
Defined in include/foundation/PxPlane.h

class PxPlane

Representation of a plane.

Plane equation used: n.dot(v) + d = 0

Public Functions

inline PxPlane()


inline PxPlane(float nx, float ny, float nz, float distance)

Constructor from a normal and a distance.

inline PxPlane(const PxVec3 &normal, float distance)

Constructor from a normal and a distance.

inline PxPlane(const PxVec3 &point, const PxVec3 &normal)

Constructor from a point on the plane and a normal.

inline PxPlane(const PxVec3 &p0, const PxVec3 &p1, const PxVec3 &p2)

Constructor from three points.

inline bool operator==(const PxPlane &p) const

returns true if the two planes are exactly equal

inline float distance(const PxVec3 &p) const
inline bool contains(const PxVec3 &p) const
inline PxVec3 project(const PxVec3 &p) const

projects p into the plane

inline PxVec3 pointInPlane() const

find an arbitrary point in the plane

inline void normalize()

equivalent plane with unit normal

inline PxPlane transform(const PxTransform &pose) const

transform plane

inline PxPlane inverseTransform(const PxTransform &pose) const

inverse-transform plane

Public Members

PxVec3 n

The normal to the plane.

float d

The distance from the origin.