
Defined in include/solver/PxSolverDefs.h

struct PxArticulationDrive

Data structure for articulation joint drive configuration.

See also

PxArticulationJointReducedCoordinate::setDriveParams, PxArticulationReducedCoordinate

Public Functions

inline PxArticulationDrive()
inline PxArticulationDrive(const PxReal stiffness_, const PxReal damping_, const PxReal maxForce_, PxArticulationDriveType::Enum driveType_ = PxArticulationDriveType::eFORCE)

Public Members

PxReal stiffness

The drive stiffness, i.e.

the proportional gain of the implicit PD controller.

See manual for further information, and the drives’ implicit spring-damper (i.e. PD control) implementation in particular.


(distance = linear scene units)

Rotational axis: torque/rad if driveType =

PxArticulationDriveType::eFORCE; or (rad/s^2)/rad if driveType = PxArticulationDriveType::eACCELERATION Translational axis: force/distance if driveType = PxArticulationDriveType::eFORCE; or (distance/s^2)/distance if driveType = PxArticulationDriveType::eACCELERATIONRange: [0, PX_MAX_F32]Default: 0.0f

PxReal damping

The drive damping, i.e.

the derivative gain of the implicit PD controller.

See manual for further information, and the drives’ implicit spring-damper (i.e. PD control) implementation in particular.


(distance = linear scene units)

Rotational axis: torque/(rad/s) if driveType =

PxArticulationDriveType::eFORCE; or (rad/s^2)/(rad/s) if driveType = PxArticulationDriveType::eACCELERATION Translational axis: force/(distance/s) if driveType = PxArticulationDriveType::eFORCE; or (distance/s^2)/(distance/s) if driveType = PxArticulationDriveType::eACCELERATIONRange: [0, PX_MAX_F32]Default: 0.0f

PxReal maxForce

The drive force limit.

  • The limit is enforced regardless of the drive type PxArticulationDriveType.

  • The limit corresponds to a force (linear axis) or torque (rotational axis) if PxArticulationFlag::eDRIVE_LIMITS_ARE_FORCES is set, and to an impulse (force|torque * dt) otherwise.

Range: [0, PX_MAX_F32]Default: 0.0f

See also


PxArticulationDriveType::Enum driveType

The drive type.

See also
