ExtGpu::PxParticleAttachmentBuffer: Holds user-defined attachment data to attach particles to other bodies.
ExtGpu::PxParticleClothBufferHelper: Helper class to manage PxParticleClothDesc buffers used for communicating particle based cloths to PxParticleClothBuffer .
ExtGpu::PxParticleRigidBufferHelper: Helper class to manage PxParticleRigidDesc buffers used for communicating particle based rigids to PxPaticleSystem.
ExtGpu::PxParticleVolumeBufferHelper: Helper class to manage communicating PxParticleVolumes data to PxParticleBuffer .
OmniPvdFileReadStream: Used to abstract a file read stream.
OmniPvdFileWriteStream: Used to abstract a file write stream.
OmniPvdMemoryStream: Used to abstract a memory read/write stream.
OmniPvdReadStream: Used to abstract a memory read stream.
OmniPvdReader: Used to read debug information from an OmniPvdReadStream .
OmniPvdWriteStream: Used to abstract a memory write stream.
OmniPvdWriter: Used to write debug information to an OmniPvdWriteStream .
PxAABBManager: High-level broadphase API.
PxActor: PxActor is the base class for the main simulation objects in the physics SDK.
PxAggregate: Class to aggregate actors into a single broad-phase entry.
PxAlignedAllocator: Allocator, which is used to access the global PxAllocatorCallback instance (used for dynamic data types template instantiation), which can align memory.
PxAllocationListener: Abstract listener class that listens to allocation and deallocation events from the foundation memory system.
PxAllocator: Allocator used to access the global PxAllocatorCallback instance without providing additional information.
PxAllocatorCallback: Abstract base class for an application defined memory allocator that can be used by the Nv library.
PxAnisotropyCallback: Default implementation of a particle system callback to trigger anisotropy calculations.
PxAnisotropyGenerator: Computes anisotropy information for a particle system to improve rendering quality.
PxArrayConverter: Utility class to convert gpu arrays to a different memory layout.
PxArticulationAttachment: Defines a spatial tendon attachment point on a link.
PxArticulationCache: Data structure used to read and write internal articulation data.
PxArticulationCacheFlag: These flags determine what data is read or written to the internal articulation data via cache.
PxArticulationFixedTendon: A fixed tendon that can be used to link multiple degrees of freedom of multiple articulation joints via length and limit constraints.
PxArticulationGPUAPIComputeType: This flag specifies the type of operation to perform when calling PxDirectGPUAPI::computeArticulationData .
PxArticulationGPUAPIReadType: This flag specifies the type of data to get when calling PxDirectGPUAPI::getArticulationData() .
PxArticulationGPUAPIWriteType: This flag specifies the type of data to set when calling PxDirectGPUAPI::setArticulationData() .
PxArticulationGpuDataType: A description of the types of articulation data that may be directly written to and read from the GPU using the functions PxScene::copyArticulationData() and PxScene::applyArticulationData() .
PxArticulationJointReducedCoordinate: A joint between two links in an articulation.
PxArticulationLink: A component of an articulation that represents a rigid body.
PxArticulationMimicJoint: A mimic joint enforces a linear relationship between the positions of two joints of the same articulation instance.
PxArticulationReducedCoordinate: A tree structure of bodies connected by joints that is treated as a unit by the dynamics solver.
PxArticulationSpatialTendon: A spatial tendon that attaches to an articulation.
PxArticulationTendon: Common API base class shared by PxArticulationSpatialTendon and PxArticulationFixedTendon .
PxArticulationTendonJoint: Defines a fixed-tendon joint on an articulation joint degree of freedom.
PxArticulationTendonLimit: Defines the low/high limits of the length of a tendon.
PxBVH: Class representing a bounding volume hierarchy.
PxBVH33TriangleMesh: A triangle mesh containing the PxMeshMidPhase::eBVH33 structure.
PxBVH34TriangleMesh: A triangle mesh containing the PxMeshMidPhase::eBVH34 structure.
