
Defined in include/vehicle2/PxVehicleParams.h

struct PxVehicleAxleDescription

Public Functions

inline void setToDefault()
inline void addAxle(const PxU32 nbWheelsOnAxle, const PxU32 *const wheelIdsOnAxle)

Add an axle to the vehicle by specifying the number of wheels on the axle and an array of wheel ids specifying each wheel on the axle.

  • nbWheelsOnAxle[in] is the number of wheels on the axle to be added.

  • wheelIdsOnAxle[in] is an array of wheel ids specifying all the wheels on the axle to be added.

inline PxU32 getNbAxles() const

Return the number of axles on the vehicle.

See also



The number of axles.

inline PxU32 getNbWheelsOnAxle(const PxU32 i) const

Return the number of wheels on the ith axle.

See also



i[in] specifies the axle to be queried for its wheel count.


The number of wheels on the specified axle.

inline PxU32 getWheelOnAxle(const PxU32 j, const PxU32 i) const

Return the wheel id of the jth wheel on the ith axle.

See also


  • j[in] specifies that the wheel id to be returned is the jth wheel in the list of wheels on the specified axle.

  • i[in] specifies the axle to be queried.


The wheel id of the jth wheel on the ith axle.

inline PxU32 getNbWheels() const

Return the number of wheels on the vehicle.


The number of wheels.

inline PxU32 getAxle(const PxU32 wheelId) const

Return the axle of a specified wheel.


wheelId[in] is the wheel whose axle is to be queried.


The axle of the specified wheel.

inline bool isValid() const

Public Members

PxU32 nbAxles

The number of axles on the vehicle.

PxU32 nbWheelsPerAxle[PxVehicleLimits::eMAX_NB_AXLES]

The number of wheels on each axle.

PxU32 axleToWheelIds[PxVehicleLimits::eMAX_NB_AXLES]

The list of wheel ids for the ith axle begins at wheelIdsInAxleOrder[axleToWheelIds[i]].

PxU32 wheelIdsInAxleOrder[PxVehicleLimits::eMAX_NB_WHEELS]

The list of all wheel ids on the vehicle.

PxU32 nbWheels

The number of wheels on the vehicle.