
Defined in include/PxQueryFiltering.h

struct PxQueryFilterData

Scene query filtering data.

Whenever the scene query intersects a shape, filtering is performed in the following order:

  • For non-batched queries only:

    If the data field is non-zero, and the bitwise-AND value of data AND the shape’s queryFilterData is zero, the shape is skipped

  • If filter callbacks are enabled in flags field (see PxQueryFlags) they will get invoked accordingly.

  • If neither PxQueryFlag::ePREFILTER or PxQueryFlag::ePOSTFILTER is set, the hit defaults to type PxQueryHitType::eBLOCK when the value of PxHitCallback::nbTouches provided with the query is zero and to type PxQueryHitType::eTOUCH when PxHitCallback::nbTouches is positive.

See also

PxScene.raycast PxScene.sweep PxScene.overlap PxQueryFlag::eANY_HIT

Public Functions

inline explicit PxQueryFilterData()

default constructor

inline explicit PxQueryFilterData(const PxFilterData &fd, PxQueryFlags f)

constructor to set both filter data and filter flags

inline explicit PxQueryFilterData(PxQueryFlags f)

constructor to set filter flags only

Public Members

PxFilterData data

Filter data associated with the scene query.

PxQueryFlags flags

Filter flags (see PxQueryFlags)