PxBase: Base class for objects that can be members of a PxCollection .
PxBaseMaterial: Base material class.
PxBaseTask: Base class of all task types.
PxBinaryConverter: Binary converter for serialized streams.
PxBounds3: Class representing 3D range or axis aligned bounding box.
PxBoxController: Box character controller.
PxBoxControllerDesc: Descriptor for a box character controller.
PxBoxGeometry: Class representing the geometry of a box.
PxBoxObstacle: A box obstacle.
PxBroadPhase: Low-level broadphase API.
PxBroadPhaseCallback: Broad-phase callback to receive broad-phase related events.
PxBroadPhaseDesc: Broadphase descriptor.
PxBroadPhaseRegions: Broadphase regions.
PxBroadPhaseUpdateData: Broadphase data update structure.
PxBroadcast: Broadcast class implementation, registering listeners.
PxBroadcastingAllocator: Abstract base class for an application defined memory allocator that allows an external listener to audit the memory allocations.
PxBroadcastingErrorCallback: Abstract base class for an application defined error callback that allows an external listener to report errors.
PxCCDContactModifyCallback: An interface class that the user can implement in order to modify CCD contact constraints.
PxCacheAllocator: A callback class to allocate memory to cache information used in contact generation.
PxCapsuleController: A capsule character controller.
PxCapsuleControllerDesc: A descriptor for a capsule character controller.
PxCapsuleGeometry: Class representing the geometry of a capsule.
PxCapsuleObstacle: A capsule obstacle.
PxCollection: Collection class for serialization.
PxCollisionMeshMappingData: Contains information about how to update the collision mesh's vertices given a deformed simulation tetmesh.
PxCollisionTetrahedronMeshData: Conbines PxTetrahedronMeshData and PxSoftBodyCollisionData .
PxConstraint: A plugin class for implementing constraints.
PxConstraintConnector: This class connects a custom constraint to the SDK.
PxConstraintVisualizer: API used to visualize details about a constraint.
PxContactJoint: PxContactJoint is best viewed as a helper function for the inverse dynamics of articulations. The expected use case is to use PxContactJoint::getConstraint() in conjunction with PxArticulationReducedCoordinate::addLoopJoint() .
PxContactModifyCallback: An interface class that the user can implement in order to modify contact constraints.
PxContactModifyPair: An array of instances of this class is passed to PxContactModifyCallback::onContactModify() .
PxContactRecorder: Callback class to record contact points produced by immediate::PxGenerateContacts.
PxContactSet: An array of contact points, as passed to contact modification.
PxController: Base class for character controllers.
PxControllerBehaviorCallback: User behavior callback.
PxControllerDesc: Descriptor class for a character controller.
PxControllerFilterCallback: Dedicated filtering callback for CCT vs CCT.
PxControllerFilters: Filtering data for "move" call.
PxControllerManager: Manages an array of character controllers.
PxConvexMesh: A convex mesh.
PxConvexMeshDesc: Descriptor class for PxConvexMesh .
PxConvexMeshGeometry: Convex mesh geometry class.
PxCpuDispatcher: A CpuDispatcher is responsible for scheduling the execution of tasks passed to it by the SDK.
PxCudaContext: Cuda Context.
PxCudaContextManager: Manages thread locks, and task scheduling for a CUDA context.
PxCudaContextManagerDesc: Descriptor used to create a PxCudaContextManager .
PxCustomGeometry: Custom geometry class.
PxCustomGeometryExt: Pre-made custom geometry callbacks implementations.
PxCustomSceneQuerySystem: A custom scene query system.
PxCustomSceneQuerySystemAdapter: An adapter class to customize the object-to-pruner mapping.
PxD6Joint: A D6 joint is a general constraint between two actors.
PxD6JointDrive: parameters for configuring the drive model of a PxD6Joint
PxDefaultAllocator: default implementation of the allocator interface required by the SDK
PxDefaultCpuDispatcher: A default implementation for a CPU task dispatcher.
