
Defined in include/PxContactModifyCallback.h

class PxContactModifyPair

An array of instances of this class is passed to PxContactModifyCallback::onContactModify().

See also


Public Members

const PxRigidActor *actor[2]

The actors which make up the pair in contact.

Note that these are the actors as seen by the simulation, and may have been deleted since the simulation step started.

const PxShape *shape[2]

The shapes which make up the pair in contact.

Note that these are the shapes as seen by the simulation, and may have been deleted since the simulation step started.

PxTransform transform[2]

The shape to world transforms of the two shapes.

These are the transforms as the simulation engine sees them, and may have been modified by the application since the simulation step started.

PxContactSet contacts

An array of contact points between these two shapes.