ExtGpu::PxParticleAndDiffuseBufferDesc: Structure to define user-defined particle state when constructing a new particle system that includes diffuse particles.
ExtGpu::PxParticleBufferDesc: Structure to define user-defined particle state when constructing a new particle system.
ExtGpu::PxParticleClothConstraint: Holds all the information for a particle cloth constraint used in the PxParticleClothCooker .
ExtGpu::PxParticleRigidDesc: Structure to define user-defined particle state when constructing a new particle system that includes shape-matched rigid bodies.
ExtGpu::PxParticleVolumeMesh: Helper struct that holds information about a specific mesh in a PxParticleVolumeBufferHelper .
OmniPvdWriterStatusFlag: Flags which report the status of an OmniPvdWriter .
Px1DConstraintFlag: Constraint row flags.
PxActorCacheFlag: Identifies each type of information for retrieving from actor.
PxActorFlag: Flags which control the behavior of an actor.
PxActorShape: Combines a shape pointer and the actor the shape belongs to into one memory location.
PxActorType: Identifies each type of actor.
PxActorTypeFlag: Identifies each type of actor for retrieving actors from a scene.
PxArticulationDrive: Data structure for articulation joint drive configuration.
PxArticulationGPUAPIMaxCounts: Container to hold the results of PxDirectGPUAPI::getArticulationGPUAPIMaxCounts() .
PxArticulationKinematicFlag: Flag that configures articulation-state updates by PxArticulationReducedCoordinate::updateKinematic .
PxArticulationLimit: Data structure to set articulation joint limits.
PxArticulationRootLinkData: Data structure used to access the root link state and acceleration.
PxBVH33MidphaseDesc: Structure describing parameters affecting BVH33 midphase mesh structure.
PxBVH34BuildStrategy: Desired build strategy for PxMeshMidPhase::eBVH34 .
PxBVH34MidphaseDesc: Structure describing parameters affecting BVH34 midphase mesh structure.
PxBVHBuildStrategy: Desired build strategy for bounding-volume hierarchies.
PxBaseFlag: Flags for PxBase .
PxBroadPhaseCaps: Caps class for broad phase.
PxBroadPhasePair: Broadphase pair.
PxBroadPhaseRegion: "Region of interest" for the broad-phase.
PxBroadPhaseRegionInfo: Information & stats structure for a region.
PxBroadPhaseResults: Broadphase results.
PxBroadPhaseType: Broad phase algorithm used in the simulation.
PxCache: A structure to cache contact information produced by low-level contact generation functions.
PxCombineMode: Enumeration that determines the way in which two material properties will be combined to yield a friction or restitution coefficient for a collision.
PxConcreteType: an enumeration of concrete classes inheriting from PxBase
PxConeLimitParams: Compressed form of cone limit parameters.
PxConeLimitedConstraint: A constraint descriptor for limiting movement to a conical region.
PxConstraintBatchHeader: A header that defines the size of a specific batch of constraints (of same type and without dependencies)
PxConstraintExtIDs: Unique identifiers for extensions classes which implement a constraint based on PxConstraint .
PxConstraintFlag: constraint flags
PxConstraintInfo: Descriptor for a broken constraint.
PxConstraintInvMassScale: Struct for specifying mass scaling for a pair of rigids.
PxConstraintResidual: Structure representing residual values for a constraint.
PxConstraintShaderTable: a table of function pointers for a constraint
PxConstraintSolveHint: Constraint type hints which the solver uses to optimize constraint handling.
PxConstraintVisualizationFlag: Flags for determining which components of the constraint should be visualized.
PxContact: Contact point data.
PxContactPair: Contact report pair information.
PxContactPairExtraDataItem: Base class for items in the extra data stream of contact pairs.
PxContactPairExtraDataIterator: A class to iterate over a contact pair extra data stream.
PxContactPairExtraDataType: Extra data item types for contact pairs.
PxContactPairFlag: Collection of flags providing information on contact report pairs.
PxContactPairFrictionAnchor: A friction anchor as used by contact notification.
PxContactPairHeader: An Instance of this class is passed to PxSimulationEventCallback.onContact() .
PxContactPairHeaderFlag: Collection of flags providing information on contact report pairs.
PxContactPairIndex: Marker for the beginning of a new item set in the extra data stream.
PxContactPairPoint: A contact point as used by contact notification.
