const ExtGpu::PxParticleAndDiffuseBufferDesc &desc, PxCudaContextManager *cudaContextManager): Creates and populates a particle buffer that includes support for diffuse particles.
ExtGpu::PxCreateAndPopulateParticleBuffer(const ExtGpu::PxParticleBufferDesc &desc, PxCudaContextManager *cudaContextManager): Creates and populates a particle buffer.
ExtGpu::PxCreateAndPopulateParticleClothBuffer(const ExtGpu::PxParticleBufferDesc &desc, const PxParticleClothDesc &clothDesc, PxPartitionedParticleCloth &output, PxCudaContextManager *cudaContextManager): Creates and populates a particle cloth buffer.
ExtGpu::PxCreateAndPopulateParticleRigidBuffer(const ExtGpu::PxParticleBufferDesc &desc, const ExtGpu::PxParticleRigidDesc &rigidDesc, PxCudaContextManager *cudaContextManager): Creates and populates a particle rigid buffer.
ExtGpu::PxCreateParticleAttachmentBuffer(PxParticleBuffer &particleBuffer, PxParticleSystem &particleSystem): Creates a particle attachment buffer.
ExtGpu::PxCreateParticleClothBufferHelper(const PxU32 maxCloths, const PxU32 maxTriangles, const PxU32 maxSprings, const PxU32 maxParticles, PxCudaContextManager *cudaContextManager): Creates a PxParticleClothBufferHelper helper.
ExtGpu::PxCreateParticleRigidBufferHelper(PxU32 maxRigids, PxU32 maxParticles, PxCudaContextManager *cudaContextManager): Creates a PxParticleRigidBufferHelper .
ExtGpu::PxCreateParticleVolumeBufferHelper(PxU32 maxVolumes, PxU32 maxTriangles, PxCudaContextManager *cudaContextManager): Creates a PxParticleVolumeBufferHelper .
PxAbs(float a): abs returns the absolute value of its argument.
PxAbs(double a): abs returns the absolute value of its argument.
PxAbs(int32_t a): abs returns the absolute value of its argument.
PxAcos(double f): Arccosine.
PxAcos(float f): Arccosine.
PxAddArticulationLink(PxArticulationCookie articulation, const PxArticulationLinkCookie *parent, const PxArticulationLinkDataRC &data): Add a link to the articulation.
PxApplyArticulationCache(PxArticulationHandle articulation, PxArticulationCache &cache, PxArticulationCacheFlags flag): Apply the user defined data in the cache to the articulation system.
PxAsin(float f): Arcsine.
PxAsin(double f): Arcsine.
PxAssembleSoftBodyMesh(physx::PxTetrahedronMeshData &simulationMesh, physx::PxSoftBodySimulationData &simulationData, physx::PxTetrahedronMeshData &collisionMesh, physx::PxSoftBodyCollisionData &collisionData, physx::PxCollisionMeshMappingData &mappingData, physx::PxInsertionCallback &insertionCallback): Bundles all data required for softbody simulation.
PxAssembleSoftBodyMesh_Sim(physx::PxSimulationTetrahedronMeshData &simulationMesh, physx::PxCollisionTetrahedronMeshData &collisionMesh, physx::PxCollisionMeshMappingData &mappingData, physx::PxInsertionCallback &insertionCallback): Bundles all data required for softbody simulation.
PxAssert(const char *exp, const char *file, int line, bool &ignore): Built-in assert function.
PxAtan(double a): ArcTangent.
PxAtan(float a): ArcTangent.
PxAtan2(float x, float y): Arctangent of (x/y) with correct sign.
PxAtan2(double x, double y): Arctangent of (x/y) with correct sign.
PxAtomicCompareExchange(volatile PxI32 *dest, PxI32 exch, PxI32 comp)
PxAtomicCompareExchange(volatile PxI64 *dest, PxI64 exch, PxI64 comp)
PxAtomicCompareExchangePointer(volatile void **dest, void *exch, void *comp)
PxBatchConstraints(const PxSolverConstraintDesc *solverConstraintDescs, PxU32 nbConstraints, PxSolverBody *solverBodies, PxU32 nbBodies, PxConstraintBatchHeader *outBatchHeaders, PxSolverConstraintDesc *outOrderedConstraintDescs, PxArticulationHandle *articulations=NULL, PxU32 nbArticulations=0): Groups together sets of independent PxSolverConstraintDesc objects to be solved using SIMD SOA approach.
PxBatchConstraintsTGS(const PxSolverConstraintDesc *solverConstraintDescs, PxU32 nbConstraints, PxTGSSolverBodyVel *solverBodies, PxU32 nbBodies, PxConstraintBatchHeader *outBatchHeaders, PxSolverConstraintDesc *outOrderedConstraintDescs, PxArticulationHandle *articulations=NULL, PxU32 nbArticulations=0): Groups together sets of independent PxSolverConstraintDesc objects to be solved using SIMD SOA approach.
PxBeginCreateArticulationRC(const PxArticulationDataRC &data): Begin creation of an immediate-mode reduced-coordinate articulation.
PxBuildSmoothNormals(physx::PxU32 nbTris, physx::PxU32 nbVerts, const physx::PxVec3 *verts, const physx::PxU32 *dFaces, const physx::PxU16 *wFaces, physx::PxVec3 *normals, bool flip): Builds smooth vertex normals over a mesh.
PxClamp(T v, T lo, T hi): Clamps v to the range [hi,lo].
PxCloneDynamic(PxPhysics &physicsSDK, const PxTransform &transform, const PxRigidDynamic &body): create a dynamic body by copying attributes from an existing body
PxCloneShape(PxPhysics &physicsSDK, const PxShape &shape, bool isExclusive): create a shape by copying attributes from another shape
PxCloneStatic(PxPhysics &physicsSDK, const PxTransform &transform, const PxRigidActor &actor): create a static body by copying attributes from another rigid actor
PxCloseExtensions(): Shut down the PhysXExtensions library.
PxCloseVehicleExtension(): Shut down the PhysX Vehicle library.
PxComputeAngle(const PxVec3 &v0, const PxVec3 &v1): Compute the angle between two non-unit vectors.
PxComputeBasisVectors(const PxVec3 &dir, PxVec3 &right, PxVec3 &up): Compute two normalized vectors (right and up) that are perpendicular to an input normalized vector (dir).
PxComputeBasisVectors(const PxVec3 &p0, const PxVec3 &p1, PxVec3 &dir, PxVec3 &right, PxVec3 &up): Compute three normalized vectors (dir, right and up) that are parallel to (dir) and perpendicular to (right, up) the normalized direction vector (p1 - p0)/||p1 - p0||.
PxComputeCollisionData(const physx::PxCookingParams ¶ms, const physx::PxTetrahedronMeshDesc &collisionMeshDesc): Computes data to accelerate collision detection of tetrahedral meshes.
PxComputeHeightFieldPenetration(PxVec3 &direction, PxReal &depth, const PxGeometry &geom, const PxTransform &geomPose, const PxHeightFieldGeometry &heightFieldGeom, const PxTransform &heightFieldPose, PxU32 maxIter, PxU32 *usedIter=NULL): Computes an approximate minimum translational distance (MTD) between a geometry object and a heightfield.
PxComputeHullPolygons(const physx::PxCookingParams ¶ms, const physx::PxSimpleTriangleMesh &mesh, physx::PxAllocatorCallback &inCallback, physx::PxU32 &nbVerts, physx::PxVec3 *&vertices, physx::PxU32 &nbIndices, physx::PxU32 *&indices, physx::PxU32 &nbPolygons, physx::PxHullPolygon *&hullPolygons): Compute hull polygons from given vertices and triangles.
PxComputeModelsMapping(const physx::PxCookingParams ¶ms, physx::PxTetrahedronMeshData &simulationMesh, const physx::PxTetrahedronMeshData &collisionMesh, const physx::PxSoftBodyCollisionData &collisionData, const physx::PxBoundedData *vertexToTet=NULL): Computes the mapping between collision and simulation mesh.
PxComputeSimulationData(const physx::PxCookingParams ¶ms, const physx::PxTetrahedronMeshDesc &simulationMeshDesc): Computes data to accelerate collision detection of tetrahedral meshes.
PxComputeTriangleMeshPenetration(PxVec3 &direction, PxReal &depth, const PxGeometry &geom, const PxTransform &geomPose, const PxTriangleMeshGeometry &meshGeom, const PxTransform &meshPose, PxU32 maxIter, PxU32 *usedIter=NULL): Computes an approximate minimum translational distance (MTD) between a geometry object and a mesh.
PxComputeUnconstrainedVelocities(PxArticulationHandle articulation, const PxVec3 &gravity, PxReal dt, PxReal invLengthScale): Computes unconstrained velocities for a given articulation.
PxComputeUnconstrainedVelocitiesTGS(PxArticulationHandle articulation, const PxVec3 &gravity, PxReal dt, PxReal totalDt, PxReal invDt, PxReal invTotalDt, PxReal invLengthScale): Computes unconstrained velocities for a given articulation.
PxConfigureSoftBodyKinematicTarget(const PxVec4 &target, bool isActive): Adjusts a softbody kinematic target such that it is properly set as active or inactive.
PxConfigureSoftBodyKinematicTarget(const PxVec3 &target, bool isActive): Sets up a softbody kinematic target such that it is properly set as active or inactive.
PxConstructSolverBodies(const PxRigidBodyData *inRigidData, PxSolverBodyData *outSolverBodyData, PxU32 nbBodies, const PxVec3 &gravity, PxReal dt, bool gyroscopicForces=false): Constructs a PxSolverBodyData structure based on rigid body properties.
PxConstructSolverBodiesTGS(const PxRigidBodyData *inRigidData, PxTGSSolverBodyVel *outSolverBodyVel, PxTGSSolverBodyTxInertia *outSolverBodyTxInertia, PxTGSSolverBodyData *outSolverBodyData, PxU32 nbBodies, const PxVec3 &gravity, PxReal dt, bool gyroscopicForces=false): Constructs a PxSolverBodyData structure based on rigid body properties.
PxConstructStaticSolverBody(const PxTransform &globalPose, PxSolverBodyData &solverBodyData): Constructs a PxSolverBodyData structure for a static body at a given pose.
PxConstructStaticSolverBodyTGS(const PxTransform &globalPose, PxTGSSolverBodyVel &solverBodyVel, PxTGSSolverBodyTxInertia &solverBodyTxInertia, PxTGSSolverBodyData &solverBodyData): Constructs a PxSolverBodyData structure for a static body at a given pose.
PxContactJointCreate(PxPhysics &physics, PxRigidActor *actor0, const PxTransform &localFrame0, PxRigidActor *actor1, const PxTransform &localFrame1): Create a contact joint for articulation inverse dynamics computations.
PxCookBVH(const physx::PxBVHDesc &desc, physx::PxOutputStream &stream): Cooks a bounding volume hierarchy.
PxCookConvexMesh(const physx::PxCookingParams ¶ms, const physx::PxConvexMeshDesc &desc, physx::PxOutputStream &stream, physx::PxConvexMeshCookingResult::Enum *condition=NULL): Cooks a convex mesh.
