
Defined in include/PxForceMode.h

struct PxForceMode

Parameter to addForce() and addTorque() calls, determines the exact operation that is carried out.

See also

PxRigidBody.addForce() PxRigidBody.addTorque()

Public Types

enum Enum


enumerator eFORCE

parameter has unit of mass * length / time^2, i.e., a force

enumerator eIMPULSE

parameter has unit of mass * length / time, i.e., force * time


parameter has unit of length / time, i.e., the effect is mass independent: a velocity change.

enumerator eACCELERATION

parameter has unit of length/ time^2, i.e., an acceleration. It gets treated just like a force except the mass is not divided out before integration.