
Defined in include/vehicle2/drivetrain/PxVehicleDrivetrainStates.h

struct PxVehicleWheelConstraintGroupState

Specify groups of wheels that are to be constrained to have pre-determined angular velocity relationship.

Public Functions

inline void setToDefault()
inline void addConstraintGroup(const PxU32 nbWheelsInGroupToAdd, const PxU32 *const wheelIdsInGroupToAdd, const PxF32 *constraintMultipliers)

Add a wheel constraint group by specifying the number of wheels in the group, an array of wheel ids specifying each wheel in the group and a desired rotational speed relationship.


constraintMultipliers[j] specifies the target rotational speed of the jth wheel in the constraint group as a multiplier of the rotational speed of the zeroth wheel in the group.

  • nbWheelsInGroupToAdd[in] is the number of wheels in the group to be added.

  • wheelIdsInGroupToAdd[in] is an array of wheel ids specifying all the wheels in the group to be added.

  • constraintMultipliers[in] is an array of constraint multipliers describing the desired relationship of the wheel rotational speeds.

inline PxU32 getNbConstraintGroups() const

Return the number of wheel constraint groups in the vehicle.

See also



The number of wheel constraint groups.

inline PxU32 getNbWheelsInConstraintGroup(const PxU32 i) const

Return the number of wheels in the ith constraint group.

See also



i[in] specifies the constraint group to be queried for its wheel count.


The number of wheels in the specified constraint group.

inline PxU32 getWheelInConstraintGroup(const PxU32 j, const PxU32 i) const

Return the wheel id of the jth wheel in the ith constraint group.

See also


  • j[in] specifies that the wheel id to be returned is the jth wheel in the list of wheels on the specified constraint group.

  • i[in] specifies the constraint group to be queried.


The wheel id of the jth wheel in the ith constraint group.

inline PxReal getMultiplierInConstraintGroup(const PxU32 j, const PxU32 i) const

Return the constraint multiplier of the jth wheel in the ith constraint group.

  • j[in] specifies that the wheel id to be returned is the jth wheel in the list of wheels on the specified constraint group.

  • i[in] specifies the constraint group to be queried.


The constraint multiplier of the jth wheel in the ith constraint group.

Public Members

PxU32 nbGroups

The number of constraint groups in the vehicle.

PxU32 nbWheelsPerGroup[PxVehicleLimits::eMAX_NB_AXLES]

The number of wheels in each group.

PxU32 groupToWheelIds[PxVehicleLimits::eMAX_NB_AXLES]

The list of wheel ids for the ith group begins at wheelIdsInGroupOrder[groupToWheelIds[i]].

PxU32 wheelIdsInGroupOrder[PxVehicleLimits::eMAX_NB_WHEELS]

The list of all wheel ids in constraint groups.

PxF32 wheelMultipliersInGroupOrder[PxVehicleLimits::eMAX_NB_WHEELS]

The constraint multipliers for each constraint group.

PxU32 nbWheelsInGroups

The number of wheels in a constraint group.