PxContactPairPose: World space actor poses of the contact pair rigid bodies.
PxContactPairVelocity: Velocities of the contact pair rigid bodies.
PxContactPatch: Header for a contact patch where all points share same material and normal.
PxContactStreamIterator: A class to iterate over a compressed contact stream.
PxControllerBehaviorFlag: specifies controller behavior
PxControllerCollisionFlag: specifies which sides a character is colliding with.
PxControllerDebugRenderFlag: specifies debug-rendering flags
PxControllerHit: Describes a generic CCT hit.
PxControllerNonWalkableMode: specifies how a CCT interacts with non-walkable parts.
PxControllerObstacleHit: Describes a hit between a CCT and a user-defined obstacle.
PxControllerShapeHit: Describes a hit between a CCT and a shape.
PxControllerShapeType: The type of controller, eg box, sphere or capsule.
PxControllerState: Describes a controller's internal state.
PxControllerStats: Describes a controller's internal statistics.
PxControllersHit: Describes a hit between a CCT and another CCT.
PxConvexFlag: Flags which describe the format and behavior of a convex mesh.
PxConvexMeshCookingResult: Result from convex cooking.
PxConvexMeshCookingType: Enumeration for convex mesh cooking algorithms.
PxConvexMeshGeometryFlag: Flags controlling the simulated behavior of the convex mesh geometry.
PxCookingParams: Structure describing parameters affecting mesh cooking.
PxD6Axis: Used to specify one of the degrees of freedom of a D6 joint.
PxD6Drive: Used to specify which axes of a D6 joint are driven.
PxD6JointDriveFlag: flags for configuring the drive model of a PxD6Joint
PxD6Motion: Used to specify the range of motions allowed for a degree of freedom in a D6 joint.
PxDebugColor: Default color values used for debug rendering.
PxDebugLine: Used to store a single line and colour for debug rendering.
PxDebugPoint: Used to store a single point and colour for debug rendering.
PxDebugText: Used to store a text for debug rendering.
PxDebugTriangle: Used to store a single triangle and colour for debug rendering.
PxDefaultCpuDispatcherWaitForWorkMode: If a thread ends up waiting for work it will find itself in a spin-wait loop until work becomes available.
PxDeletionEventFlag: Flags specifying deletion event types.
PxDim3: A helper structure to define dimensions in 3D.
PxDistanceJointFlag: flags for configuring the drive of a PxDistanceJoint
PxDominanceGroupPair: Expresses the dominance relationship of a contact.
PxDynamicTreeSecondaryPruner: Secondary pruning structure used for newly added objects in dynamic trees.
PxErrorCode: Error codes.
PxExtendedContact: Contact point data with additional target and max impulse values.
PxFEMClothDataFlag: Identifies input and output buffers for PxFEMCloth.
PxFEMParameters: Set of parameters to control the sleeping and collision behavior of FEM based objects.
PxFilterData: PxFilterData is user-definable data which gets passed into the collision filtering shader and/or callback.
PxFilterFlag: Collection of flags describing the filter actions to take for a collision pair.
PxFilterObjectType: Identifies each type of filter object.
PxFilterOp: Collision filtering operations.
PxForceMode: Parameter to addForce() and addTorque() calls, determines the exact operation that is carried out.
PxFrictionPatch: Contact patch friction information.
PxFrictionType: Enum for selecting the friction algorithm used for simulation.
PxGeomIndexPair: Pair of indices, typically either object or triangle indices.
PxGeomOverlapHit: Stores results of overlap queries.
PxGeomRaycastHit: Stores results of raycast queries.
PxGeomSweepHit: Stores results of sweep queries.
PxGeometryQueryFlag: Geometry-level query flags.
PxGeometryType: A geometry type.
PxGpuActorPair: Pair correspondence used for matching array indices with body node indices.
PxGpuBodyData: State of a body used when interfacing with the GPU rigid body pipeline.
PxGpuContactPair: Contains contact information for a contact reported by the direct-GPU contact report API.
PxGpuDynamicsMemoryConfig: Sizes of pre-allocated buffers use for GPU dynamics.
PxGpuDynamicsMemoryConfigStatistics: Structure used to retrieve actual sizes/counts for the configuration parameters provided in PxGpuDynamicsMemoryConfig .
PxGpuMirroredPointer: Container to hold a pair of corresponding device and host pointers.