PxCookHeightField(const physx::PxHeightFieldDesc &desc, physx::PxOutputStream &stream): Cooks a heightfield.
PxCookTetrahedronMesh(const physx::PxCookingParams ¶ms, const physx::PxTetrahedronMeshDesc &meshDesc, physx::PxOutputStream &stream): Cooks a tetrahedron mesh.
PxCookTriangleMesh(const physx::PxCookingParams ¶ms, const physx::PxTriangleMeshDesc &desc, physx::PxOutputStream &stream, physx::PxTriangleMeshCookingResult::Enum *condition=NULL): Cooks a triangle mesh.
PxCopyInternalStateToArticulationCache(PxArticulationHandle articulation, PxArticulationCache &cache, PxArticulationCacheFlags flag): Copy the internal data of the articulation to the cache.
PxCos(float a): Cosine of an angle ( Unit: Radians)
PxCos(double a): Cosine of an angle ( Unit: Radians)
PxCreateAABBManager(PxBroadPhase &broadphase): AABB manager factory function.
PxCreateArticulationCache(PxArticulationHandle articulation): Creates an articulation cache.
PxCreateBVH(const physx::PxBVHDesc &desc, physx::PxInsertionCallback &insertionCallback): Cooks and creates a bounding volume hierarchy without going through a stream.
PxCreateBVH(const physx::PxBVHDesc &desc): Cooks and creates a bounding volume hierarchy without going through a stream.
PxCreateBatchQueryExt(const PxScene &scene, PxQueryFilterCallback *queryFilterCallback, PxRaycastBuffer *raycastBuffers, const PxU32 maxNbRaycasts, PxRaycastHit *raycastTouches, const PxU32 maxNbRaycastTouches, PxSweepBuffer *sweepBuffers, const PxU32 maxNbSweeps, PxSweepHit *sweepTouches, const PxU32 maxNbSweepTouches, PxOverlapBuffer *overlapBuffers, const PxU32 maxNbOverlaps, PxOverlapHit *overlapTouches, const PxU32 maxNbOverlapTouches): Create a PxBatchQueryExt with user-supplied result and touch buffers.
PxCreateBatchQueryExt(const PxScene &scene, PxQueryFilterCallback *queryFilterCallback, const PxU32 maxNbRaycasts, const PxU32 maxNbRaycastTouches, const PxU32 maxNbSweeps, const PxU32 maxNbSweepTouches, const PxU32 maxNbOverlaps, const PxU32 maxNbOverlapTouches): Create a PxBatchQueryExt without the need for pre-allocated result or touch buffers.
PxCreateBroadPhase(const PxBroadPhaseDesc &desc): Broadphase factory function.
PxCreateCollection(): Creates a collection object.
PxCreateContactConstraints(PxConstraintBatchHeader *batchHeaders, PxU32 nbHeaders, PxSolverContactDesc *contactDescs, PxConstraintAllocator &allocator, PxReal invDt, PxReal bounceThreshold, PxReal frictionOffsetThreshold, PxReal correlationDistance, PxSpatialVector *Z=NULL): Creates a set of contact constraint blocks.
PxCreateContactConstraintsTGS(PxConstraintBatchHeader *batchHeaders, PxU32 nbHeaders, PxTGSSolverContactDesc *contactDescs, PxConstraintAllocator &allocator, PxReal invDt, PxReal invTotalDt, PxReal bounceThreshold, PxReal frictionOffsetThreshold, PxReal correlationDistance): Creates a set of contact constraint blocks.
PxCreateControllerManager(physx::PxScene &scene, bool lockingEnabled=false): Creates the controller manager.
PxCreateConvexMesh(const physx::PxCookingParams ¶ms, const physx::PxConvexMeshDesc &desc): Cooks and creates a convex mesh without going through a stream.
PxCreateConvexMesh(const physx::PxCookingParams ¶ms, const physx::PxConvexMeshDesc &desc, physx::PxInsertionCallback &insertionCallback, physx::PxConvexMeshCookingResult::Enum *condition=NULL): Cooks and creates a convex mesh without going through a stream.
PxCreateCudaContextManager(physx::PxFoundation &foundation, const physx::PxCudaContextManagerDesc &desc, physx::PxProfilerCallback *profilerCallback=NULL, bool launchSynchronous=false): Allocate a CUDA Context manager, complete with heaps.
PxCreateCustomSceneQuerySystem(PxSceneQueryUpdateMode::Enum sceneQueryUpdateMode, PxU64 contextID, const PxCustomSceneQuerySystemAdapter &adapter, bool usesTreeOfPruners=false): Creates a custom scene query system.
PxCreateDynamic(PxPhysics &sdk, const PxTransform &transform, const PxGeometry &geometry, PxMaterial &material, PxReal density, const PxTransform &shapeOffset=PxTransform(PxIdentity)): simple method to create a PxRigidDynamic actor with a single PxShape .
PxCreateDynamic(PxPhysics &sdk, const PxTransform &transform, PxShape &shape, PxReal density): simple method to create a PxRigidDynamic actor with a single PxShape .
PxCreateExternalSceneQuerySystem(const PxSceneQueryDesc &desc, PxU64 contextID): Creates an external scene query system.
PxCreateFoundation(physx::PxU32 version, physx::PxAllocatorCallback &allocator, physx::PxErrorCallback &errorCallback): Creates an instance of the foundation class.
PxCreateHeightField(const physx::PxHeightFieldDesc &desc, physx::PxInsertionCallback &insertionCallback): Cooks and creates a heightfield mesh and inserts it into PxPhysics .
PxCreateHeightField(const physx::PxHeightFieldDesc &desc): Cooks and creates a heightfield mesh and inserts it into PxPhysics .
PxCreateJointConstraints(PxConstraintBatchHeader *batchHeaders, PxU32 nbHeaders, PxSolverConstraintPrepDesc *jointDescs, PxConstraintAllocator &allocator, PxSpatialVector *Z, PxReal dt, PxReal invDt): Creates a set of joint constraint blocks.
PxCreateJointConstraintsTGS(PxConstraintBatchHeader *batchHeaders, PxU32 nbHeaders, PxTGSSolverConstraintPrepDesc *jointDescs, PxConstraintAllocator &allocator, PxReal dt, PxReal totalDt, PxReal invDt, PxReal invTotalDt, PxReal lengthScale): Creates a set of joint constraint blocks.
PxCreateJointConstraintsWithImmediateShaders(PxConstraintBatchHeader *batchHeaders, PxU32 nbBatchHeaders, PxImmediateConstraint *constraints, PxSolverConstraintPrepDesc *jointDescs, PxConstraintAllocator &allocator, PxReal dt, PxReal invDt, PxSpatialVector *Z=NULL): Creates a set of joint constraint blocks.
PxCreateJointConstraintsWithImmediateShadersTGS(PxConstraintBatchHeader *batchHeaders, PxU32 nbBatchHeaders, PxImmediateConstraint *constraints, PxTGSSolverConstraintPrepDesc *jointDescs, PxConstraintAllocator &allocator, PxReal dt, PxReal totalDt, PxReal invDt, PxReal invTotalDt, PxReal lengthScale): Creates a set of joint constraint blocks.
PxCreateJointConstraintsWithShaders(PxConstraintBatchHeader *batchHeaders, PxU32 nbBatchHeaders, PxConstraint **constraints, PxSolverConstraintPrepDesc *jointDescs, PxConstraintAllocator &allocator, PxReal dt, PxReal invDt, PxSpatialVector *Z=NULL): Creates a set of joint constraint blocks.
PxCreateJointConstraintsWithShadersTGS(PxConstraintBatchHeader *batchHeaders, PxU32 nbBatchHeaders, PxConstraint **constraints, PxTGSSolverConstraintPrepDesc *jointDescs, PxConstraintAllocator &allocator, PxReal dt, PxReal totalDt, PxReal invDt, PxReal invTotalDt, PxReal lengthScale): Creates a set of joint constraint blocks.
PxCreateKinematic(PxPhysics &sdk, const PxTransform &transform, PxShape &shape, PxReal density): simple method to create a kinematic PxRigidDynamic actor with a single PxShape .
PxCreateKinematic(PxPhysics &sdk, const PxTransform &transform, const PxGeometry &geometry, PxMaterial &material, PxReal density, const PxTransform &shapeOffset=PxTransform(PxIdentity)): simple method to create a kinematic PxRigidDynamic actor with a single PxShape .
PxCreateOmniPvd(physx::PxFoundation &foundation): Creates an instance of the OmniPvd object.
PxCreateParticleClothCooker(PxU32 vertexCount, physx::PxVec4 *inVertices, PxU32 triangleIndexCount, PxU32 *inTriangleIndices, PxU32 constraintTypeFlags=ExtGpu::PxParticleClothConstraint::eTYPE_ALL, PxVec3 verticalDirection=PxVec3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f), PxReal bendingConstraintMaxAngle=20.0f *PxTwoPi/360.0f): Creates a PxParticleClothCooker.
PxCreateParticleClothPreProcessor(physx::PxCudaContextManager *cudaContextManager): Create a particle cloth preprocessor.
PxCreatePhysics(physx::PxU32 version, physx::PxFoundation &foundation, const physx::PxTolerancesScale &scale, bool trackOutstandingAllocations=false, physx::PxPvd *pvd=NULL, physx::PxOmniPvd *omniPvd=NULL): Creates an instance of the physics SDK.
PxCreatePlane(PxPhysics &sdk, const PxPlane &plane, PxMaterial &material): create a plane actor.
PxCreatePvd(PxFoundation &foundation): Create a pvd instance.
PxCreateRepXObject(const TDataType *inType): Inline helper template function to create PxRepXObject form TDataType type using inType pointer as a PxSerialObjectId id.
PxCreateRepXObject(const TDataType *inType, const physx::PxSerialObjectId inId): Inline helper template function to create PxRepXObject from TDataType type supporting PxTypeInfo<TDataType>::name.
PxCreateRepXObject(const physx::PxBase *inType, const physx::PxSerialObjectId inId): Inline helper function to create PxRepXObject from a PxBase instance.
PxCreateShapeSampler(const PxGeometry &geometry, const PxTransform &transform, const PxBounds3 &worldBounds, PxReal initialSamplingRadius, PxI32 numSampleAttemptsAroundPoint=30): Creates a shape sampler.
PxCreateSoftBodyMesh(const physx::PxCookingParams ¶ms, const physx::PxTetrahedronMeshDesc &simulationMeshDesc, const physx::PxTetrahedronMeshDesc &collisionMeshDesc, const physx::PxSoftBodySimulationDataDesc &softbodyDataDesc): Cooks and creates a softbody mesh without going through a stream.
PxCreateSoftBodyMesh(const physx::PxCookingParams ¶ms, const physx::PxTetrahedronMeshDesc &simulationMeshDesc, const physx::PxTetrahedronMeshDesc &collisionMeshDesc, const physx::PxSoftBodySimulationDataDesc &softbodyDataDesc, physx::PxInsertionCallback &insertionCallback): Cooks and creates a softbody mesh without going through a stream.
PxCreateStatic(PxPhysics &sdk, const PxTransform &transform, PxShape &shape): simple method to create a PxRigidStatic actor with a single PxShape .