PxDefaultErrorCallback: default implementation of the error callback
PxDefaultFileInputData: default implementation of a file read stream
PxDefaultFileOutputStream: default implementation of a file write stream
PxDefaultMemoryInputData: default implementation of a memory read stream
PxDefaultMemoryOutputStream: default implementation of a memory write stream
PxDeletionListener: interface to get notification on object deletion
PxDeserializationContext: Binary deserialization context class.
PxDeviceAllocatorCallback: An interface class that the user can implement in order for PhysX to use a user-defined device memory allocator.
PxDiffuseParticleParams: Parameters to configure the behavior of diffuse particles.
PxDirectGPUAPI: PxDirectGPUAPI exposes an API that enables batched direct access to GPU data for a PxScene .
PxDistanceJoint: a joint that maintains an upper or lower bound (or both) on the distance between two points on different objects
PxDynamicArrayReportCallback: Dynamic array report callback.
PxErrorCallback: User defined interface class.
PxExternalStorageReportCallback: External storage report callback.
PxFEMClothMaterial: Material class to represent a set of FEM material properties.
PxFEMMaterial: Material class to represent a set of FEM material properties.
PxFEMSoftBodyMaterial: Material class to represent a set of softbody FEM material properties.
PxFileBuf: Callback class for data serialization.
PxFixedJoint: A fixed joint permits no relative movement between two bodies.
PxFlags: Container for bitfield flag variables associated with a specific enum type.
PxFoundation: Foundation SDK singleton class.
PxFrictionAnchorStreamIterator: A class to iterate over a friction anchor stream.
PxGearJoint: A joint that connects two existing revolute joints and constrains their relative angular velocity and position with respect to each other.
PxGeometry: A geometry object.
PxGeometryHolder: Geometry holder class.
PxGeometryQuery: Collection of geometry object queries (sweeps, raycasts, overlaps, …).
PxGjkQuery: Collection of GJK query functions (sweeps, raycasts, overlaps, …).
PxGjkQueryExt: Pre-made support mapping for built-in convex geometry types.
PxGpuParticleSystem: Container class for a GPU particle system.
PxGpuTendonJointCoefficientData: PxGpuTendonJointCoefficientData .
PxGroupsMask: 64-bit mask used for collision filtering.
PxHairSystemGeometry: Hair system geometry class.
PxHeightField: A height field class.
PxHeightFieldDesc: Descriptor class for PxHeightField .
PxHeightFieldGeometry: Height field geometry class.
PxInputData: Input data class for I/O which provides random read access.
PxInputStream: Input stream class for I/O.
PxInsertionCallback: Callback interface that permits TriangleMesh, Heightfield, ConvexMesh or BVH to be used directly without the need to store the cooking results into a stream.
PxIsosurfaceCallback: Default implementation of a particle system callback to trigger the isosurface extraction.
PxIsosurfaceExtractor: Base class for isosurface extractors.
PxJoint: a base interface providing common functionality for PhysX joints
PxJointLimitCone: Describes an elliptical conical joint limit.
PxJointLimitParameters: Describes the parameters for a joint limit.
PxJointLimitPyramid: Describes a pyramidal joint limit.
PxJointLinearLimit: Describes a one-sided linear limit.
PxJointLinearLimitPair: Describes a two-sided limit.
PxLightCpuTask: A PxBaseTask implementation with immediate execution and simple dependencies.
PxLineStripSkinning: Utility class to embed high resolution line strips into low resolution line strips.
PxLocalStorageReportCallback: Local storage report callback.
PxLockedData: Parent class for bulk data that is shared between the SDK and the application.
PxMassProperties: Utility class to compute and manipulate mass and inertia tensor properties.
PxMat33Padded: A padded version of PxMat33, to safely load its data using SIMD.
PxMat33T: 3x3 matrix class
PxMat34Padded: A padded version of PxMat34, to safely load its data using SIMD.
PxMat44T: 4x4 matrix class
PxMaterial: Material class to represent a set of surface properties.
