
Defined in include/PxConstraintDesc.h

struct Px1DConstraint

Public Members

PxVec3 linear0

linear component of velocity jacobian in world space

PxReal geometricError

geometric error of the constraint along this axis

PxVec3 angular0

angular component of velocity jacobian in world space

PxReal velocityTarget

velocity target for the constraint along this axis

PxVec3 linear1

linear component of velocity jacobian in world space

PxReal minImpulse

minimum impulse the solver may apply to enforce this constraint

PxVec3 angular1

angular component of velocity jacobian in world space

PxReal maxImpulse

maximum impulse the solver may apply to enforce this constraint

PxReal stiffness

spring parameter, for spring constraints

PxReal damping

damping parameter, for spring constraints

struct Px1DConstraint::[anonymous]::SpringModifiers spring
PxReal restitution

restitution parameter for determining additional “bounce”

PxReal velocityThreshold

minimum impact velocity for bounce

struct Px1DConstraint::[anonymous]::RestitutionModifiers bounce
union Px1DConstraint::[anonymous] mods
PxU16 flags

a set of Px1DConstraintFlags

PxU16 solveHint

constraint optimization hint, should be an element of PxConstraintSolveHint

PxU32 pad