PxCreateStatic(PxPhysics &sdk, const PxTransform &transform, const PxGeometry &geometry, PxMaterial &material, const PxTransform &shapeOffset=PxTransform(PxIdentity)): simple method to create a PxRigidStatic actor with a single PxShape .
PxCreateTetrahedronMesh(const physx::PxCookingParams ¶ms, const physx::PxTetrahedronMeshDesc &meshDesc, physx::PxInsertionCallback &insertionCallback): Cooks and creates a tetrahedron mesh without going through a stream.
PxCreateTetrahedronMesh(const physx::PxCookingParams ¶ms, const physx::PxTetrahedronMeshDesc &meshDesc): Cooks and creates a tetrahedron mesh without going through a stream.
PxCreateTriangleMesh(const physx::PxCookingParams ¶ms, const physx::PxTriangleMeshDesc &desc): Cooks and creates a triangle mesh without going through a stream.
PxCreateTriangleMesh(const physx::PxCookingParams ¶ms, const physx::PxTriangleMeshDesc &desc, physx::PxInsertionCallback &insertionCallback, physx::PxTriangleMeshCookingResult::Enum *condition=NULL): Cooks and creates a triangle mesh without going through a stream.
PxCreateTriangleMeshInternal(const physx::PxTriangleMeshInternalData &data)
PxCreateTriangleMeshSampler(const PxU32 *triangles, PxU32 numTriangles, const PxVec3 *vertices, PxU32 numVertices, PxReal initialSamplingRadius, PxI32 numSampleAttemptsAroundPoint=30): Creates a triangle mesh sampler.
PxCudaRegisterFatBinary(void *): Internally used callback to register cuda modules at load time.
PxCudaRegisterFunction(int moduleIndex, const char *functionName): Internally used callback to register function names of cuda kernels.
PxD6JointCreate(PxPhysics &physics, PxRigidActor *actor0, const PxTransform &localFrame0, PxRigidActor *actor1, const PxTransform &localFrame1): Create a D6 joint.
PxD6JointCreate_Distance(PxPhysics &physics, PxRigidActor *actor0, const PxVec3 &localPos0, PxRigidActor *actor1, const PxVec3 &localPos1, float maxDist, bool useD6): Helper function to create a distance joint, using either a PxD6Joint or PxDistanceJoint .
PxD6JointCreate_Fixed(PxPhysics &physics, PxRigidActor *actor0, const PxVec3 &localPos0, PxRigidActor *actor1, const PxVec3 &localPos1, bool useD6): Helper function to create a fixed joint, using either a PxD6Joint or PxFixedJoint .
PxD6JointCreate_GenericCone(float &apiroty, float &apirotz, PxPhysics &physics, PxRigidActor *actor0, const PxVec3 &localPos0, PxRigidActor *actor1, const PxVec3 &localPos1, float minLimit1, float maxLimit1, float minLimit2, float maxLimit2, bool useD6): Helper function to create a spherical joint, using either a PxD6Joint or PxSphericalJoint .
PxD6JointCreate_Prismatic(PxPhysics &physics, PxRigidActor *actor0, const PxVec3 &localPos0, PxRigidActor *actor1, const PxVec3 &localPos1, const PxVec3 &axis, float minLimit, float maxLimit, bool useD6): Helper function to create a prismatic joint, using either a PxD6Joint or PxPrismaticJoint .
PxD6JointCreate_Pyramid(PxPhysics &physics, PxRigidActor *actor0, const PxVec3 &localPos0, PxRigidActor *actor1, const PxVec3 &localPos1, const PxVec3 &axis, float minLimit1, float maxLimit1, float minLimit2, float maxLimit2): Helper function to create a D6 joint with pyramidal swing limits.
PxD6JointCreate_Revolute(PxPhysics &physics, PxRigidActor *actor0, const PxVec3 &localPos0, PxRigidActor *actor1, const PxVec3 &localPos1, const PxVec3 &axis, float minLimit, float maxLimit, bool useD6): Helper function to create a revolute joint, using either a PxD6Joint or PxRevoluteJoint .
PxD6JointCreate_Spherical(PxPhysics &physics, PxRigidActor *actor0, const PxVec3 &localPos0, PxRigidActor *actor1, const PxVec3 &localPos1, const PxVec3 &axis, float limit1, float limit2, bool useD6): Helper function to create a spherical joint, using either a PxD6Joint or PxSphericalJoint .
PxDecFoundationRefCount(): Decrement the ref count of PxFoundation .
PxDefaultCpuDispatcherCreate(PxU32 numThreads, PxU32 *affinityMasks=NULL, PxDefaultCpuDispatcherWaitForWorkMode::Enum mode=PxDefaultCpuDispatcherWaitForWorkMode::eWAIT_FOR_WORK, PxU32 yieldProcessorCount=0): Create default dispatcher, extensions SDK needs to be initialized first.
PxDefaultPvdFileTransportCreate(const char *name): Create a default file transport.
PxDefaultPvdSocketTransportCreate(const char *host, int port, unsigned int timeoutInMilliseconds): Create a default socket transport.
PxDefaultSimulationFilterShader(PxFilterObjectAttributes attributes0, PxFilterData filterData0, PxFilterObjectAttributes attributes1, PxFilterData filterData1, PxPairFlags &pairFlags, const void *constantBlock, PxU32 constantBlockSize): Implementation of a simple filter shader that emulates PhysX 2.8.x filtering.
PxDegToRad(const PxF32 a): Converts degrees to radians.
PxDisableFPExceptions(): Disables floating point exceptions for the scalar and SIMD unit.
PxDistanceJointCreate(PxPhysics &physics, PxRigidActor *actor0, const PxTransform &localFrame0, PxRigidActor *actor1, const PxTransform &localFrame1): Create a distance Joint.
PxEllipseClamp(const PxVec3 &point, const PxVec3 &radii): Compute the closest point on an 2d ellipse to a given 2d point.
PxEnableFPExceptions(): Enables floating point exceptions for the scalar and SIMD unit.
PxEndCreateArticulationRC(PxArticulationCookie articulation, PxArticulationLinkHandle *linkHandles, PxU32 bufferSize): End creation of an immediate-mode reduced-coordinate articulation.
PxExp(const PxVec3 &v): Compute the exponent of a PxVec3.
PxExtractIsosurfaceFromSDF(const PxTriangleMesh &triangleMesh, PxArray< PxVec3 > &isosurfaceVertices, PxArray< PxU32 > &isosurfaceTriangleIndices): Extracts an isosurface from the SDF of a mesh if it the SDF is available.
PxFilterObjectIsKinematic(PxFilterObjectAttributes attr): Specifies whether the collision object belongs to a kinematic rigid body.
PxFilterObjectIsTrigger(PxFilterObjectAttributes attr): Specifies whether the collision object is a trigger shape.
PxFindFaceIndex(const PxConvexMeshGeometry &convexGeom, const PxTransform &geomPose, const PxVec3 &impactPos, const PxVec3 &unitDir): Computes closest polygon of the convex hull geometry for a given impact point and impact direction.
PxFindOverlap(PxReportCallback< PxGeomIndexPair > &callback, const PxBVH &bvh0, const PxBVH &bvh1): BVH-vs-BVH overlap test.
PxFixedJointCreate(PxPhysics &physics, PxRigidActor *actor0, const PxTransform &localFrame0, PxRigidActor *actor1, const PxTransform &localFrame1): Create a fixed joint.
PxGearJointCreate(PxPhysics &physics, PxRigidActor *actor0, const PxTransform &localFrame0, PxRigidActor *actor1, const PxTransform &localFrame1): Create a gear Joint.
PxGenerateContacts(const PxGeometry *const *geom0, const PxGeometry *const *geom1, const PxTransform *pose0, const PxTransform *pose1, PxCache *contactCache, PxU32 nbPairs, PxContactRecorder &contactRecorder, PxReal contactDistance, PxReal meshContactMargin, PxReal toleranceLength, PxCacheAllocator &allocator): Performs contact generation for a given pair of geometries at the specified poses.
PxGetAggregateFilterHint(PxAggregateType::Enum type, bool enableSelfCollision)
PxGetAllLinkData(const PxArticulationHandle articulation, PxArticulationLinkDerivedDataRC *data): Retrieves non-mutable link data from an articulation handle (all links).
PxGetAllocatorCallback(): Get the allocator callback.
PxGetBVHInternalData(PxBVHInternalData &data, const PxBVH &bvh, bool takeOwnership)
PxGetBroadPhaseDynamicFilterGroup(PxU32 id): Retrieves a filter group for dynamic objects.
PxGetBroadPhaseKinematicFilterGroup(PxU32 id): Retrieves a filter group for kinematic objects.
PxGetBroadPhaseStaticFilterGroup(): Retrieves the filter group for static objects.
PxGetBroadcastAllocator(bool *reportAllocationNames=NULL): Get the broadcasting allocator callback.
PxGetBroadcastError(): Get the broadcasting error callback.
PxGetCudaFunctionTable(): Access to the loaded cuda functions (kernels)
PxGetCudaFunctionTableSize(): Number of loaded cuda functions (kernels)
PxGetCudaModuleTable(): Access to the registered cuda modules.
PxGetCudaModuleTableSize(): Number of registered cuda modules.
PxGetErrorCallback(): Get the error callback.
PxGetFilterBool(): Retrieves filtering's boolean value.
PxGetFilterConstants(PxGroupsMask &c0, PxGroupsMask &c1): Gets filtering constant K0 and K1.
PxGetFilterObjectType(PxFilterObjectAttributes attr): Extract filter object type from the filter attributes of a collision pair object.
PxGetFilterOps(PxFilterOp::Enum &op0, PxFilterOp::Enum &op1, PxFilterOp::Enum &op2): Retrieves filtering operation.
PxGetFoundation(): Retrieves the Foundation SDK after it has been created.
PxGetGroup(const PxActor &actor): Retrieves the value set with PxSetGroup()
PxGetGroupCollisionFlag(const PxU16 group1, const PxU16 group2): Determines if collision detection is performed between a pair of groups.
PxGetGroupsMask(const PxActor &actor): Gets 64-bit mask used for collision filtering.
PxGetJointData(const PxArticulationLinkHandle &link, PxArticulationJointDataRC &data): Retrieves joint data from a link handle.
PxGetLinkData(const PxArticulationLinkHandle &link, PxArticulationLinkDerivedDataRC &data): Retrieves non-mutable link data from a link handle.
PxGetMutableLinkData(const PxArticulationLinkHandle &link, PxArticulationLinkMutableDataRC &data): Retrieves mutable link data from a link handle.
PxGetNextIndex3(PxU32 i): Compute (i+1)%3.
PxGetPhysics(): Retrieves the Physics SDK after it has been created.
PxGetProfilerCallback(): Get the callback that will be used for all profiling.
PxGetRotXQuat(float angle): Returns a rotation quaternion around the X axis.
PxGetRotYQuat(float angle): Returns a rotation quaternion around the Y axis.
PxGetRotZQuat(float angle): Returns a rotation quaternion around the Z axis.
PxGetStandaloneInsertionCallback(): Gets standalone object insertion interface.