PxGpuParticleBufferIndexPair: A pair of particle buffer unique id and GPU particle system index.
PxGpuParticleData: Structure that holds simulation parameters of a PxGpuParticleSystem .
PxHairSystemData: Identifies input and output buffers for PxHairSystem.
PxHairSystemFlag: Binary settings for hair system simulation.
PxHeightFieldFlag: Enum with flag values to be used in PxHeightFieldDesc.flags .
PxHeightFieldFormat: Describes the format of height field samples.
PxHeightFieldMaterial: Special material index values for height field samples.
PxHeightFieldSample: Heightfield sample format.
PxHeightFieldTessFlag: Determines the tessellation of height field cells.
PxHitBuffer: Returns scene query hits (intersections) to the user in a preallocated buffer.
PxHitCallback: This callback class facilitates reporting scene query hits (intersections) to the user.
PxHitFlag: Scene query and geometry query behavior flags.
PxHullPolygon: Polygon data.
PxIndexDataPair: Maps numeric index to a data pointer.
PxIsosurfaceGridFilteringType: Identifies filter type to be applied on the isosurface grid.
PxIsosurfaceParams: Parameters to define the isosurface extraction settings like isosurface level, filtering etc.
PxJointActorIndex: an enumeration for specifying one or other of the actors referenced by a joint
PxJointConcreteType: an enumeration of PhysX' built-in joint types
PxKernelIndex: A cuda kernel index providing an index to the cuda module and the function name.
PxLineStripSkinnedVertex: Specifies the position and binding of a point relative to a line strip such that the point moves with the line during simulation.
PxLocationHit: Scene query hit information for raycasts and sweeps returning hit position and normal information.
PxMaterialFlag: Flags which control the behavior of a material.
PxMeshCookingHint: Enumeration for mesh cooking hints.
PxMeshFlag: Enum with flag values to be used in PxSimpleTriangleMesh::flags .
PxMeshGeometryFlag: Flags controlling the simulated behavior of the triangle mesh geometry.
PxMeshMidPhase: Mesh midphase structure.
PxMeshPreprocessingFlag: Enum for the set of mesh pre-processing parameters.
PxMetaDataEntry: Struct to store meta data definitions.
PxMetaDataFlag: Flags used to configure binary meta data entries, typically set through PX_DEF_BIN_METADATA defines.
PxModifiableContact: A modifiable contact point.
PxOverlapBufferN: Returns touching overlap hits to the user in a fixed size array embedded in the buffer class.
PxPairFlag: Collection of flags describing the actions to take for a collision pair.
PxParticleBufferFlag: Identifies dirty particle buffers that need to be updated in the particle system.
PxParticleCloth: Particle cloth structure.
PxParticleClothDesc: Structure to describe the set of particle cloths in the same PxParticleClothBuffer .
PxParticleFlag: Flags which control the behaviour of a particle system.
PxParticleLockFlag: Collection of flags providing a mechanism to lock motion along a specific axis.
PxParticlePhaseFlag: Identifies per-particle behavior for a PxParticleSystem.
PxParticleRigidAttachment: Struct to specify attachment between a particle/vertex and a rigid.
PxParticleRigidFilterPair: Struct for storing a particle/vertex - rigid filter pair with comparison operators.
PxParticleSolverType: Identifies the solver to use for a particle system.
PxParticleSpring: Holds all the information for a spring constraint between two particles.
PxParticleVolume: Particle volume structure.
PxPartitionedParticleCloth: Structure to describe the output of the particle cloth preprocessing.
PxPrismaticJointFlag: Flags specific to the prismatic joint.
PxPruningStructureType: Pruning structure used to accelerate scene queries.
PxPvdInstrumentationFlag: types of instrumentation that PVD can do.
PxPvdSceneFlag: PVD scene Flags.
PxPvdUpdateType: Flags for determining how PVD should serialize a constraint update.
PxQueryCache: single hit cache for scene queries.
PxQueryFilterData: Scene query filtering data.
PxQueryFlag: Filtering flags for scene queries.
PxQueryHit: collection of set bits defined in PxHitFlag .
PxQueryHitType: Classification of scene query hits (intersections).
PxQueryThreadContext: A per-thread context passed to low-level query functions.
PxRaycastBufferN: Returns touching raycast hits to the user in a fixed size array embedded in the buffer class.
PxRepXInstantiationArgs: Arguments required to instantiate a serializable object from RepX.