PxMeshOverlapUtil: Utility class to find mesh triangles touched by a specified geometry object.
PxMeshScale: A class expressing a nonuniform scaling transformation.
PxMidphaseDesc: Structure describing parameters affecting midphase mesh structure.
PxMultiCallback: Special callback that forwards calls to arbitrarily many sub-callbacks.
PxNeighborhoodIterator: An iterator class to iterate over the neighbors of a particle during particle system simulation.
PxObstacle: Base class for obstacles.
PxObstacleContext: Context class for obstacles.
PxOutputStream: Output stream class for I/O.
PxPBDMaterial: Material class to represent a set of PBD particle material properties.
PxPBDParticleSystem: A particle system that uses the position based dynamics(PBD) solver.
PxParticleAndDiffuseBuffer: A particle buffer used to simulate diffuse particles.
PxParticleBuffer: The shared base class for all particle buffers, can be instantiated directly to simulate granular and fluid particles.
PxParticleClothBuffer: A particle buffer used to simulate particle cloth.
PxParticleClothPreProcessor: Preprocessor to prepare particle cloths for simulation.
PxParticleNeighborhoodProvider: Computes neighborhood information for a point cloud.
PxParticleRigidBuffer: A particle buffer used to simulate rigid bodies using shape matching with particles.
PxParticleSystemCallback: Particle system callback base class to schedule work that should be done before, while or after the particle system updates.
PxParticleSystemGeometry: Particle system geometry class.
PxPhysics: Abstract singleton factory class used for instancing objects in the Physics SDK.
PxPlane: Representation of a plane.
PxPlaneGeometry: Class describing a plane geometry.
PxPoissonSampler: Sampler to generate Poisson Samples locally on a triangle mesh or a shape.
PxPrismaticJoint: A prismatic joint permits relative translational movement between two bodies along an axis, but no relative rotational movement.
PxProcessPxBaseCallback: Callback class used to process PxBase objects.
PxProfilerCallback: The pure virtual callback interface for general purpose instrumentation and profiling of GameWorks modules as well as applications.
PxPruningStructure: A precomputed pruning structure to accelerate scene queries against newly added actors.
PxPvd: PxPvd is the top-level class for the PVD framework, and the main customer interface for PVD configuration.It is a singleton class, instantiated and owned by the application.
PxPvdSceneClient: Special client for PxScene .
PxPvdTransport: PxPvdTransport is an interface representing the data transport mechanism.
PxQuatT: This is a quaternion class.
PxQueryFilterCallback: Scene query filtering callbacks.
PxRackAndPinionJoint: A joint that connects an existing revolute joint to an existing prismatic joint, and constrains their relative angular/linear velocity and position with respect to each other.
PxRawAllocator: Bootstrap allocator using malloc/free.
PxRefCounted: Base class for ref-counted objects.
PxReflectionAllocator: Allocator used to access the global PxAllocatorCallback instance using a static name derived from T.
PxRegularReportCallback: Regular report callback.
PxRemeshingExt: Provides methods to adjust the tessellation of meshes.
PxRenderBuffer: Interface for points, lines, triangles, and text buffer.
PxRenderOutput: Output stream to fill RenderBuffer.
PxRepXSerializer: Serializer interface for RepX (Xml) serialization.
PxReportCallback: Base class for callback reporting an unknown number of items to users.
PxRevoluteJoint: A joint which behaves in a similar way to a hinge or axle.
PxRigidActor: PxRigidActor represents a base class shared between dynamic and static rigid bodies in the physics SDK.
PxRigidActorExt: utility functions for use with PxRigidActor and subclasses
PxRigidBody: PxRigidBody is a base class shared between dynamic rigid body objects.
PxRigidBodyExt: utility functions for use with PxRigidBody and subclasses
PxRigidDynamic: PxRigidDynamic represents a dynamic rigid simulation object in the physics SDK.
PxRigidDynamicGPUAPIReadType: This flag specifies the type of data to get when calling PxDirectGPUAPI::getRigidDynamicData() .