PxGetSuggestedCudaDeviceOrdinal(physx::PxErrorCallback &errc): Ask the NVIDIA control panel which GPU has been selected for use by PhysX.
PxGetWarnOnceTimeStamp(): Get the warn once timestamp.
PxIncFoundationRefCount(): Increment the ref count of PxFoundation .
PxInitExtensions(physx::PxPhysics &physics, physx::PxPvd *pvd): Initialize the PhysXExtensions library.
PxInitVehicleExtension(physx::PxFoundation &foundation): Initialize the PhysX Vehicle library.
PxIntegrateSolverBodies(PxSolverBodyData *solverBodyData, PxSolverBody *solverBody, PxVec3 *linearMotionVelocity, PxVec3 *angularMotionState, PxU32 nbBodiesToIntegrate, PxReal dt): Integrates a rigid body, returning the new velocities and transforms.
PxIntegrateSolverBodiesTGS(PxTGSSolverBodyVel *solverBody, const PxTGSSolverBodyTxInertia *txInertia, PxTransform *poses, PxU32 nbBodiesToIntegrate, PxReal dt): Integrates a rigid body, returning the new velocities and transforms.
PxIntegrateTransform(const PxTransform &curTrans, const PxVec3 &linvel, const PxVec3 &angvel, PxReal timeStep, PxTransform &result): integrate transform.
PxIsFinite(double f): returns true if the passed number is a finite floating point number as opposed to INF, NAN, etc.
PxIsFinite(float f): returns true if the passed number is a finite floating point number as opposed to INF, NAN, etc.
PxIsFoundationValid(): Similar to PxGetFoundation() except it handles the case if the foundation was not created already.
PxLargestAxis(const PxVec3 &v): return Returns 0 if v.x is largest element of v, 1 if v.y is largest element, 2 if v.z is largest element.
PxLog(const PxQuat &q): return Returns the log of a PxQuat
PxMakeIterator(const T *ptr, PxU32 stride=sizeof(T)): Stride iterator factory function which infers the iterator type.
PxMakeIterator(T *ptr, PxU32 stride=sizeof(T)): Stride iterator factory function which infers the iterator type.
PxMarkSerializedMemory(void *ptr, PxU32 byteSize): Mark a specified amount of memory with 0xcd pattern.
PxMax(float a, float b): overload for float to use fsel on xbox
PxMax(T a, T b): The return value is the greater of the two specified values.
PxMedian3(T *elements, int32_t first, int32_t last, Predicate &compare)
PxMemCopy(void *dest, const void *src, PxU32 count): Copies the bytes of one memory block to another.
PxMemMove(void *dest, const void *src, PxU32 count): Copies the bytes of one memory block to another.
PxMemSet(void *dest, PxI32 c, PxU32 count): Sets the bytes of the provided buffer to the specified value.
PxMemZero(void *dest, PxU32 count): Sets the bytes of the provided buffer to zero.
PxMin(float a, float b): overload for float to use fsel on xbox
PxMin(T a, T b): The return value is the lesser of the two specified values.
PxOptimizeBoundingBox(PxMat33 &basis): computes a oriented bounding box around the scaled basis.
PxPartition(T *elements, int32_t first, int32_t last, Predicate &compare)
PxPlaneEquationFromTransform(const PxTransform &pose): creates a plane equation from a transform, such as the actor transform for a PxPlaneGeometry
PxPrintString(const char *): Prints the string literally (does not consume % specifier), trying to make sure it's visible to the app programmer.
PxPrismaticJointCreate(PxPhysics &physics, PxRigidActor *actor0, const PxTransform &localFrame0, PxRigidActor *actor1, const PxTransform &localFrame1): Create a prismatic joint.
PxRackAndPinionJointCreate(PxPhysics &physics, PxRigidActor *actor0, const PxTransform &localFrame0, PxRigidActor *actor1, const PxTransform &localFrame1): Create a rack & pinion Joint.
PxRecipSqrt(double a): reciprocal square root.
PxRecipSqrt(float a): reciprocal square root.
PxReleaseArticulation(PxArticulationHandle articulation): Releases an immediate-mode reduced-coordinate articulation.
PxReleaseArticulationCache(PxArticulationCache &cache): Release an articulation cache.
PxRevoluteJointCreate(PxPhysics &physics, PxRigidActor *actor0, const PxTransform &localFrame0, PxRigidActor *actor1, const PxTransform &localFrame1): Create a revolute joint.
PxScaleRigidActor(PxRigidActor &actor, PxReal scale, bool scaleMassProps=true): scale a rigid actor by a uniform scale
PxSeparateSwingTwist(const PxQuat &q, PxQuat &swing, PxQuat &twist): Compute from an input quaternion q a pair of quaternions (swing, twist) such that q = swing * twist with the caveats that swing.x = twist.y = twist.z = 0.
PxSetFilterBool(const bool enable): Setups filtering's boolean value.
PxSetFilterConstants(const PxGroupsMask &c0, const PxGroupsMask &c1): Setups filtering's K0 and K1 value.
PxSetFilterOps(const PxFilterOp::Enum &op0, const PxFilterOp::Enum &op1, const PxFilterOp::Enum &op2): Setups filtering operations.
PxSetGroup(PxActor &actor, const PxU16 collisionGroup): Sets which collision group this actor is part of.
PxSetGroupCollisionFlag(const PxU16 group1, const PxU16 group2, const bool enable): Specifies if collision should be performed by a pair of groups.
PxSetGroupsMask(PxActor &actor, const PxGroupsMask &mask): Sets 64-bit mask used for collision filtering.
PxSetJointData(const PxArticulationLinkHandle &link, const PxArticulationJointDataRC &data): Sets joint data for given link.
PxSetJointGlobalFrame(physx::PxJoint &joint, const physx::PxVec3 *wsAnchor, const physx::PxVec3 *wsAxis): Helper function to setup a joint's global frame.
PxSetMutableLinkData(const PxArticulationLinkHandle &link, const PxArticulationLinkMutableDataRC &data): Sets mutable link data for given link.
PxSetPhysXCommonDelayLoadHook(const physx::PxDelayLoadHook *hook): Sets delay load hook instance for PhysXCommon dll.
PxSetPhysXCookingDelayLoadHook(const physx::PxDelayLoadHook *hook): Sets delay load hook instance for PhysXCooking dll.
PxSetPhysXDelayLoadHook(const physx::PxDelayLoadHook *hook): Sets delay load hook instance for PhysX dll.
PxSetPhysXGpuLoadHook(const PxGpuLoadHook *hook): Sets GPU load hook instance for PhysX dll.
PxSetPhysXGpuProfilerCallback(physx::PxProfilerCallback *profilerCallback): Sets profiler callback to PhysX GPU.
PxSetProfilerCallback(physx::PxProfilerCallback *profiler): Set the callback that will be used for all profiling.
PxSetRotX(PxMat33 &m, PxReal angle): Sets a rotation matrix around the X axis.
PxSetRotY(PxMat33 &m, PxReal angle): Sets a rotation matrix around the Y axis.
PxSetRotZ(PxMat33 &m, PxReal angle): Sets a rotation matrix around the Z axis.
PxShortestRotation(const PxVec3 &from, const PxVec3 &target): finds the shortest rotation between two vectors.
PxSin(float a): trigonometry all angles are in radians.
PxSin(double a): Sine of an angle ( Unit: Radians )
PxSinCos(const PxF32 a, PxF32 &sin, PxF32 &cos): compute sine and cosine at the same time
PxSinCos(const double a, double &sin, double &cos): compute sine and cosine at the same time
PxSlerp(const PxReal t, const PxQuat &left, const PxQuat &right): Spherical linear interpolation of two quaternions.
PxSmallSort(T *elements, int32_t first, int32_t last, Predicate &compare)
PxSolveConstraints(const PxConstraintBatchHeader *batchHeaders, PxU32 nbBatchHeaders, const PxSolverConstraintDesc *solverConstraintDescs, const PxSolverBody *solverBodies, PxVec3 *linearMotionVelocity, PxVec3 *angularMotionVelocity, PxU32 nbSolverBodies, PxU32 nbPositionIterations, PxU32 nbVelocityIterations, float dt=0.0f, float invDt=0.0f, PxU32 nbSolverArticulations=0, PxArticulationHandle *solverArticulations=NULL, PxSpatialVector *Z=NULL, PxSpatialVector *deltaV=NULL): Iteratively solves the set of constraints defined by the provided PxConstraintBatchHeader and PxSolverConstraintDesc structures.
PxSolveConstraintsTGS(const PxConstraintBatchHeader *batchHeaders, PxU32 nbBatchHeaders, const PxSolverConstraintDesc *solverConstraintDescs, PxTGSSolverBodyVel *solverBodies, PxTGSSolverBodyTxInertia *txInertias, PxU32 nbSolverBodies, PxU32 nbPositionIterations, PxU32 nbVelocityIterations, float dt, float invDt, PxU32 nbSolverArticulations=0, PxArticulationHandle *solverArticulations=NULL, PxSpatialVector *Z=NULL, PxSpatialVector *deltaV=NULL): Iteratively solves the set of constraints defined by the provided PxConstraintBatchHeader and PxSolverConstraintDesc structures.
PxSort(T *elements, uint32_t count, const Predicate &compare)
PxSort(T *elements, uint32_t count, const Predicate &compare, const PxAllocator &inAllocator, const uint32_t initialStackSize=32): Sorts an array of objects in ascending order, assuming that the predicate implements the < operator:
PxSphericalJointCreate(PxPhysics &physics, PxRigidActor *actor0, const PxTransform &localFrame0, PxRigidActor *actor1, const PxTransform &localFrame1): Create a spherical joint.
PxSqr(const PxF32 a): square of the argument
PxSqrt(float a): Square root.
PxSqrt(double a): Square root.
PxTan(double a): Tangent of an angle.
PxTan(float a): Tangent of an angle.
PxTanHalf(PxReal sin, PxReal cos): Compute tan(theta/2) given sin(theta) and cos(theta) as inputs.
PxTransformFromPlaneEquation(const PxPlane &plane): creates a transform from a plane equation, suitable for an actor transform for a PxPlaneGeometry
PxTransformFromSegment(const PxVec3 &p0, const PxVec3 &p1, PxReal *halfHeight=NULL): creates a transform from the endpoints of a segment, suitable for an actor transform for a PxCapsuleGeometry
PxUpdateArticulationBodies(PxArticulationHandle articulation, PxReal dt): Updates bodies for a given articulation.
PxUpdateArticulationBodiesTGS(PxArticulationHandle articulation, PxReal dt): Updates bodies for a given articulation.
PxValidateConvexMesh(const physx::PxCookingParams ¶ms, const physx::PxConvexMeshDesc &desc): Verifies if the convex mesh is valid.
PxValidateTriangleMesh(const physx::PxCookingParams ¶ms, const physx::PxTriangleMeshDesc &desc): Verifies if the triangle mesh is valid.
PxVehicleAccelerationIntentCompute(const PxVehicleAxleDescription &poweredVehicleAxleDesc, const PxVehicleArrayData< const PxVehicleWheelActuationState > &poweredVehicleActuationStates): Compute the intention to accelerate by inspecting the actuation states of the wheels of a powered vehicle.