PxRepXObject: Helper class containing the mapping of id to object, and type name.
PxResidual: Structure representing residual values.
PxResiduals: Structure representing residual values.
PxRevoluteJointFlag: Flags specific to the Revolute Joint.
PxRigidBodyData: Structure to store rigid body properties.
PxRigidBodyFlag: Collection of flags describing the behavior of a rigid body.
PxRigidDynamicLockFlag: Collection of flags providing a mechanism to lock motion along/around a specific axis.
PxSceneFlag: flags for configuring properties of the scene
PxSceneQueryUpdateMode: Scene query update mode.
PxShapeFlag: Flags which affect the behavior of PxShapes.
PxSoftBodyDataFlag: Identifies the buffers of a PxSoftBody .
PxSoftBodyFlag: Flags to enable or disable special modes of a SoftBody.
PxSolverBody: Struct that the solver uses to store velocity updates for a body.
PxSolverBodyData: Struct that the solver uses to store the state and other properties of a body.
PxSolverConstraintDesc: Constraint descriptor used inside the solver.
PxSolverConstraintPrepDesc: Data structure used for preparing constraints before solving them.
PxSolverConstraintPrepDescBase: Data structure used for preparing constraints before solving them.
PxSolverContactDesc: Data structure used for preparing constraints before solving them.
PxSolverType: Enum for selecting the type of solver used for the simulation.
PxSparseGridParams: Parameters to define the sparse grid settings like grid spacing, maximal number of subgrids etc.
PxSpatialForce: Data structure to represent spatial forces.
PxSpatialVector: Structure to store linear and angular components of spatial vector.
PxSpatialVelocity: Data structure to represent spatial velocities.
PxSphericalJointFlag: Flags specific to the spherical joint.
PxSweepBufferN: Returns touching sweep hits to the user in a fixed size array embedded in the buffer class.
PxTaskType: Identifies the type of each heavyweight PxTask object.
PxTransformPadded: A generic padded & aligned transform class.
PxTriangleMeshCookingResult: Result from triangle mesh cooking.
PxTriangleMeshFlag: Flags for the mesh geometry properties.
PxTriggerPair: Descriptor for a trigger pair.
PxTriggerPairFlag: Collection of flags providing information on trigger report pairs.
PxTypeInfo: a structure containing per-type information for types inheriting from PxBase
PxVehicleAckermannParams: A description of a single axle that is to be affected by Ackermann steer correction.
PxVehicleAntiRollForceParams: The purpose of the anti-roll bar is to generate a torque to apply to the vehicle's rigid body that will reduce the jounce difference arising between any pair of chosen wheels.
PxVehicleAntiRollTorque: The anti-roll torque of all anti-roll bars accumulates in a single torque to apply to the vehicle's rigid body.
PxVehicleArrayData: Helper struct to pass array type data to vehice components and functions.
PxVehicleBrakeCommandResponseParams: Distribute a brake response to the wheels of a vehicle.
PxVehicleClutchAccuracyMode: Choose between a potentially more expensive but more accurate solution to the clutch model or a potentially cheaper but less accurate solution.
PxVehicleClutchCommandResponseParams: Specifies the maximum clutch strength that occurs when the clutch pedal is fully disengaged and the clutch is fully engaged.
PxVehicleClutchParams: The clutch connects two plates together.
PxVehicleClutchSlipState: The clutch is modelled as two spinning plates with one connected to the wheels through the gearing and the other connected to the engine.
PxVehicleCommandResponseParams: A description of the per wheel response to an input command.
PxVehicleCommandState: A description of the state of commands that are applied to the vehicle.
PxVehicleCommandValueResponseTable: Each command value may be associated with a table specifying a normalized response as a function of longitudinal speed.
PxVehicleDirectDriveThrottleCommandResponseParams: Distribute a throttle response to the wheels of a direct drive vehicle.
PxVehicleDirectDriveTransmissionCommandState: A description of the state of transmission-related commands that are applied to a vehicle with direct drive.
PxVehicleEngineDriveTransmissionCommandState: A description of the state of transmission-related commands that are applied to a vehicle with engine drive.
PxVehicleFourWheelDriveDifferentialParams: PxVehicleFourWheelDriveDifferentialParams specifies the wheels that are to receive drive torque from the differential and the division of torque between the wheels that are connected to the differential.
