↰ Parent directory: include/
Source: include/PxImmediateMode.h
PxRigidBodyData: Structure to store rigid body properties.
PxSpatialVector: Structure to store linear and angular components of spatial vector.
PxContactRecorder: Callback class to record contact points produced by immediate::PxGenerateContacts.
PxAddArticulationLink: Add a link to the articulation.
PxApplyArticulationCache: Apply the user defined data in the cache to the articulation system.
PxBatchConstraints: Groups together sets of independent PxSolverConstraintDesc objects to be solved using SIMD SOA approach.
PxBatchConstraintsTGS: Groups together sets of independent PxSolverConstraintDesc objects to be solved using SIMD SOA approach.
PxBeginCreateArticulationRC: Begin creation of an immediate-mode reduced-coordinate articulation.
PxComputeUnconstrainedVelocities: Computes unconstrained velocities for a given articulation.
PxComputeUnconstrainedVelocitiesTGS: Computes unconstrained velocities for a given articulation.
PxConstructSolverBodies: Constructs a PxSolverBodyData structure based on rigid body properties.
PxConstructSolverBodiesTGS: Constructs a PxSolverBodyData structure based on rigid body properties.
PxConstructStaticSolverBody: Constructs a PxSolverBodyData structure for a static body at a given pose.
PxConstructStaticSolverBodyTGS: Constructs a PxSolverBodyData structure for a static body at a given pose.
PxCopyInternalStateToArticulationCache: Copy the internal data of the articulation to the cache.
PxCreateArticulationCache: Creates an articulation cache.
PxCreateContactConstraints: Creates a set of contact constraint blocks.
PxCreateContactConstraintsTGS: Creates a set of contact constraint blocks.
PxCreateJointConstraints: Creates a set of joint constraint blocks.
PxCreateJointConstraintsTGS: Creates a set of joint constraint blocks.
PxCreateJointConstraintsWithImmediateShaders: Creates a set of joint constraint blocks.
PxCreateJointConstraintsWithImmediateShadersTGS: Creates a set of joint constraint blocks.
PxCreateJointConstraintsWithShaders: Creates a set of joint constraint blocks.
PxCreateJointConstraintsWithShadersTGS: Creates a set of joint constraint blocks.
PxEndCreateArticulationRC: End creation of an immediate-mode reduced-coordinate articulation.
PxGenerateContacts: Performs contact generation for a given pair of geometries at the specified poses.
PxGetAllLinkData: Retrieves non-mutable link data from an articulation handle (all links).
PxGetJointData: Retrieves joint data from a link handle.
PxGetLinkData: Retrieves non-mutable link data from a link handle.
PxGetMutableLinkData: Retrieves mutable link data from a link handle.
PxIntegrateSolverBodies: Integrates a rigid body, returning the new velocities and transforms.
PxIntegrateSolverBodiesTGS: Integrates a rigid body, returning the new velocities and transforms.
PxRegisterImmediateArticulations: Register articulation-related solver functions.
PxReleaseArticulation: Releases an immediate-mode reduced-coordinate articulation.
PxReleaseArticulationCache: Release an articulation cache.
PxSetJointData: Sets joint data for given link.
PxSetMutableLinkData: Sets mutable link data for given link.
PxSolveConstraints: Iteratively solves the set of constraints defined by the provided PxConstraintBatchHeader and PxSolverConstraintDesc structures.
PxSolveConstraintsTGS: Iteratively solves the set of constraints defined by the provided PxConstraintBatchHeader and PxSolverConstraintDesc structures.
PxUpdateArticulationBodies: Updates bodies for a given articulation.
PxUpdateArticulationBodiesTGS: Updates bodies for a given articulation.