PxVehicleAckermannSteerUpdate(const PxReal steer, const PxVehicleSteerCommandResponseParams &steerResponseParmas, const PxVehicleSizedArrayData< const PxVehicleAckermannParams > &ackermannParams, PxVehicleArrayData< PxReal > &steerResponseStates): Account for Ackermann correction by modifying the per wheel steer response multipliers to engineer an asymmetric steer response across axles.
PxVehicleAntiRollForceUpdate(const PxVehicleArrayData< const PxVehicleSuspensionParams > &suspensionParams, const PxVehicleSizedArrayData< const PxVehicleAntiRollForceParams > &antiRollParams, const PxVehicleArrayData< const PxVehicleSuspensionState > &suspensionStates, const PxVehicleArrayData< const PxVehicleSuspensionComplianceState > &complianceStates, const PxVehicleRigidBodyState &rigidBodyState, PxVehicleAntiRollTorque &antiRollTorque): Compute the accumulated anti-roll torque to apply to the vehicle's rigid body.
PxVehicleBrakeCommandResponseUpdate(const PxReal *brakeCommands, const PxU32 nbBrakeCommands, const PxReal longitudinalSpeed, const PxU32 wheelId, const PxVehicleSizedArrayData< const PxVehicleBrakeCommandResponseParams > &brakeResponseParams, PxReal &brakeResponseState): Compute the brake torque response to an array of brake commands.
PxVehicleClutchCommandResponseLinearUpdate(const PxReal clutchCommand, const PxVehicleClutchCommandResponseParams &clutchResponseParams, PxVehicleClutchCommandResponseState &clutchResponse): Propagate the input clutch command to the clutch response state.
PxVehicleClutchStrengthCompute(const PxVehicleClutchCommandResponseState &clutchResponseState, const PxVehicleGearboxParams &gearboxParams, const PxVehicleGearboxState &gearboxState): Compute the coupling strength of the clutch.
PxVehicleComputeSprungMasses(const PxU32 nbSprungMasses, const PxVec3 *sprungMassCoordinates, const PxReal totalMass, const PxVehicleAxes::Enum gravityDirection, PxReal *sprungMasses): Compute the sprung masses of the suspension springs given (i) the number of sprung masses, (ii) coordinates of the sprung masses in the rigid body frame, (iii) the center of mass offset of the rigid body, (iv) the total mass of the rigid body, and (v) the direction of gravity.
PxVehicleComputeSuspensionDirection(const PxVehicleSuspensionParams &suspensionParams, const PxTransform &rigidBodyPose): Compute suspension travel direction in the world frame.
PxVehicleComputeSuspensionRaycast(const PxVehicleFrame &frame, const PxVehicleWheelParams &wheelParams, const PxVehicleSuspensionParams &suspensionParams, const PxF32 steerAngle, const PxTransform &rigidBodyPose, PxVec3 &start, PxVec3 &dir, PxReal &dist): Compute the start point, direction and length of a suspension scene raycast.
PxVehicleComputeSuspensionSweep(const PxVehicleFrame &frame, const PxVehicleSuspensionParams &suspensionParams, const PxReal steerAngle, const PxTransform &rigidBodyPose, PxTransform &start, PxVec3 &dir, PxReal &dist): Compute the start pose, direction and length of a suspension scene sweep.
PxVehicleComputeWheelLocalOrientation(const PxVehicleFrame &frame, const PxVehicleSuspensionParams &suspensionParams, const PxReal camberAngle, const PxReal toeAngle, const PxReal steerAngle, const PxReal rotationAngle): Compute the quaternion of a wheel in the rigid body frame.
PxVehicleComputeWheelLocalPose(const PxVehicleFrame &frame, const PxVehicleSuspensionParams &suspensionParams, const PxVehicleSuspensionState &suspensionState, const PxVehicleSuspensionComplianceState &suspensionComplianceState, const PxReal steerAngle, const PxVehicleWheelRigidBody1dState &wheelState): Compute the pose of the wheel in the rigid body frame.
PxVehicleComputeWheelLocalPose(const PxVehicleFrame &frame, const PxVehicleSuspensionParams &suspensionParams, const PxVehicleSuspensionState &suspensionState, const PxReal camberAngle, const PxReal toeAngle, const PxReal steerAngle, const PxReal rotationAngle): Compute the pose of the wheel in the rigid body frame.
PxVehicleComputeWheelOrientation(const PxVehicleFrame &frame, const PxVehicleSuspensionParams &suspensionParams, const PxReal camberAngle, const PxReal toeAngle, const PxReal steerAngle, const PxQuat &rigidBodyOrientation, const PxReal rotationAngle): Compute the quaternion of a wheel in the world frame.
PxVehicleComputeWheelPose(const PxVehicleFrame &frame, const PxVehicleSuspensionParams &suspensionParams, const PxVehicleSuspensionState &suspensionState, const PxReal camberAngle, const PxReal toeAngle, const PxReal steerAngle, const PxTransform &rigidBodyPose, const PxReal rotationAngle): Compute the pose of the wheel in the world frame.
PxVehicleComputeWheelPose(const PxVehicleFrame &frame, const PxVehicleSuspensionParams &suspensionParams, const PxVehicleSuspensionState &suspensionState, const PxVehicleSuspensionComplianceState &suspensionComplianceState, const PxReal steerAngle, const PxTransform &rigidBodyPose, const PxVehicleWheelRigidBody1dState &wheelState): Compute the pose of the wheel in the world frame.
PxVehicleComputeWheelPoseForSuspensionQuery(const PxVehicleFrame &frame, const PxVehicleSuspensionParams &suspensionParams, const PxReal steerAngle, const PxTransform &rigidBodyPose): Compute the start pose of a suspension query.
PxVehicleConstraintsCreate(const PxVehicleAxleDescription &axleDescription, PxPhysics &physics, PxRigidBody &physxActor, PxVehiclePhysXConstraints &vehicleConstraints): Instantiate the PhysX custom constraints.
PxVehicleConstraintsDestroy(PxVehiclePhysXConstraints &vehicleConstraints): Destroy the PhysX custom constraints.
PxVehicleConstraintsDirtyStateUpdate(PxVehiclePhysXConstraints &vehicleConstraints): To ensure the constraints are processed by the PhysX scene they are marked as dirty prior to each simulate step.
PxVehicleDifferentialStateUpdate(const PxVehicleAxleDescription &axleDescription, const PxVehicleFourWheelDriveDifferentialParams &diffParams, const PxVehicleArrayData< const PxVehicleWheelRigidBody1dState > &wheelStates, const PxReal dt, PxVehicleDifferentialState &diffState, PxVehicleWheelConstraintGroupState &wheelConstraintGroupState): Compute the fraction of available torque to be delivered to each wheel and gather a list of all wheels connected to the differential.
PxVehicleDifferentialStateUpdate(const PxVehicleAxleDescription &axleDescription, const PxVehicleMultiWheelDriveDifferentialParams &diffParams, PxVehicleDifferentialState &diffState): Compute the fraction of available torque to be delivered to each wheel and gather a list of all wheels connected to the differential.
PxVehicleDifferentialStateUpdate(const PxVehicleFourWheelDriveDifferentialLegacyParams &diffParams, const PxVehicleArrayData< const PxVehicleWheelRigidBody1dState > &wheelStates, PxVehicleDifferentialState &diffState): Compute the fraction of available torque to be delivered to each wheel and gather a list of all wheels connected to the differential.
PxVehicleDifferentialStateUpdate(const PxVehicleAxleDescription &axleDescription, const PxVehicleArrayData< const PxVehicleWheelParams > &wheelParams, const PxVehicleTankDriveDifferentialParams &diffParams, const PxReal thrustCommand0, PxReal thrustCommand1, PxVehicleDifferentialState &diffState, PxVehicleWheelConstraintGroupState &wheelConstraintGroupState): Compute the fraction of available torque to be delivered to each wheel and gather a list of all wheels connected to the differential.
PxVehicleDirectDriveActuationStateUpdate(const PxReal brakeTorque, const PxReal driveTorque, PxVehicleWheelActuationState &actuationState): Determine the actuation state of a wheel given the brake torque, handbrake torque and drive torque applied to it.
PxVehicleDirectDriveThrottleCommandResponseUpdate(const PxReal throttle, const PxVehicleDirectDriveTransmissionCommandState &transmissionCommands, const PxReal longitudinalSpeed, const PxU32 wheelId, const PxVehicleDirectDriveThrottleCommandResponseParams &throttleResponseParams, PxReal &throttleResponseState): Compute the drive torque response to a throttle command.
PxVehicleDirectDriveUpdate(const PxVehicleWheelParams &wheelParams, const PxVehicleWheelActuationState &actuationState, const PxReal brakeTorque, const PxReal driveTorque, const PxVehicleTireForce &tireForce, const PxF32 dt, PxVehicleWheelRigidBody1dState &wheelRigidBody1dState): Forward integrate the angular speed of a wheel given the brake and drive torque applied to it.
PxVehicleEngineDampingRateCompute(const PxVehicleEngineParams &engineParams, const PxVehicleGearboxParams &gearboxParams, const PxVehicleGearboxState &gearboxState, const PxVehicleClutchCommandResponseState &clutchResponseState, const PxVehicleEngineDriveThrottleCommandResponseState &throttleResponseState): Compute the damping rate of the engine.
PxVehicleEngineDriveActuationStateUpdate(const PxVehicleAxleDescription &axleDescription, const PxVehicleGearboxParams &gearboxParams, const PxVehicleArrayData< const PxReal > &brakeResponseStates, const PxVehicleEngineDriveThrottleCommandResponseState &throttleResponseState, const PxVehicleGearboxState &gearboxState, const PxVehicleDifferentialState &diffState, const PxVehicleClutchCommandResponseState &clutchResponseState, PxVehicleArrayData< PxVehicleWheelActuationState > &actuationStates): Determine the actuation state of all wheels on a vehicle.
PxVehicleEngineDriveThrottleCommandResponseLinearUpdate(const PxVehicleCommandState &commands, PxVehicleEngineDriveThrottleCommandResponseState &throttleResponse): Propagate the input throttle command to the throttle response state.
PxVehicleEngineDriveTorqueCompute(const PxVehicleEngineParams &engineParams, const PxVehicleEngineState &engineState, const PxVehicleEngineDriveThrottleCommandResponseState &throttleCommandResponseState): Compute the drive torque to deliver to the engine.
PxVehicleEngineDrivetrainUpdate(const PxVehicleAxleDescription &axleDescription, const PxVehicleArrayData< const PxVehicleWheelParams > &wheelParams, const PxVehicleEngineParams &engineParams, const PxVehicleClutchParams &clutchParams, const PxVehicleGearboxParams &gearboxParams, const PxVehicleArrayData< const PxReal > &brakeResponseStates, const PxVehicleArrayData< const PxVehicleWheelActuationState > &actuationStates, const PxVehicleArrayData< const PxVehicleTireForce > &tireForces, const PxVehicleGearboxState &gearboxState, const PxVehicleEngineDriveThrottleCommandResponseState &throttleResponse, const PxVehicleClutchCommandResponseState &clutchResponse, const PxVehicleDifferentialState &diffState, const PxVehicleWheelConstraintGroupState *constraintGroupState, const PxReal dt, PxVehicleArrayData< PxVehicleWheelRigidBody1dState > &wheelRigidbody1dStates, PxVehicleEngineState &engineState, PxVehicleClutchSlipState &clutchState): Forward integrate the angular speed of the vehicle's wheels and engine, given the state of clutch, differential and gearbox.