PxRigidDynamicGPUAPIWriteType: This flag specifies the type of data to set when calling PxDirectGPUAPI::setRigidDynamicData() .
PxRigidStatic: PxRigidStatic represents a static rigid body simulation object in the physics SDK.
PxSDFBuilder: Utility class to compute an SDF on the GPU.
PxSDFDesc: A structure describing signed distance field for mesh.
PxSamplingExt: utility functions to sample vertices on or inside a triangle mesh or other geometries
PxScene: A scene is a collection of bodies and constraints which can interact.
PxSceneDesc: Descriptor class for scenes.
PxSceneLimits: Class used to retrieve limits(e.g.
PxSceneQueryDesc: Descriptor class for scene query system.
PxSceneQueryExt: Utility functions for use with PxScene , related to scene queries.
PxSceneQuerySystem: Scene-queries external sub-system for PxScene-based objects.
PxSceneQuerySystemBase: Base class for the scene-query system.
PxSceneReadLock: RAII wrapper for the PxScene read lock.
PxSceneSQSystem: Traditional SQ system for PxScene .
PxSceneWriteLock: RAII wrapper for the PxScene write lock.
PxScopedCudaLock: Convenience class for holding CUDA lock within a scope.
PxSdfBitsPerSubgridPixel: Defines the number of bits per subgrid pixel.
PxSerialization: Utility functions for serialization.
PxSerializationContext: Binary serialization context class.
PxSerializationRegistry: Class serving as a registry for XML (RepX) and binary serializable types.
PxSerializer: Serialization interface class.
PxSerializerDefaultAdapter: Default PxSerializer implementation.
PxShape: Abstract class for collision shapes.
PxShapeExt: utility functions for use with PxShape
PxSimpleTriangleMesh: A structure describing a triangle mesh.
PxSimulationEventCallback: An interface class that the user can implement in order to receive simulation events.
PxSimulationFilterCallback: Filter callback to specify handling of collision pairs.
PxSimulationStatistics: Class used to retrieve statistics for a simulation step.
PxSimulationTetrahedronMeshData: Conbines PxTetrahedronMeshData and PxSoftBodyCollisionData .
PxSmoothedPositionCallback: Default implementation of a particle system callback to trigger smoothed position calculations.
PxSmoothedPositionGenerator: Ccomputes smoothed positions for a particle system to improve rendering quality.
PxSocket: Socket abstraction API.
PxSoftBody: Represents a FEM softbody including everything to calculate its definition like geometry and material properties.
PxSoftBodyAuxData: A data container providing mass, rest pose and other information required for softbody simulation.
PxSoftBodyCollisionData: Stores data to accelerate collision detection of a tetrahedral mesh.
PxSoftBodyExt: Utility functions for use with PxSoftBody and subclasses.
PxSoftBodyGpuDataFlag: These flags determine what data is read or written when using PxScene::copySoftBodyData() or PxScene::applySoftBodyData .
PxSoftBodyMesh: A softbody mesh, containing structures to store collision shape, simulation shape and deformation state.
PxSoftBodySimulationData: Stores data to compute and store the state of a deformed tetrahedral mesh.
PxSparseGridIsosurfaceExtractor: Base class for sparse grid based isosurface extractors.
PxSphereGeometry: A class representing the geometry of a sphere.
PxSphericalJoint: A joint which behaves in a similar way to a ball and socket.
PxStrideIterator: Iterator class for iterating over arrays of data that may be interleaved with other data.
PxStringTable: a table to manage strings.
PxStringTableExt: a factory class for creating PxStringTable with a specific allocator.
PxTask: A PxBaseTask implementation with deferred execution and full dependencies.
PxTaskManager: The PxTaskManager interface.
PxTetMaker: Provides functionality to create a tetrahedral mesh from a triangle mesh.
PxTetrahedron: Tetrahedron class.
PxTetrahedronMesh: A tetramedron mesh, also called a 'tetrahedron soup'.
