
Defined in include/characterkinematic/PxCapsuleController.h

class PxCapsuleControllerDesc : public PxControllerDesc

A descriptor for a capsule character controller.

See also

PxCapsuleController PxControllerDesc

Public Functions

inline PxCapsuleControllerDesc()

constructor sets to default.

inline virtual ~PxCapsuleControllerDesc()
inline PxCapsuleControllerDesc(const PxCapsuleControllerDesc&)

copy constructor.

inline PxCapsuleControllerDesc &operator=(const PxCapsuleControllerDesc&)

assignment operator.

inline virtual void setToDefault()

(re)sets the structure to the default.

inline virtual bool isValid() const

returns true if the current settings are valid


True if the descriptor is valid.

inline PxControllerShapeType::Enum getType() const

Returns the character controller type.

See also

PxControllerType PxCapsuleControllerDesc PxBoxControllerDesc


The controllers type.

Public Members

PxF32 radius

The radius of the capsule.

Default: 0.0

See also


PxF32 height

The height of the controller.

Default: 0.0

See also


PxCapsuleClimbingMode::Enum climbingMode

The climbing mode.

Default: PxCapsuleClimbingMode::eEASY

See also


PxExtendedVec3 position

The position of the character.

Default: Zero


The character’s initial position must be such that it does not overlap the static geometry.

PxVec3 upDirection

Specifies the ‘up’ direction.

In order to provide stepping functionality the SDK must be informed about the up direction.

Default: (0, 1, 0)

PxF32 slopeLimit

The maximum slope which the character can walk up.

In general it is desirable to limit where the character can walk, in particular it is unrealistic for the character to be able to climb arbitary slopes.

The limit is expressed as the cosine of desired limit angle. A value of 0 disables this feature.

Default: 0.707

See also

upDirection invisibleWallHeight maxJumpHeight


It is currently enabled for static actors only (not for dynamic/kinematic actors), and not supported for spheres or capsules.

PxF32 invisibleWallHeight

Height of invisible walls created around non-walkable triangles.

The library can automatically create invisible walls around non-walkable triangles defined by the ‘slopeLimit’ parameter. This defines the height of those walls. If it is 0.0, then no extra triangles are created.

Default: 0.0

See also

upDirection slopeLimit maxJumpHeight

PxF32 maxJumpHeight

Maximum height a jumping character can reach.

This is only used if invisible walls are created (‘invisibleWallHeight’ is non zero).

When a character jumps, the non-walkable triangles he might fly over are not found by the collision queries (since the character’s bounding volume does not touch them). Thus those non-walkable triangles do not create invisible walls, and it is possible for a jumping character to land on a non-walkable triangle, while he wouldn’t have reached that place by just walking.

The ‘maxJumpHeight’ variable is used to extend the size of the collision volume downward. This way, all the non-walkable triangles are properly found by the collision queries and it becomes impossible to ‘jump over’ invisible walls.

If the character in your game can not jump, it is safe to use 0.0 here. Otherwise it is best to keep this value as small as possible, since a larger collision volume means more triangles to process.

Default: 0.0

See also

upDirection slopeLimit invisibleWallHeight

PxF32 contactOffset

The contact offset used by the controller.

Specifies a skin around the object within which contacts will be generated. Use it to avoid numerical precision issues.

This is dependant on the scale of the users world, but should be a small, positive non zero value.

Default: 0.1

PxF32 stepOffset

Defines the maximum height of an obstacle which the character can climb.

A small value will mean that the character gets stuck and cannot walk up stairs etc, a value which is too large will mean that the character can climb over unrealistically high obstacles.

Default: 0.5

See also


PxF32 density

Density of underlying kinematic actor.

The CCT creates a PhysX’s kinematic actor under the hood. This controls its density.

Default: 10.0

PxF32 scaleCoeff

Scale coefficient for underlying kinematic actor.

The CCT creates a PhysX’s kinematic actor under the hood. This controls its scale factor. This should be a number a bit smaller than 1.0.

This scale factor affects how the character interacts with dynamic rigid bodies around it (e.g. pushing them, etc).

With a scale factor < 1, the underlying kinematic actor will not touch surrounding rigid bodies - they will only interact with the character controller’s shapes (capsules or boxes), and users will have full control over the interactions (i.e. they will have to push the objects with explicit forces themselves).

With a scale factor >=1, the underlying kinematic actor will touch and push surrounding rigid bodies based on PhysX’s computations, as if there would be no character controller involved. This works fine except when you push objects into a wall. PhysX has no control over kinematic actors (since they are kinematic) so they would freely push dynamic objects into walls, and make them tunnel / explode / behave badly.

With a smaller kinematic actor however, the character controller’s swept shape touches dynamic rigid bodies first, and can apply forces to them to move them away (or not, depending on what the gameplay needs). Meanwhile the character controller’s swept shape itself is stopped by these dynamic bodies.

Setting the scale factor to 1 could still work, but it is unreliable. Depending on FPU accuracy you could end up with either the CCT’s volume or the underlying kinematic actor touching the dynamic bodies first, and this could change from one moment to the next.

Default: 0.8

PxF32 volumeGrowth

Cached volume growth.

Amount of space around the controller we cache to improve performance. This is a scale factor that should be higher than 1.0f but not too big, ideally lower than 2.0f.

Default: 1.5

PxUserControllerHitReport *reportCallback

Specifies a user report callback.

This report callback is called when the character collides with shapes and other characters.

Setting this to NULL disables the callback.

Default: NULL

See also


PxControllerBehaviorCallback *behaviorCallback

Specifies a user behavior callback.

This behavior callback is called to customize the controller’s behavior w.r.t. touched shapes.

Setting this to NULL disables the callback.

Default: NULL

See also


PxControllerNonWalkableMode::Enum nonWalkableMode

The non-walkable mode controls if a character controller slides or not on a non-walkable part.

This is only used when slopeLimit is non zero.

Default: PxControllerNonWalkableMode::ePREVENT_CLIMBING

See also


PxMaterial *material

The material for the actor associated with the controller.

The controller internally creates a rigid body actor. This parameter specifies the material of the actor.

Default: NULL

See also


bool registerDeletionListener

Use a deletion listener to get informed about released objects and clear internal caches if needed.

If a character controller registers a deletion listener, it will get informed about released objects. That allows the controller to invalidate cached data that connects to a released object. If a deletion listener is not registered, PxController::invalidateCache has to be called manually after objects have been released.

Default: true

See also


PxClientID clientID

Client ID for associated actor.


See also

PxClientID PxActor::setOwnerClient

void *userData

User specified data associated with the controller.

Default: NULL

Protected Functions

inline void copy(const PxCapsuleControllerDesc&)
inline void copy(const PxControllerDesc&)

Protected Attributes

const PxControllerShapeType::Enum mType

The type of the controller. This gets set by the derived class’ ctor, the user should not have to change it.