PxVehicleGearCommandResponseUpdate(const PxU32 targetGearCommand, const PxVehicleGearboxParams &gearboxParams, PxVehicleGearboxState &gearboxState): Propagate input gear commands to the gearbox state.
PxVehicleGearRatioCompute(const PxVehicleGearboxParams &gearboxParams, const PxVehicleGearboxState &gearboxState): Compute the gear ratio delivered by the gearbox in the current gear.
PxVehicleGearboxUpdate(const PxVehicleGearboxParams &gearboxParams, const PxF32 dt, PxVehicleGearboxState &gearboxState): Update the current gear of the gearbox.
PxVehicleIsWheelOnGround(const PxVehicleSuspensionState &suspState): Check if the suspension could place the wheel on the ground or not.
PxVehicleLegacyDifferentialTorqueRatiosCompute(const PxVehicleFourWheelDriveDifferentialLegacyParams &diffParams, const PxVehicleArrayData< const PxVehicleWheelRigidBody1dState > &wheelOmegas, const PxU32 nbWheels, PxReal *diffTorqueRatios): Compute the fraction of available torque that is delivered to each wheel through the differential.
PxVehicleLegacyDifferentialWheelSpeedContributionsCompute(const PxVehicleFourWheelDriveDifferentialLegacyParams &diffParams, const PxU32 nbWheels, PxReal *diffAveWheelSpeedContributions): Compute the contribution that each wheel makes to the averaged wheel speed at the clutch plate connected to the wheels driven by the differential.
PxVehicleLinearResponseCompute(const PxReal command, const PxU32 wheelId, const PxVehicleCommandResponseParams &responseParams): Compute the linear response to a command.
PxVehicleNonLinearResponseCompute(const PxReal command, const PxReal longitudinalSpeed, const PxU32 wheelId, const PxVehicleCommandResponseParams &responseParams): Compute the non-linear response to a command.
PxVehiclePhysXActorConfigure(const PxVehiclePhysXRigidActorParams &rigidActorParams, const PxTransform &rigidActorCmassLocalPose, PxRigidBody &rigidBody): Configure an actor so that it is ready for vehicle simulation.
PxVehiclePhysXActorCreate(const PxVehicleFrame &vehicleFrame, const PxVehiclePhysXRigidActorParams &rigidActorParams, const PxTransform &rigidActorCmassLocalPose, const PxVehiclePhysXRigidActorShapeParams &rigidActorShapeParams, const PxVehiclePhysXWheelParams &wheelParams, const PxVehiclePhysXWheelShapeParams &wheelShapeParams, PxPhysics &physics, const PxCookingParams ¶ms, PxVehiclePhysXActor &vehiclePhysXActor): Create a PxRigidDynamic instance, instantiate it with desired properties and populate it with PxShape instances.
PxVehiclePhysXActorDestroy(PxVehiclePhysXActor &vehiclePhysXActor): Release the PxRigidDynamic , PxArticulationReducedCoordinate , PxArticulationLink and PxShape instances instantiated by PxVehiclePhysXActorCreate or PxVehiclePhysXArticulationLinkCreate.
PxVehiclePhysXArticulationLinkCreate(const PxVehicleFrame &vehicleFrame, const PxVehiclePhysXRigidActorParams &rigidActorParams, const PxTransform &rigidActorCmassLocalPose, const PxVehiclePhysXRigidActorShapeParams &rigidActorShapeParams, const PxVehiclePhysXWheelParams &wheelParams, const PxVehiclePhysXWheelShapeParams &wheelShapeParams, PxPhysics &physics, const PxCookingParams ¶ms, PxVehiclePhysXActor &vehiclePhysXActor): Create a PxArticulationReducedCoordinate and a single PxArticulationLink , instantiate the PxArticulationLink with desired properties and populate it with PxShape instances.
PxVehiclePhysXConstraintStatesUpdate(const PxVehicleSuspensionParams &suspensionParams, const PxVehiclePhysXSuspensionLimitConstraintParams &suspensionLimitParams, const PxVehicleSuspensionState &suspensionState, const PxVehicleSuspensionComplianceState &suspensionComplianceState, const PxVec3 &groundPlaneNormal, const PxReal tireStickyDampingLong, const PxReal tireStickyDampingLat, const PxVehicleTireDirectionState &tireDirectionState, const PxVehicleTireStickyState &tireStickyState, const PxVehicleRigidBodyState &rigidBodyState, PxVehiclePhysXConstraintState &constraintState): Read constraint data from the vehicle's internal state for a single wheel and write it to a structure that will be read by the associated PxScene and used to impose the constraints during the next PxScene::simulate() step.
PxVehiclePhysXRoadGeometryQueryUpdate(const PxVehicleWheelParams &wheelParams, const PxVehicleSuspensionParams &suspParams, const PxVehiclePhysXRoadGeometryQueryType::Enum queryType, PxQueryFilterCallback *filterCallback, const PxQueryFilterData &filterData, const PxVehiclePhysXMaterialFrictionParams &materialFrictionParams, const PxReal wheelYawAngle, const PxVehicleRigidBodyState &rigidBodyState, const PxScene &scene, const PxConvexMesh *unitCylinderSweepMesh, const PxVehicleFrame &frame, PxVehicleRoadGeometryState &roadGeomState, PxVehiclePhysXRoadGeometryQueryState *physxRoadGeometryState): Compute the plane of the road geometry under a wheel and the tire friction of the contact.
PxVehiclePhysxActorKeepAwakeCheck(const PxVehicleAxleDescription &axleDescription, const PxVehicleArrayData< const PxVehicleWheelParams > &wheelParams, const PxVehicleArrayData< const PxVehicleWheelRigidBody1dState > &wheelRigidBody1dStates, const PxReal wakeCounterThreshold, const PxReal wakeCounterResetValue, const PxVehicleGearboxState *gearState, const PxReal *throttle, PxRigidBody &physxActor): Check if the physx actor has to be kept awake.
PxVehiclePhysxActorSleepCheck(const PxVehicleAxleDescription &axleDescription, const PxRigidBody &physxActor, const PxVehicleEngineParams *engineParams, PxVehicleRigidBodyState &rigidBodyState, PxVehiclePhysXConstraints &physxConstraints, PxVehicleArrayData< PxVehicleWheelRigidBody1dState > &wheelRigidBody1dStates, PxVehicleEngineState *engineState): Check if the physx actor is sleeping and clear certain vehicle states if it is.
PxVehiclePhysxActorWakeup(const PxVehicleCommandState &commands, const PxVehicleEngineDriveTransmissionCommandState *transmissionCommands, const PxVehicleGearboxParams *gearParams, const PxVehicleGearboxState *gearState, PxRigidBody &physxActor, PxVehiclePhysXSteerState &physxSteerState): Wake up the physx actor if the actor is asleep and the commands signal an intent to change the state of the vehicle.
PxVehiclePvdAntiRollsRegister(const PxVehicleSizedArrayData< const PxVehicleAntiRollForceParams > &antiRollForceParams, const PxVehicleAntiRollTorque *antiRollTorque, const PxVehiclePvdAttributeHandles &attributeHandles, PxVehiclePvdObjectHandles &objectHandles, OmniPvdWriter &omniWriter): Register object instances in omnipvd that will be used to reflect the antiroll bars of a vehicle instance.
PxVehiclePvdAntiRollsWrite(const PxVehicleSizedArrayData< const PxVehicleAntiRollForceParams > &antiRollForceParams, const PxVehicleAntiRollTorque *antiRollTorque, const PxVehiclePvdAttributeHandles &attributeHandles, const PxVehiclePvdObjectHandles &objectHandles, OmniPvdWriter &omniWriter): Write antiroll data to omnipvd.
PxVehiclePvdAttributesCreate(PxAllocatorCallback &allocator, OmniPvdWriter &omniWriter): Create the attribute handles necessary to reflect vehicles in omnipvd.
PxVehiclePvdAttributesRelease(PxAllocatorCallback &allocator, PxVehiclePvdAttributeHandles &attributeHandles): Destory the attribute handles created by PxVehiclePvdAttributesCreate().
PxVehiclePvdCommandResponseRegister(const PxVehicleSizedArrayData< const PxVehicleBrakeCommandResponseParams > &brakeResponseParams, const PxVehicleSteerCommandResponseParams *steerResponseParams, const PxVehicleAckermannParams *ackermannParams, const PxVehicleArrayData< PxReal > &brakeResponseStates, const PxVehicleArrayData< PxReal > &steerResponseStates, const PxVehiclePvdAttributeHandles &attributeHandles, PxVehiclePvdObjectHandles &objectHandles, OmniPvdWriter &omniWriter): Register object instances in omnipvd that will be used to reflect the brake and steer command response parameters of a vehicle instance.
PxVehiclePvdCommandResponseWrite(const PxVehicleAxleDescription &axleDesc, const PxVehicleSizedArrayData< const PxVehicleBrakeCommandResponseParams > &brakeResponseParams, const PxVehicleSteerCommandResponseParams *steerResponseParams, const PxVehicleAckermannParams *ackermannParams, const PxVehicleArrayData< PxReal > &brakeResponseStates, const PxVehicleArrayData< PxReal > &steerResponseStates, const PxVehiclePvdAttributeHandles &attributeHandles, const PxVehiclePvdObjectHandles &objectHandles, OmniPvdWriter &omniWriter): Write brake and steer command response parameters to omnipvd.
PxVehiclePvdDirectDrivetrainRegister(const PxVehicleCommandState *commandState, const PxVehicleDirectDriveTransmissionCommandState *transmissionCommandState, const PxVehicleDirectDriveThrottleCommandResponseParams *directDriveThrottleResponseParams, const PxVehicleArrayData< PxReal > &directDriveThrottleResponseState, const PxVehiclePvdAttributeHandles &attributeHandles, PxVehiclePvdObjectHandles &objectHandles, OmniPvdWriter &omniWriter): Register object instances in omnipvd that will be used to reflect the direct drivetrain of a vehicle instance.
PxVehiclePvdObjectCreate(const PxU32 nbWheels, const PxU32 nbAntirolls, const PxU32 maxNbPhysxMaterialFrictions, const PxU64 contextHandle, PxAllocatorCallback &allocator): Create omnipvd objects that will be used to reflect an individual veicle in omnipvd.
PxVehiclePvdObjectRelease(OmniPvdWriter &omniWriter, PxAllocatorCallback &allocator, PxVehiclePvdObjectHandles &objectHandles): Destroy the PxVehiclePvdObjectHandles instance created by PxVehiclePvdObjectCreate().
PxVehiclePvdPhysXRigidActorRegister(const PxVehiclePhysXActor *physxActor, const PxVehiclePvdAttributeHandles &attributeHandles, PxVehiclePvdObjectHandles &objectHandles, OmniPvdWriter &omniWriter): Register the PxRigidActor instance that represents the vehicle's rigid body in a PhysX scene.
