
Defined in include/vehicle2/drivetrain/PxVehicleDrivetrainComponents.h

class PxVehicleDirectDriveCommandResponseComponent : public PxVehicleComponent

Forward the applicable set of control values for a direct drive vehicle to a command response state for each applicable control value.

See also


See also


See also


See also


See also


See also



The applicable control values are brake, handbrake, throttle and steer.

Public Functions

inline PxVehicleDirectDriveCommandResponseComponent()
inline virtual ~PxVehicleDirectDriveCommandResponseComponent()
virtual void getDataForDirectDriveCommandResponseComponent(const PxVehicleAxleDescription *&axleDescription, PxVehicleSizedArrayData<const PxVehicleBrakeCommandResponseParams> &brakeResponseParams, const PxVehicleDirectDriveThrottleCommandResponseParams *&throttleResponseParams, const PxVehicleSteerCommandResponseParams *&steerResponseParams, PxVehicleSizedArrayData<const PxVehicleAckermannParams> &ackermannParams, const PxVehicleCommandState *&commands, const PxVehicleDirectDriveTransmissionCommandState *&transmissionCommands, const PxVehicleRigidBodyState *&rigidBodyState, PxVehicleArrayData<PxReal> &brakeResponseStates, PxVehicleArrayData<PxReal> &throttleResponseStates, PxVehicleArrayData<PxReal> &steerResponseStates) = 0

Provide vehicle data items for this component.

  • axleDescription[out] identifies the wheels on each axle.

  • brakeResponseParams[out] An array of brake response parameters with a brake response for each brake command.

  • throttleResponseParams[out] The throttle response parameters.

  • steerResponseParams[out] The steer response parameters.

  • ackermannParams[out] The parameters defining Ackermann steering. NULL if no Ackermann steering is desired.

  • commands[out] The throttle, brake, steer etc. command states.

  • transmissionCommands[out] The transmission command state describing the current gear.

  • rigidBodyState[out] The state of the vehicle’s rigid body.

  • brakeResponseStates[out] The resulting brake response states given the command input and brake response parameters.

  • throttleResponseStates[out] The resulting throttle response states given the command input and throttle response parameters.

  • steerResponseStates[out] The resulting steer response states given the command input, steer response and (optionally) Ackermann parameters.

inline virtual bool update(const PxReal dt, const PxVehicleSimulationContext &context)

Compute a per wheel response to the input brake/handbrake/throttle/steer commands

and determine if there is an intention to accelerate the vehicle.