
Defined in include/vehicle2/PxVehicleParams.h

struct PxVehicleTireStickyParams

For each tire, the forces of the tire model may be replaced by velocity constraints when the tire enters the “sticky tire” regime.

The “sticky tire” regime of the lateral and longitudinal directions of the tire are managed separately.

Public Functions

inline void setToDefault()
inline PxVehicleTireStickyParams transformAndScale(const PxVehicleFrame &srcFrame, const PxVehicleFrame &trgFrame, const PxVehicleScale &srcScale, const PxVehicleScale &trgScale) const
inline bool isValid() const

Public Members

PxVehicleTireAxisStickyParams stickyParams[PxVehicleTireDirectionModes::eMAX_NB_PLANAR_DIRECTIONS]

The “sticky tire” regime of the lateral and longitudinal directions of the tire are managed separately and are individually parameterized.