PxVehiclePvdPhysXRigidActorWrite(const PxVehiclePhysXActor *physxActor, const PxVehiclePvdAttributeHandles &attributeHandles, const PxVehiclePvdObjectHandles &objectHandles, OmniPvdWriter &omniWriter): Write the PxRigidActor instance to omnipvd.
PxVehiclePvdPhysXSteerStateRegister(const PxVehiclePhysXSteerState *physxSteerState, const PxVehiclePvdAttributeHandles &attributeHandles, PxVehiclePvdObjectHandles &objectHandles, OmniPvdWriter &omniWriter): Register the PhysX related steer state class.
PxVehiclePvdPhysXSteerStateWrite(const PxVehiclePhysXSteerState *physxSteerState, const PxVehiclePvdAttributeHandles &attributeHandles, const PxVehiclePvdObjectHandles &objectHandles, OmniPvdWriter &omniWriter): Write the PxVehiclePhysXSteerState instance to omnipvd.
PxVehiclePvdPhysXWheelAttachmentRegister(const PxVehicleAxleDescription &axleDesc, const PxVehicleArrayData< const PxVehiclePhysXSuspensionLimitConstraintParams > &physxSuspLimitConstraintParams, const PxVehicleArrayData< const PxVehiclePhysXMaterialFrictionParams > &physxMaterialFrictionParams, const PxVehiclePhysXActor *physxActor, const PxVehiclePhysXRoadGeometryQueryParams *physxRoadGeometryQueryParams, const PxVehicleArrayData< const PxVehiclePhysXRoadGeometryQueryState > &physxRoadGeomState, const PxVehicleArrayData< const PxVehiclePhysXConstraintState > &physxConstraintStates, const PxVehiclePvdAttributeHandles &attributeHandles, PxVehiclePvdObjectHandles &objectHandles, OmniPvdWriter &omniWriter): Register per wheel attachment data that involves the vehicle's integration with a PhysX scene.
PxVehiclePvdPhysXWheelAttachmentWrite(const PxVehicleAxleDescription &axleDesc, const PxVehicleArrayData< const PxVehiclePhysXSuspensionLimitConstraintParams > &physxSuspLimitConstraintParams, const PxVehicleArrayData< const PxVehiclePhysXMaterialFrictionParams > &physxMaterialFrictionParams, const PxVehiclePhysXActor *physxActor, const PxVehiclePhysXRoadGeometryQueryParams *physxRoadGeometryQueryParams, const PxVehicleArrayData< const PxVehiclePhysXRoadGeometryQueryState > &physxRoadGeomState, const PxVehicleArrayData< const PxVehiclePhysXConstraintState > &physxConstraintStates, const PxVehiclePvdAttributeHandles &attributeHandles, const PxVehiclePvdObjectHandles &objectHandles, OmniPvdWriter &omniWriter): Write to omnipvd the per wheel attachment data that involves the vehicle's integration with a PhysX scene.
PxVehiclePvdRigidBodyRegister(const PxVehicleRigidBodyParams *rbodyParams, const PxVehicleRigidBodyState *rbodyState, const PxVehiclePvdAttributeHandles &attributeHandles, PxVehiclePvdObjectHandles &objectHandles, OmniPvdWriter &omniWriter): Create object instances in omnipvd that will be used to reflect the parameters and state of the rigid body of a vehicle instance.
PxVehiclePvdRigidBodyWrite(const PxVehicleRigidBodyParams *rbodyParams, const PxVehicleRigidBodyState *rbodyState, const PxVehiclePvdAttributeHandles &attributeHandles, const PxVehiclePvdObjectHandles &objectHandles, OmniPvdWriter &omniWriter): Write the parameters and state of the rigid body of a vehicle instance to omnipvd.
PxVehiclePvdSuspensionStateCalculationParamsRegister(const PxVehicleSuspensionStateCalculationParams *suspStateCalcParams, const PxVehiclePvdAttributeHandles &attributeHandles, PxVehiclePvdObjectHandles &objectHandles, OmniPvdWriter &omniWriter): Register object instances in omnipvd that will be used to reflect the suspension state calculation parameters of a vehicle instance.
PxVehiclePvdSuspensionStateCalculationParamsWrite(const PxVehicleSuspensionStateCalculationParams *suspStateCalcParams, const PxVehiclePvdAttributeHandles &attributeHandles, const PxVehiclePvdObjectHandles &objectHandles, OmniPvdWriter &omniWriter): Write the parameters and state of the rigid body of a vehicle instance to omnipvd.
PxVehicleReadRigidBodyStateFromPhysXActor(const PxRigidBody &physxActor, PxVehicleRigidBodyState &rigidBodyState): Read the rigid body state from a PhysX actor.
PxVehicleShiftOrigin(const PxVehicleAxleDescription &axleDesc, const PxVec3 &shift, PxVehicleRigidBodyState &rigidBodyState, PxVehicleRoadGeometryState *roadGeometryStates, PxVehiclePhysXActor *physxActor=NULL, PxVehiclePhysXRoadGeometryQueryState *physxQueryStates=NULL): Shift the origin of a vehicle by the specified vector.
PxVehicleSteerCommandResponseUpdate(const PxReal steer, const PxReal longitudinalSpeed, const PxU32 wheelId, const PxVehicleSteerCommandResponseParams &steerResponseParmas, PxReal &steerResponseState): Compute the yaw angle response to a steer command.
PxVehicleSuspensionComplianceUpdate(const PxVehicleSuspensionParams &suspensionParams, const PxVehicleSuspensionComplianceParams &complianceParams, const PxVehicleSuspensionState &suspensionState, PxVehicleSuspensionComplianceState &complianceState): Compute the toe, camber and force application points that are affected by suspension compression.
PxVehicleSuspensionForceUpdate(const PxVehicleSuspensionParams &suspensionParams, const PxVehicleSuspensionForceParams &suspensionForceParams, const PxVehicleRoadGeometryState &roadGeometryState, const PxVehicleSuspensionState &suspensionState, const PxVehicleSuspensionComplianceState &complianceState, const PxVehicleRigidBodyState &rigidBodyState, const PxVec3 &gravity, const PxReal vehicleMass, PxVehicleSuspensionForce &suspensionForce): Compute the suspension force and torque arising from suspension compression and speed.
PxVehicleSuspensionLegacyForceUpdate(const PxVehicleSuspensionParams &suspensionParams, const PxVehicleSuspensionForceLegacyParams &suspensionForceParams, const PxVehicleRoadGeometryState &roadGeometryState, const PxVehicleSuspensionState &suspensionState, const PxVehicleSuspensionComplianceState &complianceState, const PxVehicleRigidBodyState &rigidBodyState, const PxVec3 &gravity, PxVehicleSuspensionForce &suspensionForce): Compute the suspension force and torque arising from suspension compression and speed.
PxVehicleSuspensionStateUpdate(const PxVehicleWheelParams &wheelParams, const PxVehicleSuspensionParams &suspensionParams, const PxVehicleSuspensionStateCalculationParams &suspensionStateCalcParams, const PxReal suspensionStiffness, const PxReal suspensionDamping, const PxReal steerAngle, const PxVehicleRoadGeometryState &roadGeometryState, const PxVehicleRigidBodyState &rigidBodyState, const PxReal dt, const PxVehicleFrame &frame, const PxVec3 &gravity, PxVehicleSuspensionState &suspState): Compute the suspension compression and compression speed for a single suspension.
PxVehicleTireCamberAnglesUpdate(const PxVehicleSuspensionParams &suspensionParams, const PxReal steerAngle, const PxVec3 &groundNormal, bool isWheelOnGround, const PxVehicleSuspensionComplianceState &complianceState, const PxVehicleRigidBodyState &rigidBodyState, const PxVehicleFrame &frame, PxVehicleTireCamberAngleState &tireCamberAngleState): Compute the camber angle of the wheel.
PxVehicleTireDirsLegacyUpdate(const PxVehicleSuspensionParams &suspensionParams, const PxReal steerAngle, const PxVehicleRoadGeometryState &roadGeometryState, const PxVehicleRigidBodyState &rigidBodyState, const PxVehicleFrame &frame, PxVehicleTireDirectionState &tireDirectionState): Compute the longitudinal and lateral tire directions in the ground plane.
PxVehicleTireDirsUpdate(const PxVehicleSuspensionParams &suspensionParams, const PxReal steerAngle, const PxVec3 &groundNormal, bool isWheelOnGround, const PxVehicleSuspensionComplianceState &complianceState, const PxVehicleRigidBodyState &rigidBodyState, const PxVehicleFrame &frame, PxVehicleTireDirectionState &tireDirectionState): Compute the longitudinal and lateral tire directions in the ground plane.
PxVehicleTireForcesUpdate(const PxVehicleWheelParams &wheelParams, const PxVehicleSuspensionParams &suspensionParams, const PxVehicleTireForceParams &tireForceParams, const PxVehicleSuspensionComplianceState &complianceState, const PxVehicleTireGripState &tireGripState, const PxVehicleTireDirectionState &tireDirectionState, const PxVehicleTireSlipState &tireSlipState, const PxVehicleTireCamberAngleState &tireCamberAngleState, const PxVehicleRigidBodyState &rigidBodyState, PxVehicleTireForce &tireForce): Compute the longitudinal and lateral forces in the world frame that develop on the tire as a consequence of the tire's slip angles, friction and load.
PxVehicleTireGripUpdate(const PxVehicleTireForceParams &tireForceParams, PxReal frictionCoefficient, bool isWheelOnGround, const PxVehicleSuspensionForce &suspensionForce, const PxVehicleTireSlipState &tireSlipState, PxVehicleTireGripState &tireGripState): Compute the load and friction experienced by the tire.
PxVehicleTireSlipSpeedsUpdate(const PxVehicleWheelParams &wheelParams, const PxVehicleSuspensionParams &suspensionParams, const PxF32 steerAngle, const PxVehicleSuspensionState &suspensionStates, const PxVehicleTireDirectionState &tireDirectionState, const PxVehicleRigidBodyState &rigidBodyState, const PxVehicleRoadGeometryState &roadGeometryState, const PxVehicleFrame &frame, PxVehicleTireSpeedState &tireSpeedState): Project the rigid body velocity at the tire contact point along the tire longitudinal directions.
PxVehicleTireSlipsAccountingForStickyStatesUpdate(const PxVehicleTireStickyState &tireStickyState, PxVehicleTireSlipState &tireSlipState): Set the tire longitudinal and lateral slip values to 0.0 in the event that the tire has entred tire sticky state.
PxVehicleTireSlipsLegacyUpdate(const PxVehicleWheelParams &wheelParams, const PxVehicleTireSlipParams &tireSlipParams, const PxVehicleWheelActuationState &actuationState, PxVehicleTireSpeedState &tireSpeedState, const PxVehicleWheelRigidBody1dState &wheelRigidBody1dState, PxVehicleTireSlipState &tireSlipState): Compute a tire's longitudinal and lateral slip angles.