PxTetrahedronMeshAnalysisResult: These flags indicate what kind of deficiencies a tetrahedron mesh has and describe if the mesh is considered ok, problematic or invalid for softbody cooking.
PxTetrahedronMeshData: Contains raw geometry information describing the tetmesh's vertices and its elements (tetrahedra)
PxTetrahedronMeshDesc: Descriptor class for PxTetrahedronMesh (contains only pure geometric data).
PxTetrahedronMeshExt: utility functions for use with PxTetrahedronMesh and subclasses
PxTetrahedronMeshGeometry: Tetrahedron mesh geometry class.
PxThreadT: Thread abstraction API.
PxTolerancesScale: Class to define the scale at which simulation runs.
PxTransformT: class representing a rigid euclidean transform as a quaternion and a vector
PxTriangle: Triangle class.
PxTriangleMesh: A triangle mesh, also called a 'polygon soup'.
PxTriangleMeshAnalysisResult: These flags indicate what kind of deficiencies a triangle mesh has and describe if the mesh is considered ok, problematic or invalid for tetmeshing.
PxTriangleMeshDesc: Descriptor class for PxTriangleMesh .
PxTriangleMeshGeometry: Triangle mesh geometry class.
PxTriangleMeshPoissonSampler: Sampler to generate Poisson Samples on a triangle mesh.
PxTrianglePadded: A padded version of PxTriangle , to safely load its data using SIMD.
PxUserAllocated: Provides new and delete using a UserAllocator.
PxUserControllerHitReport: User callback class for character controller events.
PxVec2T: 2 Element vector class.
PxVec3Padded: A padded version of PxVec3, to safely load its data using SIMD.
PxVec3T: 3 Element vector class.
PxVec4T: 4 Element vector class.
PxVehicleDirectDriveActuationStateComponent: Determine the actuation state for each wheel of a direct drive vehicle.
PxVehicleDirectDriveCommandResponseComponent: Forward the applicable set of control values for a direct drive vehicle to a command response state for each applicable control value.
PxVehicleDirectDrivetrainComponent: Forward integrate the angular speed of each wheel on a vehicle by integrating the brake and drive torque applied to each wheel and the torque that develops on the tire as a response to the longitudinal tire force.
PxVehicleEngineDriveActuationStateComponent: Determine the actuation state for each wheel for a vehicle propelled by engine torque.
PxVehicleEngineDriveCommandResponseComponent: Forward the applicable set of control values for a vehicle driven by an engine to a command response state for each applicable control value.
PxVehicleEngineDrivetrainComponent: Forward integrate the angular speed of each wheel and of the engine, accounting for the state of the clutch, gearbox and differential.
PxVehicleFixedSizeLookupTable: Express a function as a sequence of points {(x, y)} that form a piecewise polynomial.
PxVehicleFourWheelDriveDifferentialStateComponent: Compute the per wheel drive torque split of a differential delivering torque to multiple wheels with limited slip applied to specified wheel pairs.
PxVehicleLegacyFourWheelDriveDifferentialStateComponent: Compute the per wheel drive torque split of a four wheel drive differential.
PxVehicleMultiWheelDriveDifferentialStateComponent: Compute the per wheel drive torque split of a multi-wheel drive differential.
PxVehiclePhysXActorBeginComponent: Work items at the beginning of an update step for a PhysX actor based vehicle.
PxVehiclePhysXActorEndComponent: Work items at the end of an update step for a PhysX actor based vehicle.
PxVehicleRigidBodyComponent: Forward integrate the momentum and pose of the vehicle's rigid body after applying forces and torques from the suspension, tires and anti-roll bars.
PxVehicleTankDriveDifferentialStateComponent: Compute the per wheel drive torque split of a tank drive differential.
PxVirtualAllocator: Virtual allocator to be used by foundation types to provide run-time defined allocators.
PxVirtualAllocatorCallback: Virtual allocator callback used to provide run-time defined allocators to foundation types like Array or Bitmap.
RaycastCCDManager: Raycast-CCD manager.