PxVehicleMultiWheelDriveDifferentialParams: PxVehicleMultiWheelDriveDifferentialParams specifies the wheels that are to receive drive torque from the differential and the division of torque between the wheels that are connected to the differential.
PxVehiclePhysXActor: A description of the PhysX actor and shapes that represent the vehicle in an associated PxScene .
PxVehiclePhysXActorUpdateMode: Determine whether the PhysX actor associated with a vehicle is to be updated with a velocity change or an acceleration change.
PxVehiclePhysXConstraintLimits: A description of the number of PxConstraintConnector instances per vehicle required to maintain suspension limit and sticky tire instances.
PxVehiclePhysXConstraintState: PxVehiclePhysXConstraintState is a data structure used to write constraint data to the internal state of the associated PxScene .
PxVehiclePhysXConstraints: A mapping between constraint state data and the associated PxConstraint instances.
PxVehiclePhysXMaterialFriction: A mapping between PxMaterial and a friction value to be used by the tire model.
PxVehiclePhysXMaterialFrictionParams: A mappping between PxMaterial instance and friction for multiple PxMaterial intances.
PxVehiclePhysXRoadGeometryQueryParams: A description of type of PhysX scene query and the filter data to apply to the query.
PxVehiclePhysXRoadGeometryQueryType: PhysX scene queries may be raycasts or sweeps.
PxVehiclePhysXSteerState: A description of the previous steer command applied to the vehicle.
PxVehiclePhysXSuspensionLimitConstraintParams: A description of the PhysX models employed to resolve suspension limit constraints.
PxVehiclePvdContext: Structure to support Omni PVD, the PhysX Visual Debugger.
PxVehicleRigidBodyParams: The properties of the rigid body.
PxVehicleSteerCommandResponseParams: Distribute a steer response to the wheels of a vehicle.
PxVehicleSuspensionComplianceParams: Compliance describes how toe and camber angle and force application points are affected by suspension compression.
PxVehicleSuspensionComplianceState: The effect of suspension compliance on toe and camber angle and on the tire and suspension force application points.
PxVehicleSuspensionForce: The force and torque for a single suspension to apply to the vehicle's rigid body.
PxVehicleSuspensionForceLegacyParams: Suspension force is computed by converting suspenson state to suspension force under the assumption of a linear spring.
PxVehicleSuspensionForceParams: Suspension force is computed by converting suspenson state to suspension force under the assumption of a linear spring.
PxVehicleTankDriveDifferentialParams: A description of a tank differential.
PxVehicleTankDriveTransmissionCommandState: A description of the state of transmission-related commands that are applied to a vehicle with tank drive.
PxVehicleTireAxisStickyParams: The low speed regime often presents numerical difficulties for the tire model due to the potential for divide-by-zero errors.
PxVehicleTireCamberAngleState: Camber angle of the tire relative to the ground plane.
PxVehicleTireDirectionModes: Tires have two important directions for the purposes of tire force computation: longitudinal and lateral.
PxVehicleTireDirectionState: PxVehicleTireDirectionState stores the world frame lateral and longtidinal axes of the tire after projecting the wheel pose in the world frame onto the road geometry plane (also in the world frame).
PxVehicleTireForce: The longitudinal/lateral forces/torques that develop on the tire.
PxVehicleTireGripState: The load and friction experienced by a tire.
PxVehicleTireSlipParams: Tire slip values are computed using ratios with potential for divide-by-zero errors.
PxVehicleTireSlipState: The lateral and longitudinal tire slips.
PxVehicleTireSpeedState: PxVehicleTireSpeedState stores the components of the instantaneous velocity of the rigid body at the tire contact point projected along the lateral and longitudinal axes of the tire.
PxVehicleTireStickyParams: For each tire, the forces of the tire model may be replaced by velocity constraints when the tire enters the "sticky tire" regime.
PxVehicleTireStickyState: Prolonged low speeds in the lateral and longitudinal directions may be handled with "sticky" velocity constraints that activate after a speed below a threshold has been recorded for a threshold time.
PxVehicleWheelActuationState: It is useful to know if a brake or drive torque is to be applied to a wheel.
PxVehicleWheelConstraintGroupState: Specify groups of wheels that are to be constrained to have pre-determined angular velocity relationship.
PxVisualizationParameter: Debug visualization parameters.
PxsParticleMaterialData: Common material properties for particles.