PxVehicleTireSlipsUpdate(const PxVehicleWheelParams &wheelParams, const PxVehicleTireSlipParams &tireSlipParams, const PxVehicleWheelActuationState &actuationState, PxVehicleTireSpeedState &tireSpeedState, const PxVehicleWheelRigidBody1dState &wheelRigidBody1dState, PxVehicleTireSlipState &tireSlipState): Compute a tire's longitudinal and lateral slip angles.
PxVehicleTireStickyStateReset(const bool poweredVehicleIntentionToAccelerate, const PxVehicleAxleDescription &unpoweredVehicleAxleDesc, PxVehicleArrayData< PxVehicleTireStickyState > &unpoweredVehicleStickyState): Reset the sticky tire states of an unpowered vehicle if it is in a jointed ensemble of vehicles with at least one powered vehicle.
PxVehicleTireStickyStateUpdate(const PxVehicleAxleDescription &axleDescription, const PxVehicleWheelParams &wheelParams, const PxVehicleTireStickyParams &tireStickyParams, const PxVehicleArrayData< const PxVehicleWheelActuationState > &actuationStates, const PxVehicleTireGripState &tireGripState, const PxVehicleTireSpeedState &tireSpeedState, const PxVehicleWheelRigidBody1dState &wheelRigidBody1dState, const PxReal dt, PxVehicleTireStickyState &tireStickyState): When a tire has been at a very low speed for a threshold time without application of drive torque, a secondary tire model is applied to bring the tire to rest using velocity constraints that asymptotically approach zero speed along the tire's lateral and longitudinal directions.
PxVehicleUnitCylinderSweepMeshCreate(const PxVehicleFrame &vehicleFrame, PxPhysics &physics, const PxCookingParams ¶ms): Create a cylindrical mesh with unit radius and half-width.
PxVehicleUnitCylinderSweepMeshDestroy(PxConvexMesh *mesh): Release the mesh created with PxVehicleUnitCylinderSweepMeshCreate.
PxVehicleWheelRotationAngleUpdate(const PxVehicleWheelParams &wheelParams, const PxVehicleWheelActuationState &actuationState, const PxVehicleSuspensionState &suspensionState, const PxVehicleTireSpeedState &tireSpeedState, const PxReal thresholdForwardSpeedForWheelAngleIntegration, const PxReal dt, PxVehicleWheelRigidBody1dState &wheelRigidBody1dState): Forward integrate the rotation angle of a wheel.
PxVehicleWriteRigidBodyStateToPhysXActor(const PxVehiclePhysXActorUpdateMode::Enum physxActorUpdateMode, const PxVehicleRigidBodyState &rigidBodyState, const PxReal dt, PxRigidBody &physXActor): Write the rigid body state to a PhysX actor.
PxVehicleWriteWheelLocalPoseToPhysXWheelShape(const PxTransform &wheelLocalPose, const PxTransform &wheelShapeLocalPose, PxShape *shape): Update the local pose of a PxShape that is associated with a wheel.
Pxstrnicmp(const char *str1, const char *str2, size_t count)
Pxvsnprintf(char *dst, size_t dstSize, const char *src, va_list arg)
aos::BGetBitMask(const BoolV a): Get BoolV as bits set in an PxU32. A bit in the output is set if the element is 'true' in the input. There is a bit for each element in a, with element 0s value held in bit0, element 1 in bit 1s and so forth. If nothing is true in the input it will return 0, and if all are true if will return 0xf. NOTE! That performance of the function varies considerably by platform, thus it is recommended to use where your algorithm really needs a BoolV in an integer variable.
aos::FClamp(const FloatV a, const FloatV minV, const FloatV maxV)
aos::FInBounds(const FloatV a, const FloatV min, const FloatV max)
aos::FNegScaleSub(const FloatV a, const FloatV b, const FloatV c)
aos::FOutOfBounds(const FloatV a, const FloatV min, const FloatV max)
aos::FScaleAdd(const FloatV a, const FloatV b, const FloatV c)
aos::I4LoadXYZW(const PxI32 &x, const PxI32 &y, const PxI32 &z, const PxI32 &w)
aos::M33MulV3AddV3(const Mat33V &A, const Vec3V b, const Vec3V c)
aos::QuatGetBasisVector0(const QuatV q): brief computes rotation of x-axis
aos::QuatGetBasisVector1(const QuatV q): brief computes rotation of y-axis
aos::QuatGetBasisVector2(const QuatV q): brief computes rotation of z-axis
aos::QuatGetMat33V(const QuatV &q, Vec3V &column0, Vec3V &column1, Vec3V &column2)
aos::QuatGetMat33V(const QuatVArg q, Vec3V &column0, Vec3V &column1, Vec3V &column2)
aos::QuatMerge(const FloatV &x, const FloatV &y, const FloatV &z, const FloatV &w)
aos::QuatMerge(const FloatVArg x, const FloatVArg y, const FloatVArg z, const FloatVArg w)
aos::QuatTransform(const QuatV q, const Vec3V p, const Vec3V v)
aos::QuatVLoadXYZW(const PxF32 x, const PxF32 y, const PxF32 z, const PxF32 w)
aos::QuatV_From_RotationAxisAngle(const Vec3V u, const FloatV a)
aos::V3Clamp(const Vec3V a, const Vec3V minV, const Vec3V maxV)
aos::V3InBounds(const Vec3V a, const Vec3V min, const Vec3V max)
aos::V3Merge(const FloatV &x, const FloatV &y, const FloatV &z)
aos::V3Merge(const FloatVArg x, const FloatVArg y, const FloatVArg z)
aos::V3NegMulSub(const Vec3V a, const Vec3V b, const Vec3V c)
aos::V3NegScaleSub(const Vec3V a, const FloatV b, const Vec3V c)
aos::V3NormalizeSafe(const Vec3V a, const Vec3V unsafeReturnValue)
aos::V3OutOfBounds(const Vec3V a, const Vec3V min, const Vec3V max)
aos::V3ScaleAdd(const Vec3V a, const FloatV b, const Vec3V c)
aos::V4Clamp(const Vec4V a, const Vec4V minV, const Vec4V maxV)
aos::V4I32Sel(const BoolV c, const VecI32V a, const VecI32V b)
aos::V4LoadXYZW(const PxF32 &x, const PxF32 &y, const PxF32 &z, const PxF32 &w)
aos::V4Merge(const FloatV &x, const FloatV &y, const FloatV &z, const FloatV &w)
aos::V4Merge(const FloatVArg x, const FloatVArg y, const FloatVArg z, const FloatVArg w)
aos::V4MergeW(const Vec4V &x, const Vec4V &y, const Vec4V &z, const Vec4V &w)
aos::V4MergeW(const Vec4VArg x, const Vec4VArg y, const Vec4VArg z, const Vec4VArg w)
aos::V4MergeX(const Vec4V &x, const Vec4V &y, const Vec4V &z, const Vec4V &w)
aos::V4MergeX(const Vec4VArg x, const Vec4VArg y, const Vec4VArg z, const Vec4VArg w)
aos::V4MergeY(const Vec4V &x, const Vec4V &y, const Vec4V &z, const Vec4V &w)
aos::V4MergeY(const Vec4VArg x, const Vec4VArg y, const Vec4VArg z, const Vec4VArg w)
aos::V4MergeZ(const Vec4V &x, const Vec4V &y, const Vec4V &z, const Vec4V &w)
aos::V4MergeZ(const Vec4VArg x, const Vec4VArg y, const Vec4VArg z, const Vec4VArg w)
aos::V4NegMulSub(const Vec4V a, const Vec4V b, const Vec4V c)
aos::V4NegScaleSub(const Vec4V a, const FloatV b, const Vec4V c)
aos::V4NormalizeSafe(const Vec4V a, const Vec4V unsafeReturnValue)
aos::V4ScaleAdd(const Vec4V a, const FloatV b, const Vec4V c)
aos::V4Transpose(Vec4V &col0, Vec4V &col1, Vec4V &col2, Vec4V &col3)
aos::V4U32Sel(const BoolV c, const VecU32V a, const VecU32V b)
aos::VecI32V_LeftShift(const VecI32V &a, const VecShiftV &shift)
aos::VecI32V_LeftShift(const VecI32VArg a, const PxU32 count)
aos::VecI32V_LeftShift(const VecI32VArg a, const VecShiftVArg count)
aos::VecI32V_Merge(const VecI32VArg a, const VecI32VArg b, const VecI32VArg c, const VecI32VArg d)
aos::VecI32V_RightShift(const VecI32V &a, const VecShiftV &shift)
aos::VecI32V_RightShift(const VecI32VArg a, const PxU32 count)
aos::VecI32V_RightShift(const VecI32VArg a, const VecShiftVArg count)
aos::VecI32V_Sel(const BoolV c, const VecI32VArg a, const VecI32VArg b)
aos::internalScalarSimd::hasZeroElementInFloatV(const FloatV a)
aos::internalScalarSimd::hasZeroElementInVec3V(const Vec3V a)
aos::internalScalarSimd::hasZeroElementInVec4V(const Vec4V a)
aos::vecMathTests::allElementsEqualBoolV(const BoolV a, const BoolV b)
aos::vecMathTests::allElementsEqualFloatV(const FloatV a, const FloatV b)
aos::vecMathTests::allElementsEqualMat33V(const Mat33V &a, const Mat33V &b)
aos::vecMathTests::allElementsEqualMat34V(const Mat34V &a, const Mat34V &b)
aos::vecMathTests::allElementsEqualMat44V(const Mat44V &a, const Mat44V &b)
aos::vecMathTests::allElementsEqualVec3V(const Vec3V a, const Vec3V b)
aos::vecMathTests::allElementsEqualVec4V(const Vec4V a, const Vec4V b)
aos::vecMathTests::allElementsEqualVecI32V(const VecI32V a, const VecI32V b)
aos::vecMathTests::allElementsEqualVecU32V(const VecU32V a, const VecU32V b)
aos::vecMathTests::allElementsNearEqualFloatV(const FloatV a, const FloatV b)
aos::vecMathTests::allElementsNearEqualMat33V(const Mat33V &a, const Mat33V &b)
aos::vecMathTests::allElementsNearEqualMat34V(const Mat34V &a, const Mat34V &b)
aos::vecMathTests::allElementsNearEqualMat44V(const Mat44V &a, const Mat44V &b)
aos::vecMathTests::allElementsNearEqualVec3V(const Vec3V a, const Vec3V b)
aos::vecMathTests::allElementsNearEqualVec4V(const Vec4V a, const Vec4V b)
computeBarycentric(const PxVec3 &a, const PxVec3 &b, const PxVec3 &c, const PxVec3 &p, PxVec4 &bary)
getOmniPvdDataTypeSizeFromEnum(OmniPvdDataType::Enum dataType)
normalToTangents(const PxVec3 &normal, PxVec3 &tangent0, PxVec3 &tangent1)
operator*(const PxMat33T< Type > &a, const PxMat34T< Type > &b): Multiply a*b, a is extended.
operator+(int i, PxStrideIterator< T > it): Addition operator.
operator<<(PxRenderOutput &out, const PxDebugCircle &circle)
transformMultiply(PxTransform32 &out, const PxTransform32 &a, const PxTransform32 &b)
transformMultiply(PxTransform &out, const PxTransform &a, const PxTransform &b)